英语人>词典>汉英 : 发热前的 的英文翻译,例句
发热前的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antefebrile  ·  antepyretic

更多网络例句与发热前的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To study the effect of prestorage and poststorage leukocyte filtration on apheresis platelets transfusion and the incidence rate of febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions.


The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


Pyrexia within the frist 7 days after TKR could be regarded as a physiological phenomenon and have no statistical significance with infection.


Conclusion]pyrexia in the first 7 days following tkr is usually a normal physiological response and should not cause undue concern about the presence of infection.pyrexia within the frist 7 days after tkr could be regarded as a physiological phenomenon and have no statistical significance with infection.


And There was no serious complication;②In the course ofinterventional therapy, Direct portal vein angiography demonstrated vena coronaria ventriculi(100%)andgastricveins(65.26%)andvenagastricaposterior38.43%, Angiography demonstrated venacoronariaventriculi communicate esophagus varicose veins, gastric veins and vena gastrica posterior communicategastric varicose veins. vena coronaria ventriculi had only a small percentage of double vein, about30.57%. The sites of vena coronaria ventriculi arising from the portal vein, splenic vein, portosplenic junction, were found in 52.06%、27.39%、20.55% respectively.③12 extrahepaticprotosystemic shunts were found in these patients. Include gastro-nephrosshuntof 3 cases, 7 caseswere splenetic- nephros shunt and 2 cases shown recanalization of umbilical vein .④The averageportal pressure before and after the procedure were 3.87±1.82kPa and 3.64±1.14kPa in 73patients, but to the time of rebleeding, it was 3.96±0.23kPa in the 11 cases.⑤There werethree kinds of variceal outcome: disappearance (54,low degree (19).⑥Spearman logisticanalyse and ANOVAtest shown liver function class, variceal degree of the splenic necrosis area,the blood direction in portal vein before operation and remain small collateral routes were thesignificant factors concerning outcome of varices.⑦The bleeding volume and portalhypertensive gastropathy are main risk factors of rebleeding.⑧The course of livercirrhosis is the risk factor of survival and extrahepatic portosystemic shunt , fine varices are thebeneficial factors to survival.⑨During all cases'followed-up data, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 yearcumulative survival rates and rebleeding rates were 17.81%, 28.77%, 38.36%, 43.84%, 47.95%and93.15%,91.78%,86.30%,83.56%,80.82%respectively. Conclusion The interventional disconnection treatment for liver cirrhosis and portalhypertension was designed suitability. It rapidlycontrol bleeding,butpressure of portal vein was notobvious high, perfusion was not low .it was compared with surgery therapeutic that interventionaldisconnection treatment was safe and had a significant clinical effect to hemorrhage and preventfrom rebleeding.

结果:①术后一过性发热62例(84.9%),腹痛腹胀48例(65.8%)是介入断流术常见的并发症,未发生严重并发症;②门静脉造影显示胃冠状静脉、胃短静脉和胃后静脉的曲张分流的出现率是100%、65.26%和38.34%;显示食管静脉曲张主要由胃冠状静脉供血,胃静脉曲张主要由胃短静脉和胃后静脉供血;胃冠状静脉大多数为单支,少数为双支,其双支的出现率分别为30.57%;胃冠状静脉开口于门静脉主干的为52.06%,开口于脾静脉主干的为27.39%和开口于门脾静脉交汇处的为20.55%;③发现胃肾分流3例,脾肾分流7例、腹膜后门腔静脉分流2例,以及CTA检查发现脐静脉开放者2例;④73例患者介入断流术前和术后平均自由门静脉压力分别为3.87±1.82kpa和3.64±1.14kpa,前后比较存在显著性差异;11例再次介入手术患者的术前、术后和复发后的自由门静脉压力分别为4.02±0.24kpa、3.82±0.25kpa和3.93±0.23kpa ,前后比较发现首次术前与术后存在显著性差异,首次术前和复发出血术前门静脉压力比较无显著性差异;⑤介入术后复查曲张静脉转归基本消失54例,轻度19例;⑥Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析,肝功能分级、静脉曲张程度、门脉血流方向和残存小侧支四个因素对曲张静脉转归有影响;Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析门脉高压性胃病和出血量等因素对复发出血时间有影响;⑦COX回归分析,门体分流和曲张静脉转归两个因素对术后生存有影响;⑧术后随访6-70月,1、2、3、4、5年的累计复发出血率和累计生存率分别为17.81%、28.77%、38.36%、43.84%、47.95%和93.15%、91.78%、86.30%、83.56%、80.82%;结论:介入断流术治疗门脉高压食管胃底静脉曲张有独特的优点,可以快速直接控制曲张静脉出血而门静脉压力无显著增高,保证了肝脏灌注;与外科分流术相比适应证广、损伤轻、术后恢复快,不易遗漏曲张静脉;肝功能分级、曲张静脉程度、门脉血流方向和残存侧支血管对食管胃曲张静脉转归有影响;门脉高压性胃病对复发出血时间有影响;门体分流和曲张静脉转归对生存时间有影响。

I now 33 weeks pregnant, last week at home, blowing cold air-conditioning are not careful, the morning to go to the hospital to check a fever of 38.2 degrees, quickly hospitalized吊针fight, fight penicillin, the results of the evening 39.6 degrees was spread, and later forced doctors to use diclofenac suppository半粒retreat of burning, the second day of the daytime Fortunately, the evening did not expect further spread Morning 38.2 degrees, my mom kept giving me the physical cooling with cold water, toss a night, the next morning and finally were able to bring down a fever, and a total of four days of fighting吊针, two days before the doctor said that with the effect of penicillin was not so good, the third day also changed Cephalosporium, and now finally good to be almost cold, and Doctors have been listening to fetal heart rate is still true that only the highest in the first day of fever when fetal heart rate a bit faster, I do not know the torment of the baby will not affect the outcome, there have had similar experiences to comfort my mother comforted me??


Results By univariate analysis 11 risk factors were explored: family poverty, low culture level of mother, history of family on MR or epilepsy in parents, abnormal maternal menstrual cycle before pregnancy, febrile illess during gestation, bleeding in gestation period, chronic disease in gestation period, premature birth, assisted first crying after birth, neonatal febrile illness, convulsion and asphyxiation.


Results The main clinical manifestations in 100 AIDS patients were loss of weight, fever, anemia, cough and expectoration, abdominal pain, diarrhea. chest distress, short breath, hepatomegaly, lymphadenectasis; the main complications were opportunity infection and secondary tumor, the first sixth infections were oral candidiasis (58 cases), tuberculosis (46 cases), infective diarrhea (31 cases), bacterial pneumonia (19 cases), pneumocystis pneumonia (16 cases), intracranial infection (10 cases).

结果 100例艾滋病患者主要临床表现为:消瘦、发热、贫血、咳嗽咳痰、腹痛腹泻、胸闷气促、肝大、淋巴结肿大;主要并发症为机会性感染和继发性肿瘤,居前6位的感染分别是口腔念珠菌病58例、结核46例、感染性腹泻31例、细菌性肺炎19例、肺孢子菌肺炎16例、颅内感染10例。

The mean Harris score was 47.3 preoperatively and 83.2 postoperatively. The excellent and good rate was 90.1%. The position of prosthesis was appropriate, no loosening or sinking was found at the final follow-up evaluation. Radiotransparent region was found in one region of one case three months after surgery but with no sclerosis, rest pain or activity pain, fever, or local swelling.


Scope of business: providing a range of hot runner systems and cold to hot runner Road Service; provide a variety of hot runner system accessories, such as heating coil, dual electric, cylinder valve, temperature-controlled boxes, etc.; provide pre-sales guidance, design, mold flow analysis, manufacturing, field service, tracking service; Longchuan a combination of foreign well-known heating element technology, the use of imported materials produced durable quality, prices are more suitable domestic LCM Article fever fever circle.


更多网络解释与发热前的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

infantile paralysis:小儿麻痹症

是由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的一种急性传染病.临床表现主要有发热咽痛和肢体疼痛,部分病人可发生弛缓性麻痹.流行时以隐匿感染和无瘫痪病例为多儿童发病较成人为高,普种疫苗前尤以婴幼儿患病为多,故又称小儿麻痹症(Infantile paralysis)其主要病变在脊髓灰质,

ascending myelitis:上升性脊髓炎

(三)上升性脊髓炎(ascending myelitis) 多数在脊髓症状出现前1~2周内有发热、"伤风"等上呼吸道感染的症状,可有或无背痛、腹痛、束带感等神经根刺激症状,然后突然出现四肢无力、感觉麻木、缺失和大小便功能障碍.

anterior poliomyelitis:脊髓前角灰质炎

(一)脊髓前角灰质炎(anterior poliomyelitis)为由灰质炎病毒感染引起的一种急性传染玻好发于10岁以下的儿童,继发热之后出现无感觉障碍的弛缓性瘫痪. 根据脊髓前角受累部位及范围的不同,这种瘫痪可出现于一侧肢体,或单个肢体,或两侧肢体,

endogenous pyrogen:内源性(致)热原

剧烈运动、劳动或进餐后体温也略升高,妇女在月经前及妊娠期稍高于正常,但一般波动范围不超过1℃. 在致热原的作用下,机体的产热大于散热时就会表现为发热. 致热原可分为外源性致热原(exogenous pyrogen)和内源性致热原(endogenous pyrogen).

exogenous pyrogen:外源性致热原

剧烈运动、劳动或进餐后体温也略升高,妇女在月经前及妊娠期稍高于正常,但一般波动范围不超过1℃. 在致热原的作用下,机体的产热大于散热时就会表现为发热. 致热原可分为外源性致热原(exogenous pyrogen)和内源性致热原(endogenous pyrogen).

Propionic acidemia:丙酸血症

在 疱疹 出现前2~3天(潜伏期)患儿常有烦躁、拒食、 发热 与局...丙型 病毒性肝炎 (viral hepatitis C)是由丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,即HCV)引起的一种以损害肝脏为主的传染性疾...丙酸血症(propionic acidemia)是丙酸分解代谢过程中的一种遗传性缺陷,

athermic:无热的, 不发热的

athermic effect | 绝热效应 | athermic | 无热的, 不发热的 | athermobiosis | 蛰前清降