英语人>词典>汉英 : 发放救济 的英文翻译,例句
发放救济 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dole  ·  doled  ·  doles  ·  doling

更多网络例句与发放救济相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Delta's problems do not stem from the federal government's miserliness towards local people, as is often claimed, but from the theft of the funds it sends the region.


The government doles out something to help the victims .


THE International Monetary Fund usually draws attention when it doles out cash.

世界货币基金组织(THE International Monetary Fund,以下简称&IMF&)在其发放救济资金的时候,通常会得到广泛关注。

The government has a lousy record of doling out money incrises think of the mess it has made in New Orleans .


Strengthening of disaster relief work, and earnestly solve the livelihood problems of the poor, has paid 3.76 million yuan disaster relief, disaster insurance livestock feed 1.5 million kilograms of grain, 80,000 clothing, housing victims of the cumulative funds invested two million yuan, maintenance, new victims of housing 1582 2328, 3150 affected people live in spacious and bright new houses; social security coverage to further expand, new jobs and re-employment of 1045 people.


Relief workers said that the immediate priority now is issuing tarpaulins to 1m people in makeshift camps before the start of the rainy season.


Although Mr Kleist has confident plans to develop tourism, as well as hydropower plants to take advantage of meltwater running off the Greenlandic ice cap, the locals today rely on Danish dole worth some $11,000 per person per year.

尽管Kleis t先生有确实的计划来发展旅游业,以及利用格陵兰冰盖下流动的冰水建水力发电站,格陵兰本地人现在还要依靠丹麦发放的每人每年1.1万美元的救济来生活

更多网络解释与发放救济相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

food stamp:食物券

双色球预测最早出现在美国,20世纪30年代经济危机期间,美国联邦政府就曾针对低收入家庭发放过以食物券(food stamp)为最初形式的双色球预测,其目的既是救济穷人,也有刺激消费的含义.

when the Depression ends:失业救济的发放也应随之停止

Resolved: Unemployment relief should be ended|我方观点:当经济萧条结束时 | when the Depression ends.|失业救济的发放也应随之停止 | If the Depression ends.|如果经济萧条结束

If the Depression ends:如果经济萧条结束

when the Depression ends.|失业救济的发放也应随之停止 | If the Depression ends.|如果经济萧条结束 | I traveled back through history to 1536,|追溯到1536年

Jon Kyl:凯尔

亚利桑那州参议员乔恩-凯尔(Jon Kyl)在为邦宁的立场辩论时表示,失业救济并不能担当创造新就业岗位的角色. 事实上,继续向失业人员发放津贴甚至可能反而成为阻止他们寻找新工作的不利因素.

I doled out the food to all the children:我把食品发放给所有的孩子们

4543. He received the fixed dole every month. 他每个月都能领到固定的救济... | 4544. I doled out the food to all the children. 我把食品发放给所有的孩子们. | 4545. I saw her doleful face. 我看到她愁眉苦脸...

South Waziristan:南瓦济里斯坦

德拉伊斯梅尔汗(Dera Ismail Khan),巴基斯坦:因逃避军事攻势而从南瓦济里斯坦(South Waziristan)逃出来的一名男子从分发点内扛出救济品,该分发点在德拉体育场(Dera Sports Stadium)内,专向国内流离失所的民众发放救济.