英语人>词典>汉英 : 发扬光大 的英文翻译,例句
发扬光大 的英文翻译、例句


foster and enhance
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This is spirit of pair of the Chinese nation accede and carry forward.


The 4th, we hope to a lot of can carry forward in China in the innovation of this locality, allow an user not only get satisfaction, and all-pervading is used.


The "delicious Aragonese bread", the wine, the fruit and vegetables, the cured ham or the typical lamb from Aragon, the oil and the sweets are all still part of today's life thanks to the good doing of their producers, who have passed down a rich yet ancestral wisdom from generation to generation .


We should with clear-headed,using modern civilization and law yardstick to go unscramble、analyze do by Tales of the Marshes liangshan bawcock behavior,shall his obverse inheri continue,employ ours excellence tradition culture carry forward,another purge his thing of draff,be propit...


Ancient buildings carry a long history in China, and they must be well reserved in order to carry on the history.


Developing a bloodline that is well considered and that is a positive influence for the breed takes considerable discipline.


And we said, well let's take that further, monsters could burn to death when you hit them with a firey sword, and then we added the idea of crits and monsters could explode across the screen, and it just kind of went from there.


We hope that in the new year will continue to carry forward this spirit.


Years later, Eric Clapton and Blues music will continue to flourish.

十几年后,Eric Clapton又继续将Blues音乐发扬光大

The love of God and Holy Beings is sincere, pure and unconditional. Every religious leader, clergyman and clergywoman is a representative of God, and must spread and foster God's love. Religious education shall be propagated not only to people in one city, or one region, but also to people in the whole world and universe.


更多网络解释与发扬光大相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"洗澡"被吉迪翁引伸为两种方式:斋戒洗礼(Ablution)和沐浴修身(Regeneration). 它们也就是两种宗教仪式的来源:洗礼和修炼. 罗马帝国承接了泛希腊时代把工程技术大量运用于享乐生活设施的余绪,并且"发扬光大",

anamorphic lens:变形镜头

如同教会人士查抄伽利略的望远镜那样,他对变形镜头(anamorphic lens)横加指责. 他争辩道:"人是按照上帝的形象创造出来的,把人的形象放大,并没有对其发扬光大,而是歪曲了他......人不能对上帝开玩笑.


1999波品纳国际冠军(德国鸽友),母亲为卡度斯超级利蒙治号直女 德国布洛坎普父子(Brockamp) 阿姆斯壮(Armstrong) DV 06720 96 60711. 德国布洛坎普父子(Brockamp) 德国当红炸子鸡布洛坎普父子尤其把卡度斯鸽族发扬光大....第一种雄乔治(George)成就出直子欧钻(Euro-Diamond),


车轮上的传奇(Automobile) 又称"汽车版",本版曾经是买卖提最具人气的版面,在BBS早期元老Antz担任第一任 班主后逐渐发扬光大,成为mitbbs上最具技术性,娱乐性,和实用性的版面之一,也与 Food一起称之为最能展示网友个人才能的版面.

carry forward:发扬光大

发人深省set people thinking | 发扬光大carry forward | 翻山越岭tramp over hill and dale

to carry forward:发扬光大

精神文明: spiritual civilization | 发扬光大: to carry forward | 博大精深: to have extensive and profound ideas

inertial confinement:惯性约束

核聚变反应使用的无容器技术略分两类:惯性约束(inertial confinement)和磁约束(magnetic confinement). 最成功的磁场是苏俄科学家设计的托克马克(Tokamak)机器,后由欧洲国家发扬光大,以欧联磁核聚变设备(Joint European Torus,JET)(图4),

magnetic confinement:磁约束

核聚变反应使用的无容器技术略分两类:惯性约束(inertial confinement)和磁约束(magnetic confinement). 最成功的磁场是苏俄科学家设计的托克马克(Tokamak)机器,后由欧洲国家发扬光大,以欧联磁核聚变设备(Joint European Torus,JET)(图4),


国外前卫设计师掀起的古着(vintage)再创热潮,其实是将"量身定做"(customize)的精神发扬光大:将旧T恤改构加工,又如浴火凤凰变为充满概念的新衣. 再循环的精神虽可嘉,但最叫人欣赏的还是设计师挑战裁剪与穿的观念.

Rene Descartes:勒内.笛卡尔

这一方法源自勒内 笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)所发展的新理性主义哲学(英国的霍布斯同样是其推动者),并且在18世纪通过法国启蒙主义哲学家得以发扬光大. 伏尔泰和J J卢梭是这场知识运动中最有影响力的两个人物. 这场运动在法国大革命中达到高潮,