英语人>词典>汉英 : 发射前的 的英文翻译,例句
发射前的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与发射前的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, getting buy-in to perform a usability test of a product before launch can be stressful.


To ensure that fortune, your next step will be to build your downline while we are in pre-launch.


The field marshal's prelaunch warnings about Earth's vulnerability assumed a sickening immediacy.

战区元帅在( SDF-3)发射前关于地球容易受到攻击的警告不幸被直接言中了。

In this dissertation, we optimized the thinkness of each layer of TFEL devices using the layered optimization method to obtain ZnS: Ce〓 TFEL devices. Accoding to the energy level structure of Ce〓, two criteria for distinguishing the EL of Ce〓 were found out, from which it was conduded that the TFEL of ZnS: Ce〓 comes from 5d→4f transition of Ce〓. The measurement of brightness waveform showed that the TFEL of ZnS: Ce〓 was the luminescence from independent centers. and there were the field induced-delocalization in this process anf it〓s the cause of low TFEL efficiency of ZnS: Ce〓. In this dissertation, different influence factors on TFEL of ZnS: Ce〓 were sdudied. The influence of different host lattice is different: The blue/green ratio of ZnS: Ce〓 in hexagonal system of ZnS is larger than that in cubic system of ZnS, and the TFEL peaks in hexagonal system of ZnS moves toward longer wavelength compared with that in cubic system of ZnS. The adding buffer layer was used in this stage. The solubility of Ce〓 in ZnS was small and it was another limit to TFEL brightness of ZnS: Ce〓 device. The solubility of Ce〓 increased ten times when using Li ions as flux, so that the TFEL brightness of ZnS: Ce〓 was enhanced. It was found that the appearing of ZnO in active layer improves the TFEL of ZnS: Ce〓: the brightness and the wave range of ZnS: Ce〓TFEL were enhanced.


One of these valves — which maintain tank pressure during liftoff — broke during the last shuttle launch in November.

其中一个用于在发射时保持燃料箱压力的阀门,在 11 月的发射前破裂。

In this photo, a collection of the paraphernalia used to support a launch is visible -- the altiscope, landing locator, field equipment box, notepad, pre-launch checklist, and test equipment for setting the PET module.

在这照片,收集了有关用具,用于支持发射是有形-a ltiscope,登陆定位仪,野战装备中,记事本,发射前的清单,及测试设备设置宠物模块。

After all, they appeared briefly in some preview videos, and were in the game at some prelaunch community events.


The result showed that the region under the emitter was more badly shunted than the other emitter regions.


Visible calibration is one of the key technologies for multi-channel scan radiometer on FY-2 geostationary meteorological satellite.


After being charged with fuel on Sunday, the spacecraft will be connected to the rocket, and transferred to the launch site for a final check before blast-off .


更多网络解释与发射前的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美国于20世纪50年代末60年代初制定了回收型军用测绘卫星"氩"(argon)和"发现者"(di scoverer)计划,从1961年2月17日开始发射,前5颗均告失败,直至1962年5月5日发射的dis coverer-20才告成功,并纳入美国cia的光学照相侦察卫星系列,


"航天局下一颗用于研究气候变化的卫星"荣誉"(Glory)号原定今夏发射,但这一日程将在"嗅碳"失事原因查清前遭搁置. "荣誉"号原定也将搭载"金牛座"XL火箭升空. 美国首颗专项探测地球大气中二氧化碳含量并针对这种温室气体全面绘制分布图的卫星24日因发射失败而坠入南极附近海域.


发射架可以手工携带,也可以使用大车(cart)运输或者两轮前车(limber)拖曳--见下页图. 梯状的发射架上用铰链固定了2个支撑架,用来控制发射角度. 海军的发射装置基本一样,通常用小艇装载发射架,用吊索一头系在梯状的发射架上、一头系在小艇的桅杆上控制发射角度.


每一级都使用[[液态氧]](LOX)作为[[氧化剂]]. 第一级使用[[高精炼煤油]](RP-1)作为燃料,其他两级使用[[液态氢]](LH2)作为燃料. 一般来说,一次发射任务的前20分钟左右由火箭推动. [[阿波罗计划]]被缩减的主要原因是资金.

precession axis:旋进轴

prelaunch 发射前的,下水前的 | precession axis 旋进轴 | invalid cluster [计]无效簇


2007年7月14日那个周五晚上8点前的一小段时间,就是真主党从贝鲁特附近的海岸基地发射两枚伊朗制造的C-802 "蚕"(Silkworm)式反舰导弹的前一刻,IDF先接到一个严重错误的指示.

pre-launch survivability:发射前的生存能力

preemptive attack 先发制人的进攻 | pre-launch survivability 发射前的生存能力 | preliminary demolition target 预先爆破(破坏)的目标


美国海军BGM-109"战斧"式巡航导弹(Tomahawk)是一种全天候潜艇或者水面舰只发射的对地攻击巡航导弹. 在发射之后,由导弹的固体燃料助推向前推进导弹,最后再由小型涡轮风扇发动机推进导弹,完成导弹的最后飞行. "战斧"巡航

ahead blading:(涡轮机的)正车叶片装置

Ahab | 亚哈(以色列国王) | ahead blading | (涡轮机的)正车叶片装置 | ahead firing | (提)前发火 向舰艏方向发射


power interchange 功率互换, 能量交换 | prelaunch 发射前的,下水前的 | precession axis 旋进轴