英语人>词典>汉英 : 发出...的气味 的英文翻译,例句
发出...的气味 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
smell  ·  smelling  ·  smells

更多网络例句与发出...的气味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He could still smell their burning flesh,he said,and he would never forget that horrid story.


He died 1 January, 1853, in the odour of sanctity, and there is a question of introducing his cause at Rome.


And at that I understood the smell of burning wood, the slumbrous murmur that was growing now into a gusty roar, the red glow, and the Morlocks' flight.


Do you find the scent of roses overwhelming or do you struggle to detect it?


The Whiffy Wonder : You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.


The smell from that drain is like nothing on earth.


In the cabin, the little trays of everybody's Chicken Kiev or Beef Stroganoff entrees are half eaten with the air conditioner cleaning up any leftover food smell.


The heat was not nearly so oppressive as the growing smell that was overwhelming the air scrubbers.


Humans, like all animals, quickly learn to assign values to those scents, recognizing that, say, putrefying flesh can carry disease and thus recoiling from its smell and that warm cookies carry the promise of vanilla, sugar and butter and thus being drawn to them.


Touching the surface of leather, leather is a smooth, soft, flexible feel, leather is made Shibuya, softness poor; Hand: two hands to pull up leather pull on both sides, I really will not be deformed after Pila, leather is not the case ; smell: the smell of leather in the leather, but leather has a strong plastic irritating odor; lit: from real leather and artificial leather on the back tore off a little fiber, lit, any issue of hair smell, not a hard nut to crack is the leather knot , who issued a sharp odor, is artificial leather to form the knots.


更多网络解释与发出...的气味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

zone defense:联防

相对於区域联防(zone defense)而发展出来的术语,人盯人防守. 性标(Brands):由会发出特别气味的鳞片,即发香鳞(androconia)所组成的区域,在某些物种的雄蝶身上会发现. 背部(Dorsum)翅膀的末缘. 眼点(Eyespot)或单眼(Ocelli):似哺乳动物眼睛的斑点.

delighted in:因...高兴

rainfall=降雨; | delighted in=因...高兴; | scent of=发出...的气味;

handheld GPS:手持式GPS导航仪,可迅速查到你的所在位置

scrapedripper 一种挂在树上可发出鹿的气味的诱饵 | handheld GPS手持式GPS导航仪,可迅速查到你的所在位置 | deer decoy饵鹿,笨重和有效的道具,占两格物品栏,值得考虑


品牌的广告语告诉我们一些这样的故事:"安静(HUSH)驱走汗液发出的气味";"菊花(MUM)是一种除臭剂";"象牙--温和为了安全;细碎为了速度". 暗示性名字是通过暗示来起作用的,而不是直接把令人满意的品质与商家所展示的产品联系在一起.

It is preposterous:岂有此理

You are just reeking of feminine beauty.(reeking of:(贬)散发出...的气味) | It is preposterous!岂有此理! | thy deed is great and thine heart is pure. 行为高尚,心地善良.

doe-in-hest scent:可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著

tree stand 用于供猎手藏身树上的道具,适与接近鹿 | doe-in-hest scent可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著 | buck urine scent发出雄鹿尿味的药水,可使老鹿发狂

cover scent:用来掩盖人类气味的药水,当然是为了更容易接近鹿

buck urine scent发出雄鹿尿味的药水,可使老鹿发狂 | cover scent用来掩盖人类气味的药水,当然是为了更容易接近鹿 | fleece jacket皮夹克,冰天雪地要是没有它,你想会怎样

cover scent:用来掩盖人类气味的药水

doe-in-hest scent可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著 | buck urine scent发出雄鹿尿味的药水,可使老鹿发狂 | cover scent用来掩盖人类气味的药水

ratting antlers:鹿角,双手持之碰撞发声,向附近的雄鹿挑衅

ratting antlers 鹿角,双手持之碰撞发声,向附近的雄鹿挑衅 | scrapedripper 一种挂在树上可发出鹿的气味的诱饵 | handheld GPS手持式GPS导航仪,可迅速查到你的所在位置

You are just reeking of feminine beauty.(reeking of:(贬)散发出...的气味)

Don't mess with me.别捣乱! | You are just reeking of feminine beauty.(reeking of:(贬)散发出...的气味) | It is preposterous!岂有此理!