英语人>词典>汉英 : 反面人物 的英文翻译,例句
反面人物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

negative character
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He was the anti-hero in films like "The Hustler"…-Well, that oughta do it.


The main characters is the contrast : positive and negative character contrast -- and love Smeshko Hamida Jiaximo mostly good-hearted, sincere and beautiful human representatives, Crowder, and France is selfish, cold and ugly human representatives, very good and evil were clearly reflected in these two groups of people - who produced a strong contrast.


The White Haired Demoness is the anti-heroine of a pulp novel by Liang Yusheng with the same title.


They all are placed in the tie and durance of the feudalism social morals medium. Helping that they get away from this kind of non-person ground, playwrights write they fight for the free of love and marriage and the inclemency social milieu unyielding with idealize of writing, give this kind of the conflict with the ray of light of the victory at the same time. They carry on the brave conflict with the improbity influence, feudalism parent that broken love and marriage, or give with heartless taunt and counter-attack towards playing with the female, betray the reverse side person of love, making oneself end can carry out the dignity and the right of be the person.


His chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the siege of Kerak in Moab, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry, a rare distinction for a non-Christian.


Never mind the fact that two members of the committee have since succumbed to the magazine cover curse, the plunge in reputation that so often follows lionization in the media.


In this ordinal DVD of a series, Terryl Whitlatch demonstrates how to create a ugly villain, the Toad-Ogre, as substantially as another mixed someone characters fit for film, aliveness and recording games.

这张DVD是这系列绘画教程中第四集,Terryl Whitlatch展示了如何创建一个可怕的反面人物:蟾蜍,食人魔,以及其他各种动物角色的电影CG概念设计,适应于商业CG动画和游戏,影视,插图等等。

The object, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, is nicknamed Calvera, after the villain in the movie "The Magnificent Seven".


The present author intends to reread one of the most frequently anthologized American short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor, in an attempt to show that the great power of literature lies in its postponement of meaning.


It costarred Fredric March and Loretta Young, with Claude Rains playing the black hat.


更多网络解释与反面人物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

partly cloudy:暴力云与送子鹳

在一点上,正片前面那个>(Partly Cloudy)要精彩得多,可那种不断制造惊喜的鬼马趣味,难道不是经典皮克斯作品的风骨吗?可这种风骨在>中有些势微. 另外,俺对配角与反面人物的表现也很不满. "小胖"远没有想象中的淘气可爱,

Two hearts:《二心集>

[>]Odd Things Witnessed Over Twenty Years; Having Seen Strange Present | [>Two Hearts | [反面人物]negative character


更成为服饰设计的主要色调,带出年青休闲的美式风格. 让人印象深刻的一句台词是,反面人物道哥说:"世道变了,就是没有好人了. "至少从这个电影看,这句话是正确的--唯一正常的主人公(HERO)包世宏因为前列腺炎也小便不畅.

hard to pin down:很难下结论

breathtaking 激动人心的 | hard to pin down 很难下结论 | villains坏人,反面人物

Across the Pacific:穿越太平洋

如果说在二战中,美国人所要面对的是像希特勒这样残暴、狡猾而又阴暗的反面人物,那么,在>(Across the Pacific)等片中,鲍嘉即是希特勒的反面,却也同时是他的孪生兄弟,他同样残暴、狡猾而又阴暗,对民主充满了敌意和不信任,

travesty role:反串角色

繁文缛节/red tape | 反串角色/travesty role | 反面人物/villainous character


sultaness 回教国王妃,回教君主之母 | villainess 女恶棍,坏女人,女反面人物 | deaconess女执事

villainous character:反面人物

反串角色/travesty role | 反面人物/villainous character | 反射光/borrowed light

Once the whiz kid of the local restaurant scene... - Ernie, you're on TV again:厄尼,你又上电视了

If there is a villain in this tragedy, it is Ernie Smuntz.|该悲剧的反面人物是厄尼... | - Once the whiz kid of the local restaurant scene... - Ernie, you're on TV again!|厄尼,你又上电视了 | What? Oh.|什么...

antirealistic novel:[反现实主义小说]

[反面人物]negative character | [反现实主义小说]antirealistic novel | [反映现代生活]to reflect present-day life