英语人>词典>汉英 : 反建议 的英文翻译,例句
反建议 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

counter proposal
更多网络例句与反建议相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scientific and theoretical activities of the ATC are supposed to include: investigation, generalization and analysis of countersabotage and antiterrorist actions in local wars and armed conflicts and elaboration of respective proposals and recommendations for commanders, staffs and armies; development of trends aimed at perfection and improvement of operative and tactical forms and methods of the struggle against subversive and terrorist formations, combat planning and control techniques, control system and all-out support development; drafting of manuals, handbooks and instructions, soldiers' handling guides, education materials related to the given subjects.


Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc.


Chapter 4 is a design regarding the Anti-circumvention legislation of China, including the analysis of the necessity and urgency of perfection of our legislation, introduction of the current legislation and practice situation in China, detailed system design respecting our Anti-circumvention legislation in principle, substantive provision and procedure provision on the basis of the specific situation in China as well as the proposals to handle the potential circumvention in the reexport trade from the Separate Customs Territory especially Hongkong to mainland.


Even under disadvantageous external environment, they were still positive. Passing through more than 1 year of resistances and difficult endeavor, finally they achieved the great success, making the European Union withdraw the suit. This is our first victory to European Union in antidumping suit after our country joins WTO. And this is also the first time that our mid- and small-scale enterprises got a win. So as a classical case, this suit is worth studying thoroughly. Through analyzing this case, we can find some experience and lessons behind the success.


The SAM principle is applied to determine the next state transfer to with the result. What's more, a counter-proposal is proposed with imitational means, then, the fuzzy automata of the agent for purchaser in the classic bi-negotiation is given based the above analysis.


This thesis stood at the circumstance of Anti-Monopoly Law, thro ugh the comparison of other countries law, pionting that we should put abusing of intellectual property into two circumstances, one is the trading contract of intellectual property , the other is the owner uses his rights to implete monopoly.


In this paper, the author tries to use the "concept—history—value—legislation" way to explore this specific system,firstly, from the thought of dealling with thecase of private international law to derivate the concept and categories of renvoi;secondly,study the e-mergence and development of renvoi from the perspective of comparative law; finally, places renvoi onPrivate International Law of China′s specific institutional environment,believes that renvoi should be ap-plicable as a legal exception rather than the form of universal acceptance,combined with the authors un-derstanding of renvoi,give the legislative proposals.


They countered our proposal with one of their own .


Garbagemail is a global problem. So, the trash mail server of every E-mail server has an anti-trash system. And Shangyi also does. Anti-trash system works automaticaly, but not controlled by people. So, the system sometimes makes mistake. And it would send feedback to senders and receivers while mistake happens as: Respond:450 Requested action not taken\. In that case, in order not to affect you to send and get your mail, we suggest the management of the other side to shorten the system for resending list. We will also update our anti-trash system time by time so that it would work properly.

垃圾邮件是一个全球性的问题,所以每个邮件服务商的邮件服务器都会有反垃圾过滤系统,而尚易也是如此,反垃圾系统也不是人为的操作将邮件判为垃圾邮件或正常邮件,而是系统自动判别,所以也会出现误判的现象,当出现这种情况会给对方服务器反馈信息,Respond:450 Requested action not taken\,所以也建议对方的管理员将服务器设置中再次投递的队列机制的间隔改的短一点,这样就不会影响您邮件的收发了,我们也会将反垃圾系统不断更新,而使正常的邮件的投递率会更高。

This article analyzes preliminary conditions for establishment of four common circumventions, say, Importing Country Assembly, Third Country Assembly, Minor Alteration, Later-Developed Merchandise, through research on anti-circumvention cases about bikes, candles, carbon steel plate and so on.


更多网络解释与反建议相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a modest proposal:温和的建议

他最著名的杂文当属>(A Modest Proposal),极尽反讽之能事,就爱尔兰人口过剩问题,向英国女王建议"温和的"解决方法. 斯威夫特信奉人道和理性,痛恨贵族政客与江湖骗子. 他曾与当时最著名的星象学家帕垂芝(John Partridge)交手,

counteroffensive:反攻, 反击

countermure | 副壁,复墙内壁 | counteroffensive | 反攻, 反击 | counteroffer | 还价, 还盘, 反建议


counterpropaganda 反宣传 | counterproposal 反建议 | counterpull 反引力


counterpropeller /反螺旋桨/ | counterproposal /对案/反建议/ | counterproposition /反命题/


counterparty 订约方 | counterproposal 反义建议 | counter-reader 计数员

impractical proposal:不切实际的建议

counterproposal反建议 | impractical proposal不切实际的建议 | reasonable suggestion合理的建议

counteropening:相对切口, 对侧切口

counteroffer | 还价, 还盘, 反建议 | counteropening | 相对切口, 对侧切口 | counterorder | 与前令相反的命令, 逆命令


counterproposal /对案/反建议/ | counterproposition /反命题/ | counterpulsation /反搏术/


counterproposal 反建议 | counterpull 反引力 | counterpunch 反击

recoil spring tool group:反冲弹簧工具组

recoil spring service;反冲弹簧的维护保养 | recoil spring tool group;反冲弹簧工具组 | recommend;推荐,建议,劝告