英语人>词典>汉英 : 反射体 的英文翻译,例句
反射体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与反射体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since I don't have access to an anechoic chamber, I'm performing my tests outdoors on a big field with no nearby large reflective surfaces (usually ~10 m distance is considered adequate for testing frequencies down to 10 Hz).


The reflector M2 at about 12s TWT might result from the Paleozoic Moho that turned out to be the boundary between the granulite and eclogite facies.

在双程走时12s处的反射体M2 则是麻粒岩层与榴辉岩层的边界,它也是古生代的 Moho面。

The time and distance curve of reflection wave from air can be divided into two types: hyperbola type and line type.


And multiobjective optimization of complex structure with the help of neural networks and uniform experiment design, etc. As an example to illustrate the theory of this thesis, Robust design of a 10m antenna reflection part with circular paraboloid surface is proceeded. Antenna attracted people's research in these years because it is structure with very high precision.


The disturbed signals include clutter from ground and space, such as cloud and rain.


In the process, a still robot is regarded as a beacon, while a moving robot driving itself toward it with infrared sensors for localization and completes the docking process. Two infrared sensors on top of the front-end attachment of the moving robot are rotated by two stepper motors and the infrared ray emitted are reflected respectively by the two reflectors on top of the back-end attachment of the beacon robot.


The Son of man, Jesus, was the perfect reflector of the light from above.


From the shadowgraphs, it is observed that the patterns of a plane incident shock wave reflected from the parabolic reflector can be either a regular reflection or a Mach reflection which depends on the shock wave strength and the reflector geometry.


A new type of displacement sensor based on the principle of collimated beam reflective intensity modulation is presented,which is composed of graded-index lenses and some kind of reflective rhombic mirror.


Last but not least, water is an excellent specular reflector at shallow angles.


更多网络解释与反射体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bare, axially:轴向赤裸;轴向无反射体

裸核子 bare-nucleon | 轴向赤裸;轴向无反射体 bare, axially | 径向赤裸;径向无反射体 bare, radially

Cassegrain reflector:卡塞格伦反射体

casse | (某些酒的)变质 | Cassegrain reflector | 卡塞格伦反射体 | Cassegrain | 卡塞格伦望远镜

Cassegrain reflector:卡士格反射体

"卡士格天线","Cassegrain antenna" | "卡士格反射体","Cassegrain reflector" | "阴极激发光","Cathode luminescence"

confusion reflector:扰乱反射体

of consciousness 意识错乱 | confusion reflector 扰乱反射体 | confusion region 模糊区

reflecting goniometer:反射测角器

reflecting body 反射体 | reflecting goniometer 反射测角器 | reflecting grating 反射栅


reflectometer 反射计 | reflectometry 反射法 | reflector 反射体

reflector, nonfertile:不可孕反射體

不吸收反射体 reflector, non-absorbing | 不可孕反射体 reflector, nonfertile | 外部反射体 reflector, outermost

bare, radially:径向赤裸;径向无反射体

轴向赤裸;轴向无反射体 bare, axially | 径向赤裸;径向无反射体 bare, radially | 贝子 barion

white body:白体,反射体

white board ==> 白纸板 | white body ==> 白体,反射体 | white bole ==> 白陶土,白土


本研究首先用黄光微影制程与举法制作出表面声波换能器及反射器之元件,基板系采用铌酸锂压电基板, 其中元件包含指叉电极(Interdigital transducers, IDTs) 与反射体(Reflectors),换能器元件在频172MHz 有一共振讯号得以传送出去,