英语人>词典>汉英 : 反坡 的英文翻译,例句
反坡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

adverse grade · counter-slope
更多网络例句与反坡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With respect to the anti-slide resistance measures of embankment on soft clay ground, loading berm method and decrease the slope of the embankment are compared using plastic flow theory.


In combination with the crushed rock slope as an example, the allocation of an anchorage force on longitudinal beams and transverse beams is calculated by adopting the distribution coefficient law of the nodal form at first. Then the internal forces of the lattice beam are calculated respectively through the software on the basis of Winkler elastic foundation model and the semi-infinite foundation model, and then compared with the internal forces which are based on simplified foundation pressure calculation. The active pressure of rock is calculated approximately by Ranking soil pressure theory in the working stage. Sequentially, the reinforcing bars are disposed by two-stage's averagely calculated values.


Analyze the failure models of rock slope, and then classify the sliding plane, the sliding plane can be divided into self-born sliding plane, appendiculate sliding plane and mixed sliding plane, furtherly summarize the selection method of mechanics parameters to each types. Based on the classification, the author establishes the mechanics model of each sliding plane. Discuss the influence of water and weathering and sedimentation conditions on rock slope, and then specify the geological cause of rock bedding slope, counter-tilt rock slope and cracked rock slope.


Then, the result from the least square method is used as initial values of elastic visco-plasticity parameter. The Kalman Filtering stochastic back analysis is carried out.


And a method to determine the limit balance status of the slope under explosions based on the plasticity zones transfixion of the slope is proposed. And the factor of safety of the slope is computed using the strength reduction technique and proposed method.


Hence , this article' s background is the western important item of natural foundation " Great Roadway Engineering of Western Mountain and Environment Mutual Action mechanism " and " Xi Pan Highway Geology Disaster Research and Countermeasure "; on the base of widely consulting on the national and abroad literature datum base ; investigating the slope on the Xi Pan highway; discussing some problem of the slope engineering on the Xi Pan highway Based on centrifugal model experiment , What it is to the slope whittles that the slope places the terrace fills the earth counter pressure the this two kinds of prevention and cure steps of engineering has been underway researching initially , main work and fruit as follows :(1) Based on the impersonal sum-up and comparison of all kinds of methods of analysis about slope stability at present, the current research is introduced and the developing trend is discussed in brief.


Partial slope where water and soil erode seriously is prepared by reversed terrace, level bench and other patterns.


Aerators are widely used in flood discharge tunnel s and spillways to prevent the cavitation damage of the structures.


These parodies allowed Nabokov to distance himself from subjection to the "influence" of Poe while consciously and ironically continuing to cultivate Poe's poetic principles in a Post-Romantic age.


Through load reducing on the ground, reverse press at the slope feet, close down of the wall surface and construction of rib column, the deformation of high side slope turned to be stable.


更多网络解释与反坡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Plain Cottage:村舍

第一章 半坡村 第一关 过关目标(Goal): 有150人居住在村舍(Plain Cottage)或更佳 这是第一关,我们在陕西山西的半波村开始进行中国新石器时代的开发,与每种游戏的首个关卡般,重点并不是设法如何过关(因为太容易了),反而是让玩者熟悉整个游戏的操作.

adverse pressure gradient:反向压力梯度

adverse grade 反坡 | adverse pressure gradient 反向压力梯度 | adverse slope 反坡

back sloper:整坡器,(筑路机的)刮沟刀

back slope 反坡,倾向坡,背坡 | back sloper 整坡器,(筑路机的)刮沟刀 | back space 退位

counterdrain:背水面坡脚排水 河堤排水沟 副沟

counterdiffusion 反扩散 | counterdrain 背水面坡脚排水 河堤排水沟 副沟 | counterdraw 描图

counterslope:反向坡度, 反坡

countersinking fixture | 钻埋头孔夹具 | counterslope | 反向坡度, 反坡 | counterspy | 反间谍

knickpoint:侵蚀交叉点 裂点

knickpoint 变坡点 反弯点 裂点 | knickpoint 侵蚀交叉点 裂点 | knickzone 扭结带

countersinking fixture:钻埋头孔夹具

countersinking drill press || 尖底扩孔钻床 | countersinking fixture || 钻埋头孔夹具 | counterslope || 反向坡度, 反坡

local rains:地形雨

地形雨 地形雨(local rains) 地形雨. 当潮湿的气团前进时,遇到高山阻挡,气流被迫缓慢上升,引起绝热降温,发生凝结,这样形成的降雨,称为地形雨. 地形雨多降在迎风面的山坡上,背风坡面则因空气下沉引起绝热增温,反使云量消减,降雨减少.