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反余弦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

arc cosine · inverse cosine
更多网络例句与反余弦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, since the back electromotive force occurring in an inductance element is cleared to zero during a half wavelength of period of the cosine wave, speed electromotive force can be measured by immediate shifting from a setting period to a measuring period.


Coefficient distribution of the APIDCSF is similar to that of circular quincunx Neville filter and its interpolating performance outperforms the Neville filters with high orders vanishing moments.The aim of bidimensional interpolating is to diminish the error between the true value and the estimated one.


The inverse function of that restricted cosine function is called the arccosine function.


The use of a simple arctangent look-up table method and positive, cosine function, the processing speed of microcontroller programming unpleasant, this is a method used.


Pairs of images FFT transform and inverse transform example, discrete cosine transform and cosine inverse transform.


Inverse quantization and inverse discrete cosine transform are important operations in MPEG-2 decoding.


A novel true 2-D nonseparable wavelet filter bank-all phase discrete inverse cosine sequency filter was presented.


Based on the analysis of the influence to the testing result induced by the roller parameters, such as the diameter, attachment coefficient and locating angle, the thesis proves that, through construction of a mechanics model of the rig to calculate the biggest braking forcing which can be detected, the detectible braking force has a direct ratio with the roller attachment coefficient and a inverse ratio with the cosine of the locating angle.


This paper proposes a novel interpolator that is the All Phase Inverse Discrete Cosine Sequency Filter. Based on the theory of the All Phase, the APIDCSF considers the surrounding samples'influence on the center one throughly, and takes the average of IDCT orthogonal filtering of surrounding sampling blocks which include the center sample as its orthogonal transformed value.

在全相位理论的基础上,充分考虑了周围邻域对中心样本的影响,以包含该中心样本的所有邻域正交变换滤波的均值作为其正交变换滤波值,构造了全相位离散反余弦列率滤波器组(All Phase Inverse Discrete Cosine Sequency Filter, APIDCSF),其内插性能好于高阶消失矩的环形Neville滤波器。

Based on the foregoing strategy, we choose Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform and Polyphase Synthesis Filterband of the MP3 decoder by an ASIC implementation. Moreover, to further reduce the hardware cost, we use CORDIC-based calculations and merging some arithmetic operations to replace the original ones of IMDCT and PSF.

基於前述的原则及由运算量的统计分析,我们选定「反转修正式离散余弦转换(Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform, IMDCT)」与「多相位合成滤波频带(Polyphase Synthesis Filterband, PSF)」使用ASIC方式实现,同时为了有效降低这两个模组的硬体成本,我们导入「座标轴旋转数位计算机」及合并运算方式取代原始算术运算,使得新的计算式有效降低原IMDCT约74%之乘法及约49%加法运算,而在多相位合成滤波频带的反离散余弦转换也有降低约33.4%之乘法及约24.6%之加法运算。

更多网络解释与反余弦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arc cosine:反余弦

反正弦 arc sine | 反余弦 arc cosine | 反正切 arc tangent

arc cosine:反正弦 arc sine 反余弦

正割 secant 余割 cosecant | 反正弦 arc sine 反余弦 arc cosine | 反正切 arc tangent

a c o s:反余弦函数

a s i n反正弦函数 | a c o s反余弦函数 | a t a n反正切函数


可对一个 32位IEEE浮点数执行下列操作: 求绝对值(ABS) 求平方(SQR)和平方根(SQRT) 求自然对数(LN) 求指数值(EXP)以e (= 2,71828)为底 求下列32位IEEE浮点数表示的角度的三角函数 - 正弦(SIN)和反正弦(ASIN) 余弦(COS)和反余弦(ACOS

inverse cosecant:反余割

inverse circular function 反三角函 ,反圆函 | inverse cosecant 反余割 | inverse cosine 反余弦

inverse cosine function:反余弦函数

inverse circular function 反三角函数 | inverse cosine function 反余弦函数 | inverse function 反函数;逆函数

inverse cosine function:反余弦函数Btu中国学习动力网

inverse circular function 反三角函数Btu中国学习动力网 | inverse cosine function 反余弦函数Btu中国学习动力网 | inverse function 反函数;逆函数Btu中国学习动力网

inverse cosine:反余弦

2142. inverse converter 逆变换器 | 2143. inverse cosine 反余弦 | 2144. inverse cosine function 反余弦函数

Arcuscosinus inverse cosine:反余弦

Arcuscosekans inverse cosecant 反余割 | Arcuscosinus inverse cosine 反余弦 | Arcuscotangens inverse cotangent 反三角

Arcuskosinus inverse cosine:反余弦

Arcuskosekans inverse cosecant 反余割 | Arcuskosinus inverse cosine 反余弦 | Arcuskotangens inverse cotangent 反余切