英语人>词典>汉英 : 双胚层的 的英文翻译,例句
双胚层的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与双胚层的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm.


It needs only 20-30 minutes; the active components can be transformed into high concentration active substances, nonstop to the deep skin, the active components infiltrate to Subcutaneous tissue through the channels among hair follicles, sweat glands and cells, reach the mesoblast .then it open the entrance easily by stimulating the water channels protein on the cell membrane, infiltrate the cell membrane, make the skin cells to absorb nutrients plenary.


Female flowers: tepals 5 or 6 or several; carpels 2 or 3; ovary superior, 2- or 3-locular; styles 2 or 3, free, persistent; stigma broadly recurved; interstylar nectaries present or lacking; ovules 2 per locule, pendent, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; micropyle formed by inner integument or by both integuments.

雌花 花被片5或者6或者几个;心皮2或3;子房上位,室2或3;花柱2-3,离生,宿存;宽的柱头下弯;花柱间的蜜腺有或者无;胚珠每室2,下垂,倒生,具双珠被,具厚珠心;珠孔由内珠被或者两层珠被形成。

The outer layer of a diploblastic animal ,such as a jellyfish.


The galactosyl oligosaccharides of raffinose series are widely distributed in seeds of many species and are localized in tissues that remain viable after desiccation, including the embryo and aleurone layer of cereals, cotyledons and axis tissues of legumes and other dicots.


更多网络解释与双胚层的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


diphthera toxin 白喉毒素 | diplobacillus 双杆菌 | diploblastic 双胚层的

Diplococcus:双球菌属 (名)

diploblastic 双胚层成的 (形) | diplococcus 双球菌属 (名) | diploe 板障 (名)

immature teratoma:未成熟畸胎瘤

未成熟畸胎瘤(immature teratoma)即恶性畸胎瘤. 由内、中、外三个胚层分化的胚胎性组织构成,可表现为有一个胚层分化未成熟或分化不完全,亦可表现为(两至三个胚层分化未成熟). 成熟与未成熟组织常混杂. 巨检:多数为单侧,偶为双侧性. 肿瘤体积常较大,平均...


diademed /戴王冠的/ | diaderm /二胚层胚/ | diadic /二素组/二重轴/双值/


在真后生动物中,最古老的是辐射对称动物,包括具有双胚层的(diploblastic)辐射对称型动物(具有外胚层和内胚层,但没有内胚层). 辐射对称动物的两个门,刺胞动物(cnidaria)和栉水母动物(ctenophora),可能具有不同的侧生动物的祖先.


diplobiont 双型世代体 | diploblastic 二胚层的 | diplocardia 双心 心裂畸形

diploblastic:只胚层的; 二胚层的

diplobacillus 双杆菌 | diploblastic 只胚层的; 二胚层的 | diplococcus 双球菌

diploblastic:双胚层成的 (形)

diploblastic 双胚层成的 (形) | diplococcus 双球菌属 (名) | diploe 板障 (名)


diploblastic 二胚层的 | diplocardia 双心 | diplocardia 心裂畸形

diplocardia:双心 心裂畸形

diploblastic 二胚层的 | diplocardia 双心 心裂畸形 | diplocephalia 双头畸形