英语人>词典>汉英 : 双瓣的 的英文翻译,例句
双瓣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与双瓣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grab dredgers: double rope grab dredgers, rope, four pairs of disc grab dredgers, disc, wireless remote grab, electric hydraulic grab dredgers, dredging, electric motors, excavator, grab dredgers bridge-type grab dredgers, wood, Grain leakproof grab、 lotus plant, special waterproof grab dredgers, Stainless steel grab 、Garbage power grab 、grab dredgers hand, pneumatic, salvage grab etc. the hydraulic system is global services


Grab dredgers: double rope grab dredgers, rope, four pairs of disc grab dredgers, disc, wireless remote grab, electric hydraulic grab dredgers, dredging, electric motors, excavator, grab dredgers bridge-type grab dredgers, wood, Grain leakproof grab、 lotus plant, special waterproof grab dredgers, Stainless steel grab 、Garbage power grab 、grab dredgers hand, pneumatic, salvage grab etc.


Grab dredgers: double rope grab dredgers,rope,four pairs of disc grab dredgers,disc,wireless remote grab,electric hydraulic grab dredgers,dredging,electric motors,excavator,grab dredgers bridge-type grab dredgers,wood,grain leakproof grab、 lotus plant,special waterproof grab dredgers,stainless steel grab 、garbage power grab 、grab dredgers hand,pneumatic,salvage grab etc.


In addition to the black-white double-lobe caused by the displacement field around pores, we demonstrate that LSC should correspond to a novel, peculiar class of anti-phase domain, of which the interior is a local isomorphism with a non-zero phason-type displacement ε〓w〓 i.e.


These galaxies, the radio emission does not come from optical galaxies, but its double valve.


Cross-country have reported quantities of two-toed deer tracks around the island in Lake of Isles.


Nov.. New genus Guizhoueocrinus of which is firstly discovered in the Lowe Cambrian stratum from China , and worm, bradoriida, large bivalved arthropods from Balang Formation also are initially reported.


Any of various usually burrowing marine and freshwater bivalve mollusks of the class Pelecypoda, including members of the genera Venus and Mya, many of which are edible.


During operation, an intranasal and marginal combining incision was made to expl ore the alar cartilages and to from a mucosal-cartilage flap in the nasal vest ibule. After the deformity of septal cartilage and the abnormalities of the alar base on the cleft side were repaired, the total alar cartilage was repositioned and rotated with suspension and V-Y advancement to correct the nasal deformiti es. Results Since 1993, a total of 92 cases were treated by the above p rocedure and satisfactory results were obtained.


Compact symmetric objects have been found to be young radio sources that they are probably in the early evolutionary stage of large double-lobed radio source.


更多网络解释与双瓣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


semidormancy /半休眠/ | semidouble /半重瓣的/ | semiduplex /半双工/


bipectinate 双栉形的 | bipeltate 双盾形的 | bipetalous 具双瓣的


bipedalism 二足性 | bipetalous 双瓣的 | bipinnaria 羽腕幼虫


bipeltate 双盾形的 | bipetalous 具双瓣的 | bipinnaria 羽腕幼虫

bipetalous:双瓣的 bipyramid 双锥

biped 二足动物 | bipetalous 双瓣的 bipyramid 双锥 | birch forest 桦林


diallele analysis 双列分析 | dialypetalous 离瓣的 | dialysat 透析液


dip slip fault 倾向滑断层 | dipetalous 双瓣的 | diphyllous 双叶的


DIPE 二异丙醚 | dipetalous 两瓣的 | diphase interpretation 双相解释

diphase interpretation:双相解释

dipetalous 两瓣的 | diphase interpretation 双相解释 | diphase 双相


dipetalous 双瓣的 | diphyllous 双叶的 | diplont 染色体倍数个体