英语人>词典>汉英 : 双晶石 的英文翻译,例句
双晶石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与双晶石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lazurite,hauyne and nosean are sulfate-rich members of the sodalite group minerals,in the structures of which there are observed one-dimen sional or multidimensional structural modulations, anti-phase domain structures and twin domain structures.


Bi-color Ametrine blends the golden sunburst of Citrine with the purple sunset of Amethyst.


Fe(superscript 3+) occupied both tetrahedral sites in spinel block and trigonal bipyramid sites in mirror plane for LaFeMnAl(subscript 12-x-y)O19 (x=0.5, 1) hexaaluminate.

LaFeMnAl(下标 12-x-y)O19(x=0.5, 1)中Fe以Fe(上标 3+)位于六铝酸盐尖晶石结构中的四面体位和镜面层结构中的三角双锥位,其中后者为N2O分解的主要活性中心。

For example, alkaline elements can affect diffusion velocity of Zr, Si and O ions although these alkaline elements cannot exist in crystal structure of zircon. However, K rich media and Na rich media exert different effects on the growth of crystal form: in the K rich media, growth speed of prism faces in the vertical direction is much higher than that of pyramid faces, and {111} growth speed in the vertical direction is higher than {311},which decides the formation of bipyramids dominated by {311} pyramids; in the Na rich media, both prism and pyramid grow to a certain extent, but the former is smaller than the latter.{100} growth speed in the vertical direction is lower than {110}, while {111} growth velocity in the vertical diredtion is lower than that of {311},resulting in the growth of the crystal form characterized by {100} short prism and {111} pyramid.


更多网络解释与双晶石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


属於沸石群矿物之一,其他常见沸石类的矿物还有:钠沸石 (natrolite)、辉沸石 (stilbite)、片沸石 (heulandite)和方沸石 (Analcime)等. 菱沸石晶体是六方晶系,常呈稜面结晶有时看起来也像立方体,经常有穿插双晶,解理不佳,硬度4-5,

chiastolite:短空晶石 同

macha stone 苔藓石,苔石 同 mocha stone | macle 短空晶石 同 chiastolite | macles 双晶 同 maacles


短喙螈 Euryodus | 短空晶石;双晶 macle | 短线;线影 hachure

pericline law:肖钠长石双晶律

periclase 方镁石 | pericline law 肖钠长石双晶律 | Peridine 绿色热处理石英的一种商品名称

twin law; pericline:肖钠长石双晶律

"曼尼巴双晶律(底面双晶)","twin law; Manebach" | "肖钠长石双晶律","twin law; pericline" | "尖晶石双晶律","twin law; spinel"


eudialyte 异性石 | eudidymite 双晶石 | eugeosyncline 活动正地槽


异霞玄武岩 eudialyte-nepheline basalt | 双晶石,硅铍钠石 eudidymite | 量气管 eudiometer

baveno twin:斜坡双晶

bavenite 硬沸石 | baveno twin 斜坡双晶 | bay 湾

baveno twin:斜坡(面)双晶;巴维诺双晶

硬沸石 bavenite | 斜坡(面)双晶;巴维诺双晶 Baveno twin | (海)湾 bay

Carlsbad law:卡尔斯巴(双晶)律

carletonite 碳硅碱钙石 | carlsbad law 卡尔斯巴(双晶)律 | carlsbad twin 卡尔斯巴双晶