英语人>词典>汉英 : 双晶 的英文翻译,例句
双晶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

crystal twin
更多网络例句与双晶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

X-ray diffraction is one of the most common and efficient ways to measure a superlattice structure. This dissertation displays the detail results for characterization of Ge〓Si〓/Si superlattices by x-ray diffraction (including x-ray small angle diffraction and double crystal diffraction). It was found, when the growth temperature is lower, the intensities of xray small angle diffraction peaks are modulated by a periodical function, which indicates that both sets of interfaces of the superlattice is highly flat; when the growth temperature is higher, the diffraction peak intensities are simply decay with the increase of diffraction vector, which indicates that one set of interfaces is highly flat but another is not; when the growth temperature is very high, the diffraction peaks are reduced more rapidly, which indicates that both sets of interfaces are not ideal.


We have discussed the changes of spin density and atomic charge on B-site as the crystal parameters are individually expanded or compressed from 0.02% to 0.2%(and, from 0.5%~5.5%).


This research was important to understand the symmetry property on Dauphine and Brazil twinning of α-quartz and provided a useful method for the identification of the two kinds of twinning.


We have fabricated and tested high-T SQUID planar gradiometer patterned from YBCO thin film deposited on a SrTiO3 bicrystal substrate.


There is a simple orthoclase crystal, a Carlsbad twinned crystal with an intergrowth and right and left Carlsbad twinned crystals.


On the rhombohedron face {1011}, Dauphine twinning showed different shapes of etching pits between individuals, because rhombohedron positive form {1011} and negative form {0111} appeared on both sides of twin partition line, while Brazil twinning showed symmetry plane between the irregular triangle etching pits of individuals. On the trigonal prism section 11(average20, Dauphine twinning showed different shapes of etching pits between individuals, because trigonal prism positive form {1120} and negative form {2110} appeared on both sides of twin partition line, while Brazil twinning should show symmetry plane between the ellipse or quadrilateral etching pits of individuals, which was not observed.


Sylvanite occurs in columnar, tabular and grained forms and assume polysynthetic twin with strong anisotropy and bireflectance.

针碲银金矿呈柱状、板状、粒状晶形,聚片双晶,具强非均质性及双反射和反射多色性,Hv50=216—219 kg/mm2。

Two types of twin/bicrystal structures with twining planes as (0113) and (2112) have been identified.


By means of sem, it is found that in the portland cement clinker with high quality, the alite take the shape of trigonalrhombohedron,and belite shows the shape of irregular ovum, also with the parallel and cross twin-crystals.

借助于扫描电子显微镜发现优质硅酸盐水泥熟料中A矿呈复三方偏三角体形貌特征;而 B矿则呈不规则的浑圆状,并且从外层可看到平行双晶和交叉双晶共存。

PLZT bimorph deflexed to the maxima under irradiation when there was no mechanical load, whereas bimorph did not do work; part of the incident energy was wasted, and the other converted into electrical and mechanical energy and stored in the bi- morph driver.


更多网络解释与双晶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

glide twin:滑移双晶

[简介]机械双晶(mechanical twin)又称滑移双晶(glide twin)、形变双晶(deformation twin). 晶体形成后受到应力的作用,使晶体内的部分晶格沿着面网一定方向发生均匀的滑移变形所导致的双晶. 一般都成聚片双晶. 例如,

twin; interpenetration:穿插双晶;镶嵌双晶

"斜轴双晶","twin; inclined" | "穿插双晶;镶嵌双晶","twin; interpenetration" | "铁十字双晶","twin; iron cross"

twin juxtaposition:接触双晶;并接双晶

"双晶滑移面","twin-gliding plane" | "接触双晶;并接双晶","twin juxtaposition" | "双晶纹片","twin lamella"

twin law; pericline:肖钠长石双晶律

"曼尼巴双晶律(底面双晶)","twin law; Manebach" | "肖钠长石双晶律","twin law; pericline" | "尖晶石双晶律","twin law; spinel"

twinned lattice:双晶晶格

"双晶共生;双晶交生","twinned intergrowth" | "双晶晶格","twinned lattice" | "(形成)双晶","twinning"

twin; geniculated:膝状双晶;弯曲双晶

"复双晶","twin; double" | "膝状双晶;弯曲双晶","twin; geniculated" | "滑移双晶","twin; gliding"

baveno twin:巴韦诺双晶(曾用名:巴温诺双晶)

八重晶 octet | 巴韦诺双晶(曾用名:巴温诺双晶) Baveno twin | 巴西双晶 Brazil twin

twin; Baveno:巴维诺双晶;斜坡面双晶

"钠长石双晶","twin; albite" | "巴维诺双晶;斜坡面双晶","twin; Baveno" | "巴西(式)双晶","twin; Brazil"

twin law; Baveno:巴维诺双晶(斜坡双晶)律

"钠长石双晶律(式)","twin law; albite" | "巴维诺双晶(斜坡双晶)律","twin law; Baveno" | "巴西双晶律","twin law; Brazil"

twin law; Manebach:曼尼巴双晶律(底面双晶)

"日本双晶律","twin law; Japanese" | "曼尼巴双晶律(底面双晶)","twin law; Manebach" | "肖钠长石双晶律","twin law; pericline"