英语人>词典>汉英 : 参加者 的英文翻译,例句
参加者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
attender  ·  participant  ·  participator  ·  entrants  ·  participants

更多网络例句与参加者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oh and if you want to talk statistics the fact that there were 3 English teams in the semis and only one Italian side tells you that 75% of the semi finalists were English. See u in Athens on the 23rd, and remember to bring a box of tissues and a bunch of sour grapes.


But the political action that he advocated turns off most current L'Abri students, and the workers are pointedly critical of American culture and national policy.


The United States. Since returning from her drama therapist training from the United States, Adeline has worked with many


Affray Crime can only be composed of by principals and active actors .


The subject who may commit the affray Crime is ringleader and active participant.


An annuity scheme wherein participants share certain benefits and on the death of any participant his benefits are redistributed among the remaining participants; can run for a fixed period of time or until the death of all but one participant.


The biggest campus-wide "Support Our Troops" rally was at least as well attended as any antiwar protest.


In Ireland, one's future spouse is allegedly determined during a variation on the game of apple-bobbing, part of a Celtic New Year's tradition.


Health care system where care is provided by allowing participants to choose among participating professional, who are paid on either a fee for service or capitation (fixed amount per participant per year) basis.


Applicants' profile, photos and video will be put on fandangochina.com, her beauty will be fully exhibited and accessed by all Internet users of Great China and our Fandango members in Japan and Korea.


更多网络解释与参加者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


attended | 从事 | attendee | 出席者,参加者,在场者 | attending | (医生)主治的

book participant list:登记参加者清单

book out quantity of stock 过帐 | book participant list 登记参加者清单 | book price 帐面价

Close Championship:非公开赛(参加者限特定人员)

Close 朝内 | Close Championship 非公开赛(参加者限特定人员) | Close stance 封闭站姿 - 左脚稍向前,左奔站姿,挥杆时右脚略拉向后方姿势

costume ball:化妆舞会,参加者须穿各式怪诞服装

11. laughing stock:笑柄. | 12. costume ball:化妆舞会,参加者须穿各式怪诞服装. | 13. alibi:[律]不在犯罪现场.

Praise everyone:称赞所有参加者

与坐在对面的人交换手机号码. Exchange mobile phone number with the person sitting opposite to... | 称赞所有参加者. Praise everyone. | 选一个参加者,模仿他/她的动作. Select a person and imitate his/her ac...


prohibiter 禁止者,阻止者 | exhibiter 参加者,展出者,电影放映者 | arbiter 仲裁人,公断人,裁决者


exhalite /喷气岩/ | exhibiter /参加者/展出者/ | exhibitioner /展出者/获奖学金的大学生/


summery /夏天的/ | summiteer /首脑级会议参加者/最高级会议参加者/ | summitor /相加器/


summit 巅 | summiteer 首脑级会议参加者 | summiteer 最高级会议参加者


summiteer 首脑级会议参加者 | summiteer 最高级会议参加者 | summitor 相加器