英语人>词典>汉英 : 参加考试 的英文翻译,例句
参加考试 的英文翻译、例句


take an examination · sit for an examination · to take an examination · to sit an examination · to do an examination
更多网络例句与参加考试相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That system is in the light of the alleviative teacher the work supportses and increases the work efficiency, excellent chemistry livings the process of the examination.


"After much debate and evaluation, it became clear that the current format offers students more convenient and flexible opportunities to test when and where they choose, while still providing score users with valid predictors of test takers' preparedness for graduate school study," he added.


This allows you to slow down tension, heart rate gradually to achieve calm; Secondly, the memories of their most successful by a single examination process, including the kind of success when心花怒放, cheerful scene intoxicated state of mind as well as their own access to the examination due to good results, and teachers have been a happy mood at the time of recognition, so that can achieve the elimination of tension anxiety, pleasure participating purpose; again, assuming that in the examination room are familiar with their teachers in the invigilator, students take the exam is also their classmates, the tension imagination into the examination room relaxed and happy occasion, so easy to maintain normal natural, so tense anxiety disappear naturally.


Please check your interview time on-line 2 working days in advance and attend the test on time.


There were about 15 foreigners taking the test on Tuesday, including a Frenchman who had failed the week before and was convinced that the computer had been deliberately programmed to outfox him.


Placement test If you do not know Korean at all, you do not have to take the test.


When taking exams, street-smart people are likely to get better grades than their knowledge merits because they can "psych out" the test, and because, when facing a problem or question they can-t answer, they are skilled at putting on the paper something that looks good.


Causes participation test which the user may be confined at home, has omitted test journey rushing about with exhaustedly, This system in development process, strictly according to software engineering development flow, after feasibility analysis, demand analysis, system design, system implementation, system test, system movement and maintenance


The certificates would show the level the examinees have achieved in each language skill test they have taken. The aim of it is to provide the examinees with more flexibility in choosing those skills they have more advantage and potentials to learn, and they also can choose those language skills that are more important to their occupations and jobs. In a word, CELS is designed to meet the real needs of the examinees-they can only choose what they really need or what just suits their abilities.


The primary reason for cancelling the launch of the revised GRE General Test was test taker access.


更多网络解释与参加考试相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

enter for an examination:报名参加考试

enroll in a college without being strongly motivated 不迫切希望报名就读某大学 | enter for an examination 报名参加考试 | Entrance requirements differ greatly. 入学条件很不一样.

sit for the examination:参加考试

837at the top of one's voice大声地 | 838sit for the examination参加考试 | 839costumen. 服装,剧装

sit for:(准备)参加(考试)

sit by 袖手旁观 | sit for (准备)参加(考试) | sit in 旁听,参加;列席;出席;代理

sit for:参加(考试)

36.so as to为了,目的是 | 37.sit for参加(考试) | 38.concentrate on 集中;专心;专注

sit for:参加(考试等)

similar to与......相似 | sit for参加(考试等) | stand by袖手旁观,支持

sit for an examination:应试, 参加考试

fail in an examination 通过[没通过]考试 | sit for an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take an examination 应试, 参加考试

take a test:参加考试

93.need to do sth需要做某事 | 96.take a test参加考试 | 103.feel more comfortable觉得更舒服

take an examination:参加考试

fail in an examination 没通过考试 | take an examination 参加考试 | for example 例如

take an examination:应试, 参加考试

sit for an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take the examination of sb. [律]讯问某人并录其口供

参加考试 have / take an examination 进行体格检查:carry out a medical examination

时事 current events | 参加考试 have / take an examination 进行体格检查 carry out a medical examination | 考试及格 pass an examination