英语人>词典>汉英 : 去壳 的英文翻译,例句
去壳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hull  ·  shelling  ·  shucking  ·  hulls  ·  Hull  ·  decladding

更多网络例句与去壳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results of the study confirmed that 30 μm PVC bags were advantageous to their quality and storage quality of unshelled pine nut was better than that of shelled pine nut with the same modified atmosphere packaging.

综上所述,30 μm聚氯乙烯袋可以较好地保持松籽品质,相同气调包装贮藏下带壳松籽的贮藏品质优于去壳松仁。

The lotus seed scourer designing that originally time is composed of pay-off organization , decladding organization and chassis.


FRAP method measured antioxidant capacity of vitamin C (as FeSO4 equivalents μg /μg) of 4.14, reflux extraction method extracted to the untreated mung bean shells, rich green bean shell GABA treatment, selenium-rich bean shell three kinds of material dealing with anti-oxidant capacities of 0.73,0.69,0.80, three peeled mung bean products are not detected because of the content extraction.


Extracted by ultrasonic extraction of non-deal with the past shell bean, untreated mung bean shell, shell-rich GABA deal with mung bean, mung bean processing GABA-rich shell, Se treatment Peeled mung bean, mung bean shell six kinds of material dealing with selenium-rich antioxidant capacity 0.40,0.79,0.66,0.77,0, respectively.


Objective: This study and understand the past, untreated mung bean shells, untreated mung bean shells, shell-rich GABA deal with mung bean, mung bean processing GABA-rich shell, Se treatment Peeled mung bean, mung bean shell Se handle six substances in the amount of total flavonoids The optimal extraction conditions, the optimal concentration measurements as well as the extraction of antioxidant flavonoids and vitamin C, antioxidant comparison.


Extracted by ultrasonic extraction method to the untreated mung bean shells in the past, untreated mung bean shells, shell-rich GABA deal with mung bean, mung bean processing GABA-rich shell, Se treatment Peeled mung bean, mung bean shell Se handle six substances scavenging rates were


Hulled, usually crushed grain, especially oats .


In 2001, a Canadia inventor Jark Branders designed a hand power peanuts sheller for a village in Marley. In one hour, it can shell about 56 kilograms of peanuts.

在2001年,一个加拿大的发明家Jark Branders为Marley的一个村庄设计了一种手动去花生壳机,这种机器在一个小时内能给大概56公斤的花生去壳

This is done with nut-cracking machines and provides one of the only sources of income for women in the area.


Already the Mehrgarh people used domesticated wheats and barley and the major cultivated cereal crop was naked six-row barley, a crop derived from two-row barley.


更多网络解释与去壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


decorator (糖果)装饰机 | decorticate 剥皮;去壳;剥壳;脱壳 | decortication 剥皮;去皮;剥壳;脱壳(过程)


groaning /哼声/ | groat /昔日英国的四便士银币/些许/去壳谷粒/ | groats /碾去壳的啮麦[小麦]/

huller:脱壳机 脱皮机 去壳机 去皮机

hulledrice 糙米 | huller 脱壳机 脱皮机 去壳机 去皮机 | hullergin 带铃壳籽棉轧花机


壳;筴;外皮 hull | 去皮机;去壳机 huller | 去壳;去皮 hulling ; husking

scouring machine:洗涤机;去壳机;洗毛机

\\"洗涤器;洗涤工;去壳器\\",\\"scourer\\" | \\"洗涤机;去壳机;洗毛机\\",\\"scouring machine\\" | \\"单细胞蛋白\\",\\"SCP; single cell protein\\"


dehumidifyingeffect除湿作用;减湿作用 | dehusk去皮;去壳;剥去米穗苞叶 | dehydrant脱水剂;干燥机


husk rice 碾米 | husked 去苞衣的;去皮的;去壳的;去荚的 | husked millet 稷米

husked barley:去壳大麦

husk 米糠 | husked barley 去壳大麦 | husked oat 去壳燕麦

husked oat:去壳燕麦

husked barley 去壳大麦 | husked oat 去壳燕麦 | husked rice 糙米


shucker剝壳机;去皮机;碾米机 | shucking去壳;脫壳 | shufflegrader振动筛选机