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Originally, all in all, I do not intend to say so.
In The Big Typescript, this dichotomy is detailed in his analysis of the temporal, spatial and genitive expressions, resulting in the distinction between the unspeakable"memory-time"(Ged〓chtniszeit) and the speakable"physical time", and that between the unspeakable"visual space" and the speakable"Euclidean space", etc;(4) From another perspective, the destruction of the conception of the "phenomenological language"could also be seen as the logical consequence of the radicalization of the one and the same conception, since this destruction does reinforce rather than weaken RLF's original intention of distinguishing the physical system from what are given in phenomena by demonstrating the incompatibility between this intention itself and the insistence on the speakability of the phenomena, which gives birth to the illusion of the"phenomenological language";(5) Nevertheless, what the radical distinction between the sense-data and the physical language (as the unique possible language) implies, according to Wittgenstein, is not that the latter has nothing to do with the former, but that the association between the two does not follow the"original sample-copy"pattern but the"screen-presenting-filmoperation"pattern, which indicates that phenomenon itself can be aroused by or included in-rather than to be described by-the physical language/system;(6) Thus Wittgenstein leads us to depart from the obsolete ambition of representing the immediately given data perfectly for a new destination where a comprehensive "perspicuity" of the"grammar"should be required and where his later philosophy is coming into being.
I still get my feeelings in the pit of stomach.
Chapter Eight concludes the achievement of this dissertation, and some problems will be answered through more discussions. To sum up, this dissertation argues that Liber Abaci has three kinds of features, i.e., a rich content Mathematic, a variety of mathematics cultural exchange, and the dissemination diversify.
The Irish used turnips as their "Jack's lanterns" originally.
- 更多网络解释与原本相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
original copy,source version:原本
原版 master printing | 原本 original copy,source version | 原币 original currency
black diamond:黑钻石
这款售价30万美元的"黑钻石"(Black Diamond)手机,再次引起我们对于IT产品设计概念的反思. 原本,传统概念认为,奢侈品和消费品是两种对立的概念,两者背道而驰,互不相融. 但现在奢侈品的设计哲学被制造商们神乎其技的玩弄,它没有永远的定义了.
original domicile:本籍地,原籍,原住所
original document 原本,原始文件 | original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所 | original nationality 原有国籍
original domicile:本籍地,原籍,原住所的
original document 原本,原始文件的 | original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所的 | original nationality 原有国籍的
吉波:先说地理的概念,美国>的英文名字-"National Geographic",原本"地理"(Geography)这个词在英文里面是没有"PHIC"这个最后结尾的,"Geographic"是美国>1888年独创的词.
bards 吟游诗人 | minstrel 吟游诗人(或歌手) | script 原本,手迹
original text:原本;正本
original nationality 原有国籍 | original text原本;正本 | orphan n. 孤儿
original text:原本;正本的
original nationality 原有国籍的 | original text原本;正本的 | orphan n. 孤儿的
机械复制在人类历史上创造出以无数复制的"摹本"取代"独一无二"(unique)的"原本"的"奇迹". 对此可以有两种态度:一种认为它是对传统"灵韵"的无情侵蚀,应予否定;另一种同样看到它对"灵韵"的侵蚀,但却相反肯定其革命性意义:"灵韵"的消蚀正是旧传统"