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A number of sourceless cores, UC HII regions and their physical parameters were obtained. Initial conditions of masive star formation were inspected. This provided samples for further larger observations.
对用MSX、IRAS选取的一批样品进行CO及其同位素成图观测研究,获得了无源云核、原恒星云核及UC HII区云核及其物理参量,考察大质量恒星形成初始条件,同时为更大规模脉泽观测准备样品。
As a result, some theorists propose that massive stars must form from collisions of smaller protostars.
There are two forces that counteract gravity to suppress the fragmentation of the cloud: thermal pressure from the heat of protostars, and turbulence, which may allow massive stars to form directly from accretion.
Simple laws of physics suggest, that gas-dust complexes in the interstellar medium may evolve, first into protostars and subsequently into stars.
Simple laws of physics suggest, that gas-dust complexes in the interstellar medium may evolve , first into protostars and subsequ tly into stars.
These dust and gas clouds lie near the edge of a large molecular cloud. Themselves telltale signs of star-forming regions, they tend to hide the newly formed stars and young stellar objects or protostars from prying optical telescopes.
Their simulation of the birth of a protostar in the early universe signifies a key step toward the ambitious goal of piecing together the formation of an entire primordial star and of predicting the mass and properties of these first stars of the universe.
According to their simulation, gravity acted on minute density variations in matter, gases, and the mysterious "dark matter" of the universe after the Big Bang in order to form this early stage of a star -- a protostar with a mass of just one percent of our sun.
The result is a detailed description of the formation of a protostar -- the early stage of a massive primordial star of our universe -- and the researchers' computer simulation, which has been called a "cosmic Rosetta Stone," sets the bar for further investigation into the star formation process.
Dr. Yoshida's simulation also shows that the protostar would likely evolve into a massive star capable of synthesizing heavy elements, not just in later generations of stars, but soon after the Big Bang.
- 更多网络解释与原恒星相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
天文学家在猎户座 (Orion)也发现了许多称为原行星 (proplyds)的行星形成系统. 这些恒星系统中刚在形成的行星,要能够承受周围亮星强烈辐射的洗礼,才能成为一颗颗真正的行星. HD 100546位在南天的苍蝇座 (Musca),距离我们只有335光年,用双筒望远镜就能看到它.
proper motion star:大自行恒星
proper motion in right ascension 赤经自行 | proper motion star 大自行恒星 | proper time 原时
subatomic particles:亚原子粒子
proto-stellar clouds 原恒星云 | subatomic particles 亚原子粒子 | antimatters 反物质
sunlike star:类太阳恒星
protoplanetary disk原行星盘 | sunlike star 类太阳恒星 | transit 凌星
Torres 上尉发现刚传送上船的原恒星 (Protostar) 样本出现了异状;一个样本罐里有物质,另一个则是空的. 再重新传送后,修正了这个异状. Torres上尉告知 Janeway 舰长她需要执行 6 个小时的光谱分析,并推断如果善加运用的话,