英语人>词典>汉英 : 原子核的 的英文翻译,例句
原子核的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与原子核的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nuclear sizes are important bulk properties of an atomic nucleus.


Upon discovering basic properties of the atomic nucleus, scientists found a way to release a huge amount of energy in nuclear reactions.


The energy equivalent of the mass discrepancy in a nucleus is called binding energy.


Radioactive decay studies have found a kinds of elements can be α or β decay and the decay into another element, while the α-decay product of -α-rays became one of the deep structure of the material means of .1911, the Rutherford and others bombarded atoms with α-rays observed wide-angle deflection to determine the nuclear structure of atoms and nuclei was first proposed the term .1919 year, Rutherford and others have also found that with α-ray bombardment of nitrogen will release the nuclear protons, this is the first time Artificial realization of a nuclear reaction, after the bombardment of nuclei with the radiation caused by nuclear reaction method to become the primary means of research in nuclear.


A vivid example of this: in the two deuterium nuclei polymerization into a helium-4 nucleus, it seems quality is not conservation, is the quality of helium-4 nucleus does not mean that two of the deuteron and quality.


Basing on the view point of the α particle structure of the 12 c nucleus,the form factor and the transition form factor of the α particle in 12 c nucleus are as inputs,the inelastic scattering of pion-12c for 2+(4.43 mev) and 3-(9.64 mev) at tπ=150,180 mev are studied within glauber scattering theory.the calculated differential cross sections show better agreement with the experimental data.

从12c原子核的α粒子结构观点出发,应用12c原子核内α粒子的形状因子和跃迁形状因子,在glauber散射理论框架下,计算了共振区内能量为tπ=150,180 mev,π-12c的2+(4.43 mev)和3-(9.64 mev)非弹性散射微分截面。理论结果与实验较好8 t tt 8.c o m 地符合。

Outside the atom the electron cloud has the track, according to leaves nucleus far or near differently, these orbits are divided into several levels, the more lower energy level the more near to nuclear.


C. excitation energy of the nucleus, excitation energy of the neutron, and kinetic energy of the

C。 原子核的激动能,中子的激动能,和原子核的动能

From Nucleons to Nucleus deals with single-particle and collective features of spherical nuclei.


This agreement confirms that nuclear short range correlation seems to be important and sets up a theoretical basis for calculating nuclear halo-like phenomena which may originate from the short range correlation between nucleons in a halo-like nucleus.


更多网络解释与原子核的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atomic nucleus:原子核

原子核(Atomic Nucleus)是原子的组成部分,位于原子的中央,占有原子的大部分质量. 组成原子核的有中子和质子. 当周围有和其中质子等量的电子围绕时,构成的是原子. 原子核极其渺小,如果原子是一座大厦的大小,那么原子核只像有...

atomic nucleus:核

原子核 原子核(atomic nucleus)简称"核". 位于原子的核心部分,由质子和中子两种微粒构成. 原子核极小,它的直径在10^-^14 m~10^16m之间,体积只占原子体积的几千亿分之一,在这极小的原子核里却集中了99.96%以上原子的质量. 原子核的密度极大,

bond length:键长(分子中两个原子核间的平衡距离)

bond angle 键角(与同一原子连接的两个键之间的角度) | bond length 键长(分子中两个原子核间的平衡距离) | bonding pair 成键电子对

Ernest Rutherford:[卢瑟福]

大体说来, 从希腊人直到 1911 年恩内斯特 卢瑟福(Ernest Rutherford) 发现原子核之前,几乎每一个人都认为原子是基本的粒子;事实上, "原子"这个词的意思是"不可分割的" .1911 年以后,人们发现原 子是可以分割的,里面是质量很重的叫原子核的东西,


nucleal /核的/原子核的/核子的/ | nuclear-armed /用核武器装备的/ | nuclear-free /无核弹的/


原子核(nucleus)也简称「核」,指原子中心的稠密部分,由数目接近的质子与中子结合而成. 核子(nucleon)则是指组成原子核的粒子,亦即质子与中子的统称. 因此「核」与「核子」虽然只差一个字,两者意义却天差地远. 然而考虑到中文的习惯,


nucleal 原子核的 | nucleal 核的 | nucleal 核子的


nucleaction 核晶作用 | nucleal 原子核的 | nucleal 核的


nucleaction /核晶作用/ | nucleal /核的/原子核的/核子的/ | nuclear-armed /用核武器装备的/


南京大学基础学科教育学院 46 南京大学化学化工学院 8 基础有机化学 基础有机化学 §9.1 核磁共振谱(NMR) 1. 核磁共振的基本原理 第九章 核磁共振谱 红外光谱和质谱 (1)原子核的自旋 原子核的自旋量子数:I 或ms 表示原子核的自旋运 动情况.ms 与原子的质量数和原子序数之间的关系: A,