英语人>词典>汉英 : 原型机 的英文翻译,例句
原型机 的英文翻译、例句


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The air chief marshal will witness the first aircraft (prototype 4 or P4) taking off from the People's Liberation Army Air Force airbase in Chengdu.


The Soviets published the concept of the Tu-144 in an article in the January 1962 issue of the magazine Technology of the Air Transport. The air ministry started development of the Tu-144 on 26 July 1963, following approval by the Council of Ministers ten days earlier.


Let's take our toilet, that prototypical cybernetic example.


As design got underway, the RLM issued a new directive to redesign the Do 335 as a multi-purpose day fighter, night-fighter, fighter-bomber, Zerstorer and reconnaissance platform, which caused a delay in production of the prototype.

正当设计工作全面展开之际,航空部又下达了新的指令,希望将Do 335研制成一种能适应各种作战要求的多用途战机上,可作为战斗轰炸型、高速侦察型等使用。这一决定造成了生产原型机的时间被延误了。

We believe the first Raptor patch was a program patch for the first YF-22 prototype designed by James Sergeant, a flight test engineer, during the demonstration/validation phase of the program.


The first-generation prototype is modified after the original invention patent, some shortages have been found after testing and using the washstand.


This fighter aircraft prototype in 1955 the prototype initial test flight, in 1958 the go into operational service, will be two world wars later the whole world produces most one kind of airplane, at present still had four big continents the nearly 50 national air force to use the Mig -21 fighter aircraft.


In this dissertation, on the basis of the rolling principle and kinematic analysis for the drive pairs, a new idea of the revolutionary surface envelope globoidal worm gearing with rolling friction and point engagement is proposed; the point engagement theory, the engaging features, the mechanism errors and adaptation, the engaging efficiency, and the design and machining technology are systematically studied; the prototype is manufactured and the experiment is performed, and the related theory and technology are verified.


At the end, the prototype of the cylindrical surface envelope globoidal worm gearing with rolling friction and point engagement is manufactured successfully and the experiment of the prototype is performed, which shows that above-mentioned theory and technology for such mechanisms are correct and feasible, and also shows that the performances for such mechanisms are largely better than other worm gearings.


Four prototypes of Kaveri engine and two prototypes of Kabini engine have been assembled and are undergoing extensive ground testing.


更多网络解释与原型机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


图-16"獾"(Badger) 概述图-16是前苏联图波列夫设计局设计的高亚音速双发中程轰炸机,北约集团给予的绰号是"獾"(Badger). 该机于1950年开始研制,1952年第一架原型机首次试飞,1955年...


出于对节约成本的考虑,原型机2、3号机在作必要的更新后也加入了服役,其被分配至SAF 5th "回旋镖"(Boomerang)大队,机体编号B501,502. 而原型机1号机仍然留在270th TS,对FFR-31MR的各种新型装备做试验.


卡摩纳说,吸取了首架原型机坠毁的教训,对控制功率、侧风(Crosswind)效应和软体进行了某些调整,因此现在这架X-50A的控制性能要好得多. 卡摩纳相信一旦透过飞行状态的转换展示,美军将对该型UAV産生兴趣.

Barracuda yellow dogfish:红尾金排骨 秘鲁

Lamontichthys filamentosus 阿帕奇原型机 秘鲁 25 | Barracuda yellow dogfish红尾金排骨 秘鲁 12-14 | Barracuda silver dogfish黄金排骨 秘鲁 12-14


原型机于1966年秋季首次试飞. 1967年2月取得美国联邦航空局型号合格证. 1967年1月投产,原始型2-33共生产了85架. 后被2-33A及向业余爱好者出售的散装件型2-33AK所代替. 已售出几百架. DG-101"伊兰"(Elan)DG-300"伊兰"(Elan)


苏-17/20/22"装配匠"(Fitter)战斗轰炸机苏-17式苏联苏霍伊设计局研制的变后掠翼单座战斗轰炸机,是由固定翼战斗轰炸机苏-7发展而来的. 1966年8月2日原型机首次试飞. 苏-17的原型机于1967年7月在莫斯科附近的多莫杰多沃机场首次公开展开,


1976年布朗(Brown)用 钆(Gd)做制冷剂,在室温附近做致冷实验,实验表明,制成室温磁致冷机是可能的据报道,法、美、英、日已设计制造了磁冰箱的原型机,1982年美国已制成室温附近(248K~328K)温差?


英国"蚊蚋"(gnat)战斗机是一种单座轻型战斗机,1955年原型机试飞,印 巴战争时曾击落过F-86战斗机. 最大速度1118千米/小时,作战半径800 千米. 装2门"阿登"30毫米航炮,可外挂2枚227炸弹或12枚弹. 英国"红 箭"飞行表演队使用过这型飞机.


1946 年 LA610 又换装了 3,055 马力的奈培(Napier)佩刀 VII(Sabre)液冷发动机和一副 4 叶螺旋桨后成为最快的狂怒原型机,极速 777Km/h. 第四架原型机(VP207)也安装佩刀 VII 发动机,霍克试图在此基础上开发一种出口型,但最后无人问津.

I'm trying to isolate diffrences between the motortype and the huger driller:我正在查找原型机和这台钻机之间的不同

How's that comin'?|怎样了? | I'm trying to isolate diffrences between the motortype and the huger driller.|我正在查找原型机和这台钻机之间的不同 | So far nothing is popped up.|目前为止还没什么发现