英语人>词典>汉英 : 原型人物 的英文翻译,例句
原型人物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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On the basis of the archetypal theories in analytical psychology rather than from any specific religion, my thesis offers a summation of the significance of Jungian archetypal images in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis.


In chapter five the author utilizes archetypal criticism to reveal the cultural prototypes of several characters in the novella.


Chapter One, Introduction, is devoted to the discussion of the theoretical approaches of this thesis, namely, the Campbellian archetypal hero's journey and Alice Walker's womanist criticism.


Based on the discussion in Chapter Two and Chapter Three, this part concludes that Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon is not only a reflection of archetypal hero's journey but also a subversion of traditional quest story as Morrison attempts to promote womanist ideology.


The text was divided into five parts: The basic conception of narratology applicability of narrative theory in television advertisiment research was explained in the first chapter; television advertisiment was researched on four aspects: the entity of narratory、the display mode of storied advertisiment、the analysis of live broadcast and word of narrative advertisiment in the second chapter; narrative research on the symbol mode of television advertisiment such as montages and voices et cetera was made in the third chapter; television advertisiment was analyzed by signifier and signified of advertisiment as well as narrative technique in desire and implementation in the fourth chapter; the relationship of narrative prototype and adoption in television advertisiment was discussed on several aspects such as circumstances prototype、ideological prototype and person prototype et cetera in the fifth chapter.


And Santiago who is sung as an image possessing human's eternal value-self-confidence becomes a merely souled hero in Hemingway's heroic characters.


He commiserated these people\'s place, and comprehended their heart, then he achieved realistic request.


In consideration of the complexity and deeper meaning of the prototype, and the main highlights of Lawrence works itself, this thesis mainly chooses the female character prototype of the Bible, the imago prototype of the Bible and the scene prototype of the Bible in his three representative novels mentioned above to analyze thoroughly, by adducing and contradistinguishing the Lawrence text from the Bible text, explores the connotative meaning of Lawrence\'s novels from the new point of view, digs religion culture connotation and history origin for inditing of Lawrence\'s novel, and unveils the inheriting of Lawrence to the Bible culture and the occidental literature history.


The author depainted some lifelike character, because he was familiar with these character\'s prototype.


William Golding; death instinct; persona ; shadow; archetype of characters ; evil; hope


更多网络解释与原型人物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lego Batman:乐高蝙蝠侠

以乐高积木玩具(LEGO)为人物Q版原型,出自美僐著名漫玏月刊DC Comics旗下输典人物:蝙蝠侠(Batman). 菭而制作的舱作冒娬游戏:>(Lego Batman),目前官方网站已正式开通,并且放出了游戏最新玏面,供玩家滨考.


奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的著作>(Emma)、1816年初版、一套三册,价值395万港币. 其中第一册的扉页有奥斯汀请出版社提写的"来自作者"英文字样,是她送给好友的赠送本,此位女友正好是书中一个人物的原型,所以弥足珍贵.

Thandie Newton:谭蒂纽顿

影片中的人物原型来自DC漫画,蝙蝠侠系列的创作者则是鲍伯凯恩(Bob Kane). 演 员:[不可能的任务3]赛门佩格 (Simon Pegg)、[当幸福来敲门]谭蒂纽顿 (Thandie Newton)、[遇上波莉]汉克阿塞利亚(Hank Azaria)

David Nutter:戴维.纳特

由戴维.纳特(David Nutter)执导的此套剧集将起始时间设定为1999年8月24日,即>的故事发生的两年之后,主角则是>(第一部第二部第三部)系列的原型人物、女英雄莎拉.康纳(Sarah Connor).

collective unconsciousness:集体无意识

精神分析学派后期的代表人物荣格(Carl Jung)的研究以弗洛伊德的精神分析理论为起点,但荣格以"集体无意识"(collective unconsciousness)和"原型"(archetype)为中心概念对宗教现象进行了新的诠释.

collective unconsciousness:集体潜意识

她所代表的正是"淫妇"这种女人换句话说,兰陵笑笑生所塑造的"潘金莲"很生动地反映了汉民族集体潜意识(collective unconsciousness)中的"淫妇原型"一个伟大的艺术家乃是赋予该民族的各种"原型人物"以形貌的人,

Wandering Jew:流浪的犹太人

歌特小说的兴起有其悠久的美学渊源:首先是>中的基督教传说,尤其是>中对于天使同撒旦战争的描写和末日审判的血腥场面,为歌特小说树立了人物原型,如魔鬼,"恶棍英雄"(villian-hero)和"流浪的犹太人"(wandering Jew),并且确立了歌特小说的母题,

Ed Gein:人皮殺手

我又想起<<人皮杀手>>(Ed Gein)中的"德州链锯杀人狂"的原型人物,在母亲死后割下了她的外阴,留作珍藏. 难道爱一个人到了极致就是拥有他(她)的生殖器吗?

the protagonists of big business:大企业的首脑人物

326、protagonist n.(戏剧, 故事, 小说中的)主角, 领导者, 积极参加者 | the protagonists of big business大企业的首脑人物 | 327、prototype n.原型

Buffalo Bill:水牛比尔

数年后,艾迪又成为了一部电影中角色的原型人物,电影<<沉默的羔羊>>(Silence of the Lambs)中的连环杀手水牛比尔(Buffalo Bill),和艾迪一样,有变性倾向的水牛比尔收集女人的皮肤然后制成华丽的人皮外衣.