英语人>词典>汉英 : 原动力 的英文翻译,例句
原动力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dynamical  ·  impulsion  ·  motivity  ·  motor  ·  mover  ·  sinew  ·  sinewed  ·  sinewing  ·  sinews

prime mover · prime power · first cause · motive force
更多网络例句与原动力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various filamentous, mostly anaerobic microorganisms of the genus Actinomyces, which includes the causative agents of actinomycosis.


It takes enterprise culture and enterprise idea antecedence as its enterprise foundation,and relies on the powerful impulsion of enterprise culture to push enterprise development,enhance internal coherence and extenal competition,and enhance staff centripeal foce and the sense of enterprise mission.


Control and anti - control has always been a contradiction to promote the development of table tennis.


Our purpose is to: Your satisfaction is our goal, your applause is our driving force.


And meaning is the fuel of the artful life.


She said the attractive dreamland was her original force driving her to learn painting. She'd like to objectify her dream, retained them and made them eternal.


In the field 's supports with sureness, Is company continue research developing motivity, Ands furthur to by ISO 9001 certification in 2000, Lets we together for everybody supply safety and automatize 's relative to engineering service.


Stand today United States of the backdate on this time place " Caesarean hegemony " since the source, not difficult discovery drives people for a long time and support American outspread actual strength and the motive power that move toward hegemony.


It has over 100 production lines and covers more than 400 different models of bearings.


It is Chinese drama that brighten Brecht's eyes and incite his innovative impetus.


更多网络解释与原动力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

driving force:原动力

近来"绿色(Green)"为影响环境的原动力(Driving force)而黄豆油墨乃可占有其重要的角色与价值. 不管其目标系清洁空气或为减少对进口石油的依靠度,或为使用可永续生产的可再生并为生物可分解(Renewable and biodegradable)的植物资源,

motive power:原动力

在我国学术界,虽有一些著述对卡莱尔的思辨历史哲学有一定的介绍,但在认识上似乎还存在不少含混之处,其中一个重要方面就是关于历史发展"原动力"(motive power)问题.

motive force:原动力

托曼(Jacob Talmon)在其大作>一书中将民主可分为"自由主义民主"和"极权主义民主"两类--后者的定义是"将完全是社会的存在方式强加在个人上......是基于群众热情的专制"(比如希特勒的纳粹主义),并将卢梭的公意概念定位为"是极权主义民主的原动力(motive


原动力(MOTIVITY)玻璃功能膜系美国膜钛韦特玻璃功能膜公司生产,美国膜钛韦特玻璃功能膜公司授权重庆平安玻璃贴膜有限公司为西南地区总经销. 并在西南地区承接大型贴膜工程及原动力玻璃功能膜的批发、零售以及发展加盟商.

prime mover:原动力

因为在这既是直线式而基本上又是时间性的结构中,人物或事件被选为叙事中的"原动力"(prime mover),或活动而含有顺序性的要素. 相反地,在中国传统的观念里,由于注重时空综合呈现,强调时空相互依存及交错流转的关系,因果关系中的时间秩序便被空间化了,

prime mover:原动力,比如风力、水力,发起者,推动者

Prime minister 首相,总理 | Prime mover 原动力,比如风力、水力,发起者,推动者 | Prime time 电视的黄金时间

prime power:原动力

"prime number","质数" | "prime power","原动力" | "primitive cell","基本单格"

prime power:原动力,基本功率

prime polynomial 素多项式 | prime power 原动力,基本功率 | prime product 主要产品

motive power; prime power:原动力

系船绞车;绞缆车 mooring winch | 原动力 motive power; prime power | 电动发电机组 motor generator set

primum mobile:第十层天; 原动力

primrose path 欢乐生涯; 放荡生活; 寻欢作乐 | primum mobile 第十层天; 原动力 | prince consort 女王的丈夫; 女皇的丈夫