英语人>词典>汉英 : 原丝体 的英文翻译,例句
原丝体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
protonema  ·  protonemata

更多网络例句与原丝体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Protonema growth and gametophyte development of Encalypta ciliata are observed based on the cultivation of spore germination.


Moreover, protonemata were gained in medium Knop added 2,4-D or IAA.


This article reviews domestic and abroad studies on the types of spore germination,characteristics of protonema development and effects of environmental factors . It also presents the latest progress in this field from 1990s, such as the action mechanisms of Ca 2+·CAM signal system, plant hormones and light sign...

本文综述苔藓植物孢子萌发类型、原丝体发育特征以及环境影响因子等,还介绍了 2 0世纪90年代以来该领域研究的新进展,如人们以苔藓植物原丝体为实验材料进一步揭示Ca2 +·CAM信号系统、、植物激素、光信号系统等在植物体内的作用机制

Based on the tissue culture, the effect of N-phenyl-N'-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-ylurea, 6- benzyla minoprine(6-BA) and 1-Naphthylacetic acid on spore germination, protonema develop- ment and bud differentiation in Entodon challenged was investigated in this paper. The whole process was observed and taken pictures. The results show that TDZ, 6-BA and NAA have no significant effect on the spore germination. During the process of protonema development, 1.0 mg/L NAA can promote the primary development of protonema significantly, and 0.4 mg/L TDZ promotes branches formation in inter- mediate stage of the protonema development.


Sinense, the spores germinate inside their exospores and then divide into massive protonemata;the massive protonemata can form two kinds of protonemata of which one is clubbed protonema with papillae,and the other is caulonema composed of long and cylindrical cells ; the gametophyte archaeocytes only occur on the massive protonemata.


The spores of Cheilolejeunea ventricosa X.L.He were cultured on MS media (without acid and vitamin, pH=6.2, with 1% agar and 1% sucrose). The sporeling development and oil body ontogeny were observed. After a 55-day-long axenic culture, young plants were obtained successfully. Sodium hypochlorite solution was used to sterilize the capsules. Our results revealed that the sterilizing treatment with 0.1% Sodium hypochlorite solution for a period of 5 seconds was optimal. Oil bodies in primary protonemata are nearly homogeneous, but distinctly compound in the leaf cells of the primary leafy shoots.

首次研究了膨叶唇鳞苔的孢子萌发、原丝体和油体发育及配子体发生的过程,结果表明:(1)使用经过改良的MS培养基(不加氨基酸和维生素,pH值为6.2,琼脂和蔗糖浓度均为1%)能在55 d左右的时间利用孢子培养获得植物体;(2)用0.1%的次氯酸钠溶液,消毒5 s是消毒孢子的最佳方案;(3)油体在孢子萌发初期为均一型,到幼叶发生后,成为可见的聚合型,但聚合的程度比野生材料要弱。

At the same time, the whole process is illustrated and taken photographs. The results show that the protonemal system of E.


Light microscope was employed to observe spore germination, protonemal development, gametophyte differentiation of Ptychomitrium sinense indoor cultured. The results showed that in P.


The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


The green,filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and moss es and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


更多网络解释与原丝体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acriflavine|吖啶黄素 | acroblast|原Ding!体 | acrocentric chromosome|近端着丝染色体


孢子体的构造比藓类(mosses)简单,孢蒴无蒴齿(peristomal teeth),多数种类亦无蒴轴(columella),孢蒴内除孢子外具有弹丝(elater). 孢子萌发时,原丝体阶段不发达. 地钱属(Marchantia) 地钱属是地钱目(Marchantiales)中习见的植物,


孢子成熟后,从孢蒴中散出,在适宜的环境中萌发形成具分枝的丝状体,称为原丝体(protonema),从原丝体上再生出配子体,即苔藓植物的营养体. 由此可见,苔藓植物生活史中具有明显的世代交替,并以配子体世代占优势. 苔藓植物广布全球,


protonation 质子化 | protonema 丝状体 | protonema 原丝体


protonation /质子化/ | protonema /原丝体/丝状体/ | protonephron /原肾/

Protonema of Funaria W.M:藓,原丝体装片

22 藓,颈卵器切片 Archegonium of Funaria L.S. | 23 藓,原丝体装片 Protonema of Funaria W.M. | 24 蕨叶切片(示囊群) Sporophyll ofPteridium sec.




protonema 原丝体 | Protonemertini 原纽虫目 | protonephridial system 原肾系

sporogenous tissue:造孢组织

孢蒴中由造孢组织(sporogenous tissue)形成孢子母细胞(spore mother cells),每个孢子母细胞经减数分裂,形成4个孢子. 孢子成熟时,经由孢蒴散布机制散布,落地后萌发形成原丝体,再发育成配子体,完成一个生活周期. 苔藓植物约有23000种,


protonema 原丝体 | protonemata 原丝体 | protonephridium 原肾管