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厚囊的 的英文翻译、例句


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In addition,the edge were easily teared radially kuring emulsification and implantation following diathermy capsulotomy.

结果 病理切片显示:电子环形撕囊的前囊膜反卷、增厚重叠在一起,晶状体上皮细胞排列失去规则。

In 4 cases, the cavities were full of perilymph. We could find that the cavity was irregularly round-shaped, about 6.5 mm in diameter, with thin mucosa adhere to the cavity wall. In the center area, around the internal acoustic meatus fundus, there was a horseshoe- shaped cystic structure about 3 mm3, which was a combined structure of the saccule, utricle and scala media. In 1 case, there was little perilymph in the cavity, with about 1.5 mm thick soft tissue and granulation adhere to the wall. The saccule, utricle and scala media were not recognizable.

结果 对5例患者进行共同腔内耳蜗内镜检查,见4例腔内充满液体,吸出后腔壁有扉薄黏膜附着,腔呈不规则圆形,直径平均约为6.5 mm,中央区贴近内听道底部位见马蹄形或肾形囊腔,约 3 mm3大小,为内耳球囊、椭圆囊和中阶畸形融合的结构;1例腔内淋巴液较少,共同腔壁附着软组织和肉芽,约1.5 mm厚,无法将腔壁上的软组织与中阶、球囊、椭圆囊的结构区分。

Results Five cases with common cavity underwent micro-endoscopy during cochlear implantation. In 4 cases, the cavities were full of perilymph. We could find that the cavity was irregularly round-shaped, about 6.5 mm in diameter, with thin mucosa adhere to the cavity wall. In the center area, around the internal acoustic meatus fundus, there was a horseshoe- shaped cystic structure about 3 mm3, which was a combined structure of the saccule, utricle and scala media.

结果 对5例患者进行共同腔内耳蜗内镜检查,见4例腔内充满液体,吸出后腔壁有扉薄黏膜附着,腔呈不规则圆形,直径平均约为6.5 mm,中央区贴近内听道底部位见马蹄形或肾形囊腔,约 3 mm3大小,为内耳球囊、椭圆囊和中阶畸形融合的结构;1例腔内淋巴液较少,共同腔壁附着软组织和肉芽,约1.5 mm厚,无法将腔壁上的软组织与中阶、球囊、椭圆囊的结构区分。

Archangiopteris somai is an endemic eusporangiate fern in Taiwan.


Filicinophyta The largest phylum of spore-bearing vascular plants comprising the ferns and including about 12000 species. It is divided into two main groups, the LEPTOSPORANGIATE ferns and the EUSPORANGIATE ferns.


Eusporangiate Describing the condition, found in clubmosses, horsetails, and certain ferns in which the sporangia develop from a group of initial cells and do not have an elaborate spore dispersal mechanism.


Eusporangiate ferns include the adderstongues, Marattiales, and royal ferns, which are to some extent intermediate between leptosporangiate and eusporangiate ferns.

厚囊蕨包括蛇舌蕨(箭蕨 ophioglossales),莲座蕨目以及在某种程度上介于薄囊蕨和厚囊蕨之间的皇家蕨(紫萁目 osmundales )。

Eusporangiate ferns of the families Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae.


As true synovial joints,each facet joint contains a distinct joint space capable of accommodating between 1 and 1.5 ml of fluid, a synovial membrane, hyaline cartilage surfaces, and a fibrous capsule.21 The fibrous capsule of the lumbar facet joint is approximately 1 mm thick and composed mostly of collagenous tissue arranged in a more or less transversefashion to provide maximum resistance to flexion.22,23The joint capsule is thick posteriorly, supported by fibers arising from the multifidus muscle.


In filicophytes, there was a relatively high ratio of VA mycotrophy in the eusporangiates, and there was no autotrophic in the eusporangiates; but the ratio of autotrophic was up to 71%, and the ratioes of VA mycotrophic and facultative mycotrophic were low, 15% and 14% respectively in the leptosporangiates.


更多网络解释与厚囊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




除上述纵分生殖外,眼虫又能产生细胞壁薄之胞囊(cyst)来繁殖. 胞囊之型式有分裂胞囊、休止胞囊及保护胞囊等. 保护胞囊其内为单细胞,具有较厚壁,分裂胞囊内有多细胞或单细胞,囊壁颇薄,休止胞囊的壁颇厚,细胞尚具鞭毛且可在囊内活动.

cysticercus cellulosae:猪囊尾蚴

图15-8 链状带绦虫 猪囊尾蚴(cysticercus cellulosae)如黄豆大小,为白色半透明的囊状物,囊内充满透明的囊液. 囊壁分两层,外为皮层,内为间质层,间质层有一处向囊内增厚形成向内翻卷收缩的头节. 其形态结构和成虫一样. 生活史 人是猪带绦虫的终宿主,


食道之后形成嗉囊(crop)及砂囊(gizzard),前者是一薄壁的囊,用作食物的暂时贮存,有的种类嗉囊不发达或缺乏. 后者是一厚壁的囊,内表面有一层厚的几丁质层,用以研磨食物成为细粒. 砂囊后为管状的胃,胃上有丰富的血管及腺体. 胃后为肠,


(1)韧带(ligament) 是由致密纤维结缔组织构成的束状或膜状结构,连于相邻两骨之间,以加强关节的稳固性. 位于关节囊内的称囊内韧带,位于关节囊外的称囊外韧带,后者有的独立于关节囊存在,有的则是关节囊的增厚部分.


1.椭圆囊 椭圆囊(utricle)位于前庭后上部的椭圆囊隐窝中. 囊壁上端底部及前壁上感觉上皮,呈白斑状卵圆形的增厚区,称为椭圆囊斑(macu1a utriculi),有前庭神经椭圆囊支的纤维分布,感受位置觉,亦称位觉斑(maculae staticae).


eusplanchnia 内脏正常 | eusporangiate 厚囊的 | eusporangiatefern 厚囊蕨类


真囊蕨类;厚囊蕨类 Eusporangiatae; eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiopsida | 有真正孢子囊的;厚囊蕨的 eusporangiate | 真囊蕨;厚囊蕨 eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiatae; Eusporangiopsida

Eusporangiatae; eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiopsida:真囊蕨类;厚囊蕨类

真正有性的 eusexual | 真囊蕨类;厚囊蕨类 Eusporangiatae; eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiopsida | 有真正孢子囊的;厚囊蕨的 eusporangiate

eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiatae; Eusporangiopsida:真囊蕨;厚囊蕨

有真正孢子囊的;厚囊蕨的 eusporangiate | 真囊蕨;厚囊蕨 eusporangiate fern; Eusporangiatae; Eusporangiopsida | 真孢子囊型 eusporangiate type