英语人>词典>汉英 : 历法的 的英文翻译,例句
历法的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday that marks the traditional birthdate of Jesus of Nazareth.


It is pointed out that these calendarial reforms are not pure scientific activities in the modern sense but cultural and political movements with ancient Chinese characteristics.


Before discussing Xing Yunlu's calendrical work, we reviewed the calendrical system of the Ming Dynasty and the status of the calendar crisis and the endeavor of reviving the traditional calendar made by the scholars Gu Yingxiang (1483-1565), Tang Shunzhi (1507-1560) and Zhou Shuxue (?1500-?1572) during the Emperor Jia Jing (1522-1566) in the Ming Dynasty. These scholars had paid attention to the underlying mathematical principles of Shoushi Computus, especially the method on arc and arrow in the geometry.


These nations only adopted the calendar change during the eighteenth century, at a time when the tradition of April Foolery had already been well established throughout Europe.


Apart from the similarities to the lunar calendar of the Han, the calendar calculation method of the Kachin gives own characteristics.


It holds that the phenologic calender origi- nates in fishing and hunting economic civilized period rather than the farming and pastoral peri- od.


In Hebrew it is known as "Yom Kippur" and in the Jewish calendar it comes on the tenth day of the seventh month, the month called Tishri.

希伯来文的赎罪日叫做「Yom Kippur」,在犹太历法的第七个月份,提斯利月第十日举行。

Moreover, we can give a more embedded discussion to the reason of the failure of the Chinese traditional calendrical astronomy in the calendar reform in the late Ming Dynasty.


Xing yunlu (fl. 1580-1621) was not only the most important person during the period of the revival of traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty, but also the only civilian astronomer who had the chance to reform the traditional calendar in the official Astronomical Bureau of the Ming Dynasty from 1612 to 1621. By studying Xing Yunlu's calendrical classics, we can better understand the calendar reform and the action and represent of the traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty. Moreover, we can give a more embedded discussion to the reason of the failure of the Chinese traditional calendrical astronomy in the calendar reform in the late Ming Dynasty.


Below is a time line of events transpiring in the history of the


更多网络解释与历法的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


calendric | 日历的,按日历的,历法的 | calendry | 轧光车间压光车间 | calends | (罗马古历的)每月第一日;朔日

onthe Greek calends:永远不会有的那一天, 决不会, 决无(因为希腊历法中没有calends)

lean year 歉收年 | onthe Greek calends 永远不会有的那一天, 决不会, 决无(因为希腊历法中没有calends) | Jamaican 牙买加人 牙买加(人)的

Julian Day:儒略日

儒略日(Julian day)是指由公元前4713年1月1日,协调世界时中午12时开始所经过的天数,多为天文学家采用,用以作为天文学的单一历法,把不同历法的年表统一起来.


The lunar calendar is different from the calendar used in the west. 农历和西方所用的历法不一样. | scholarly 博学多闻的 adj | Our professor is very scholarly. 我们的教授非常博学多闻.

snowmen:雪地人 雪人 雪人 -- 福罗契尔的土著居民

snaga 史那加 黑暗语中的奴隶 | Snowmen 雪地人 雪人 雪人 -- 福罗契尔的土著居民 | Solmath 夏尔历法中的二月


calenderstack | 砑光机, (纸)压光机 | calendric | 日历的,按日历的,历法的 | calendry | 轧光车间压光车间

calendric time units:历法时间单位

calculability(含意的)可推导性(4.4.2) | calendric time units历法时间单位(6.1.3) | cancellability(含意的)可取消性(4.4.2)


Remmirath 雷米拉斯星 瑞米拉斯星座 雷米拉思星 即天网星 | Rethe 夏尔历法中的三月 | Rethe 布理的历法名词


Rethe 夏尔历法中的三月 | Rethe 布理的历法名词 | Reunited Kingdom 再联王国 重联王国 联合王国 亚拉冈即位后的刚铎亚尔诺联合王国


Lady of the Stars 星辰之后/繁星之后 星星夫人 瓦尔妲的称号 | laer 伊姆拉崔历法的季节(辛达语) | Laiquendi 莱昆第 莱昆迪 即绿精灵