英语人>词典>汉英 : 厄尔顿 的英文翻译,例句
厄尔顿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The same point of legal history was attained in England under the chancellorship of Lord Eldon, the first of our equity judges who, instead of enlarging the jurisprudence of his court by indirect legislation, devoted himself through life to explaining and harmonising it.


It is my hope that the Charlton College of Business can, in the years to come, continue to emulate the principled leadership of Earle P. Charlton and can educate students to have similar characteristics.


If the philosophy of legal history were better understood in England, Lord Eldon''s services would be less exaggerated on the one hand and better appreciated on the other than they appear to be among contemporary lawyers.


Eldon D.Enger is an emeritus professor of biology at Delta College, a community college near Saginaw, Michigan.


Members: Steve Barber, Peter Barnes, Ilene Burnstein, Michael Davis, Amr El-Kadi, N. Ben Fairweather, Milton Fulghum, N. Jayaram, Tom Jewett, Mark Kanko, Ernie Kallman, Duncan Langford, Joyce Currie Little, Ed Mechler, Manuel J.


Members: Steve Barber, Peter Barnes, Ilene Burnstein, Michael Davis, Bmr El-Kadi, N. Ben Fairweather, Milton Fulghum, N. Jayaram, Tom Jewett,马克 Kanko, Ernie Kallman, Duncan Langford, Joyce Durrie Little, Ed Mechler, Manuel J.


"The abbot, in his alb arrayed," stood at the altar in the abbey-chapel of Rubygill, with all his plump, sleek, rosy friars, in goodly lines disposed, to solemnise the nuptials of the beautiful Matilda Fitzwater, daughter of the Baron of Arlingford, with the noble Robert Fitz-Ooth, Earl of Locksley and Huntingdon.


You can read and comment on the column as usual , but the A-list is as follows: Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears – The Bonnie Earl o'Moray; Cocteau Twins – Aikea Guinea; Brian Eno – Here Come the Warm Jets; David Bowie – Subterraneans; Adriano Celentano – Prisencolinensinainciusol; Richard Berry and the Pharoahs – Louie Louie; The Fendermen – Mule Skinner Blues; Crystal Castles – Courtship Dating; Busta Rhymes and Twista – Break Ya Neck; Caleb – Baby Your Phrasing Is Bad

你可以阅读和评论专栏像往常一样,但A -名单如下:本杰明布里顿和彼得梨-厄尔的邦尼'马里;科克托双胞胎- Aikea几内亚;布莱恩伊诺-温射流来了;大卫鲍伊- Subterraneans;阿德里亚诺塞伦塔诺- Prisencolinensinainciusol;理查德贝里和Pharoahs -路易路易;的Fendermen -穆利斯金纳蓝调;水晶城堡-恋爱交友,Busta Rhymes和特斯塔-符亚领;迦勒-宝贝你的措词是坏

On October 1, 2004 the College of Business moved into a new ultramodern building built with a $3 million grant from the Earle P. Charlton Family Trust.


The Dead Will Walk - An all-new 75-minute documentary featuring interviews with cast and crew members Claudio Argento, Dario Argento, Pat Buba, Tony Buba, Zilla Clinton, David Crawford, David Early, David Emge, Ken Foree, Michael Gornick, John Harrison, Clayton Hill, Sharon Ceccatti-Hill, Jim Krut, Leonard Lies, Scott H.


更多网络解释与厄尔顿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


帕斯家中安排一场魔术娱乐表演,厄尔(Earl)和蒙特巴顿女士(Lady Mountbatten)都会出席. Dai Vernon 和杰?马修(当时在伦敦帕拉狄昂剧院演出),佛西特?洛斯、赛?英菲尔德(Cy Enfield)、罗伯特?哈宾(Robert Harbin)和我本人都受邀出席.


Bowen,Ryan 瑞安-勃文 | Boykins,Earl 厄尔-博伊金斯 | Brand,Elton 埃尔顿-布兰德


" [注] 伯顿(Sir Richard Francis Burton):英国探险家及东方文化学者,1821-1890.[注] 厄尔巴岛(Elba):在意大利半岛以西的地中海. 拿破仑在1814年被反法联军击败后,被迫退位,流放厄尔巴岛. 十 预兆 这时,埃勒里.奎因是个好奇的小淘气.


Boykins,Earl 厄尔-博伊金斯 | Brand,Elton 埃尔顿-布兰德 | Brezec,Primoz 普里莫兹-布雷泽克


有五十个头,一百只手臂,被海神尼普顿(Neptunis)② 波尔菲里雍(Porphyrion)希腊神话中巨人之一,希神乌拉诺(Ouranos)和该亚(Gea)所生之子,困欲⑤ 厄菲阿尔特(Ephialtes)巨人之一希神波塞冬(Poseidor)与伊菲梅戴Iphi-medee所生之子,

Erskine:厄斯金 悬崖顶上的居民;绿色高原 男性 盖尔

Errol 埃罗尔 贵族 男性 条顿 | Erskine 厄斯金 悬崖顶上的居民;绿色高原 男性 盖尔 | Erwin 欧文 大海的朋友 盎格鲁撒克逊

Hughie Erskine:休吉.厄斯金

Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡.王尔德 | Hughie Erskine 休吉.厄斯金 | Laura Merton 劳拉.默顿

Upton Park:西汉姆联 (韦斯咸) 厄普顿公园球场

阿森纳 (阿仙奴) 海布里球场Highbury Stadium | 西汉姆联 (韦斯咸) 厄普顿公园球场Upton Park | 利物浦 安菲尔德球场Anfield Stadium

Upton Sinclair:厄普顿.辛克莱尔

在19、20世纪之交的美国,西奥多.德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)和厄普顿.辛克莱尔(Upton Sinclair)等作家描述了美国工厂暴露出的令人震惊的工作条件、以次充好的产品和伪劣食品,他们使用的字眼与哈尼用在中国身上的大同小异.

Earnie Stewart:厄尼.斯图尔特 中场 荷兰布雷达NAC队

7 Eddie Lewis 埃迪.刘易斯 中场 英格兰富勒姆队 | 8 Earnie Stewart 厄尼.斯图尔特 中场 荷兰布雷达NAC队 | 9 Joe-Max Moore 乔-马克斯.穆尔 前锋 英格兰埃弗顿队