英语人>词典>汉英 : 卵黄膜 的英文翻译,例句
卵黄膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oolemma  ·  lecithymen

membranae vitellina · yolk membranes · yolk skin
更多网络例句与卵黄膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oogonium develops into early oocyte in the ovary, and then the oocyte leaves the ovary for the coelomic fluid in the form of single cell or cell mass followed by the rapid separation of the group of oocytes into individual ones. Oocyte enters into the nephridium after its maturation. The rupture of germinal vesicle marks the oocyte maturation. Oocyte in the coelom does not have follicle membrane and vitelline membrane is formed and developed by the oocyte itself. Smaller oocyte (0μm in diameter) is round, and larger ones (≥60μm in diameter) is ovate. The short and long diameters of a morphologically mature oocyte are about 115—120μm and 140—145μm respectively, and the vitelline membrane is 7—9μm thick.

卵原细胞在卵巢中发育至早期卵母细胞时期单个或成团脱离卵巢入体腔液中,卵母细胞团细胞很快分离为单个细胞;卵母细胞在体腔液中发育成熟后进入肾管;生发泡破裂是卵母细胞成熟的标志;体腔中卵母细胞无滤泡膜,卵黄膜的形成与发育靠卵母细胞本身;卵径小于60μm的卵母细胞呈圆形,卵径大于60μm 的卵母细胞为卵圆形,形态上成熟的卵母细胞短径约115—120μm、长径约140—145μm、卵黄膜厚7—9μm。

The cortical alveolar exudate is involved in the transformation of the VE into the FE during the process of fertilization.


In ovary, PNA receptors appeared in the oocyte cytoplasm of second phases of oogenesis; the positive granules gradually increased from third to forth phases, and they exhibit a maximum expression before vitellogennic stage in cytoplasm of oocyte; from vitellogennic stage to chorionation stage, the positive granules gradually reduced. Binding sites on follicle cells were changed with their morphological variation in every stage of oogenesis.The staged and specific expression of oncogene c-kit, the tyrosine-kinase receptor, is closely related with gametogenesis.


Under light microscope, the egg is an oblated and agglutinated demersal with a narrow perivitelline space; eggs ranged in diameter from 1.95 to 2.38 mm with a mean of 2.18 ± 0.03 mm; their membrane are smooth and they have 5 to 7 cannular keratose egg-filaments; the oil globules are multiple, ranged in diameter from 0.05 to 0.50 mm and in number from 7 to 145 with a mean of 28±2, the position of them migrate during embryonic development; the yolks are ivory-white with no segments, ranged in diameter from 1.00 to 2.30 mm with a mean of 1.90 ± 0.03 mm; the development phases of the embryo are variable. So they were identified as the eggs of one Beloniformes.


According to the size and shape of oocyte, the morphology of nucleolus, the growth of yolk and the structure of follicle, oogenesis of H. d. supertexta can be divided into three stages as follows: oogonium, previtellogenic oocyte and vitellogenic oocyte. The ovary wall is composed of tunica adventitia and germinal epithelium which will produce oogonia and follicle cells. The follicle is the structure unit of ovary.


Yellow Sea ; Clupea pallasi ; vitelline envelope ; fertilization envelope ultrastructure ; glycoprotein ; PAS positive material ; dynamic change

黄海;太平洋鲱鱼;鲱鱼卵黄膜;受精膜亚微结构;糖蛋白; PAS阳性物质;动态变化

The hybrid between Brachymystax lenok and Hueho taimen were not a live in the past 2 years. However, the fertility and eyed rate of BH were significantly higher than that of HH and BB (P.05), while the hatching rate were significantly lower (P.05). The larvae died within 1 to 2 hours after hatching. It was observed that the tail of yolk-sac larve couldn't stretch around the yolk, and there were hyperemia in the middle and posterior segment of the tail. The reason why the hybrid between Brachymystax lenok and Hucho taimen couldn't snrvive might was the karyoplasms of the gametes from Brachymystax lerwk and Hucho taimen by distant hybridization were not compatible.


Suggestion: the coatings were an apparatus to control the infolding of the plasma membrane during vesicle formation.


METHODS: Constructing the CAM model by exposing CAM on the shell subpoint between 2 vitelline veins and generating an air chamber after 5 days of incubated with aseptic incubator at 37℃.

将鸡胚消毒后,置于37℃无菌恒温箱中孵育5 d,在距胚头1 cm两条卵黄静脉之间的卵壳投影部位磨切暴露尿囊膜,制成假气室,用无菌滤纸封闭窗口,制成鸡胚尿囊膜模型,备用。

There was no typical Golgi complex in oogonia, but there were some Golgi vesicles. At the early stage of vitellogenesis, Golgi complex was abundant whose saccules increased to more than ten layers. At the middle stage of vitellogenesis, Golgi complex grew more in numbers and got together, so its secreting quickened. Moreover, it formed a number of Golgi vesicles, which were filled with granule substances that changed into yolk granule finally.


更多网络解释与卵黄膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


04.0076 卵黄 vitellus, yolk | 04.0077 卵黄体 vitellus | 04.0078 卵黄膜 vitelline membrane


可见"卵黄膜"(oolemma)已不能用作动物学专用名词. 综上,笔者认为哺乳类的卵膜中不存在卵黄膜(vitelline membrane),存在冲突的文献中的"卵黄膜"实指卵细胞膜. 可能受该名词审定时间较晚中国农业大学地址,

perivitelline membrane:卵黄围膜;围卵黄膜

围卵黄腔 perivitelline cavity | 卵黄围膜;围卵黄膜 perivitelline membrane | 卵黄周隙;围卵黄隙 perivitelline space

perivitelline cavity:围卵黄腔

围卵黄的 perivitelline | 围卵黄腔 perivitelline cavity | 卵黄围膜;围卵黄膜 perivitelline membrane

vitelline gland,vitellarium:卵黄腺

卵黄<>管 vitelline fistula | 卵黄腺 vitelline gland,vitellarium | 卵黄膜 vitelline membrane

vitellin membrane:卵黄膜

vitellin 卵黄磷蛋白 | vitellin membrane 卵黄膜 | vitellogenesis 卵黄生成

vitelline membrane:卵黄膜

使卵有一个适宜的生长发育环境.产卵于植物组织.三,卵的基本结构 昆虫的卵是一个大型细胞.最外面是起保护作用的卵壳(chorion),卵壳里面 的簿层称卵黄膜(vitelline membrane)围着原生质,卵黄及核.丰富的卵黄 充塞在原生质网络的空隙内,

vitelline membrane:卵黄 yolk 卵黄膜

卵带; 卵黄系带,合点 chalaza | 卵黄 yolk 卵黄膜 vitelline membrane | 卵黄囊 yolk sac

vitelline sphere:卵黄球

vitelline membrane 卵黄膜 | vitelline sphere 卵黄球 | vitelline vessel 卵黄囊血管

yolk nucleus:卵黄核,巴比阿尼氏核

yolk membrane ==> 卵黄膜 | yolk nucleus ==> 卵黄核,巴比阿尼氏核 | yolk plug ==> 卵黄栓