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卵 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
egg  ·  eggs  ·  nit  ·  ova  ·  spawn  ·  spawned  ·  egging  ·  ovi  ·  spawns  ·  nepit

更多网络例句与卵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oogonium develops into early oocyte in the ovary, and then the oocyte leaves the ovary for the coelomic fluid in the form of single cell or cell mass followed by the rapid separation of the group of oocytes into individual ones. Oocyte enters into the nephridium after its maturation. The rupture of germinal vesicle marks the oocyte maturation. Oocyte in the coelom does not have follicle membrane and vitelline membrane is formed and developed by the oocyte itself. Smaller oocyte (0μm in diameter) is round, and larger ones (≥60μm in diameter) is ovate. The short and long diameters of a morphologically mature oocyte are about 115—120μm and 140—145μm respectively, and the vitelline membrane is 7—9μm thick.

原细胞在巢中发育至早期母细胞时期单个或成团脱离巢入体腔液中,母细胞团细胞很快分离为单个细胞;母细胞在体腔液中发育成熟后进入肾管;生发泡破裂是母细胞成熟的标志;体腔中母细胞无滤泡膜,黄膜的形成与发育靠母细胞本身;径小于60μm的母细胞呈圆形,径大于60μm 的母细胞为圆形,形态上成熟的母细胞短径约115—120μm、长径约140—145μm、黄膜厚7—9μm。

The oogenesis of P. esculenta can be divided into the following phases in morphological characteristics of oogonium and oocyte development: the proliferative phase of oogonium (0μm in diameter), the initial growth phase of oocyte (10—20μm in diameter), the grand growth phase-Ⅰof oocyte (20—60μm in diameter), the grand growth phase-II of oocyte (60μm×70μm to 120μm×145μm in size), the mature phase of oocyte, and the declining phase, showing a dynamic changes in oogenesis of P. esculenta .

原细胞与母细胞发育的形态学特征为依据,将可口革囊星虫的子发生过程划分为:原细胞增殖期(径0μm)、母细胞小生长期(径10—20μm)、母细胞大生长期Ⅰ(径20—60μm)、母细胞大生长期Ⅱ[大小为(60μm×70μm)—(120μm×145μm)]、母细胞成熟期及退化期6 个阶段,反映了可口革囊星虫子发生过程的动态变化。

Hormone level in maturation medium affected cumulus expansion of COC, but cumulus expansion became less dependent on hormone level with time of culture. Porcine immatured oocytes, granulosa cells from small antral follicles and cumulus cells of immatured oocytes secreted cumulus-expansion enabling factors. Granulosa cells from 3-6mm follicles did not produce CEEF, but there was some CEEF in the follicular fluid of this sized follicles.


Hormone level in maturation medium affected cumulus expansion of COC,but cumulusexpansion became less dependent on hormone level with time of culture.Porcine immaturedoocytes,granulosa cells from small antral follicles and cumulus cells of immatured oocytessecreted cumulus-expansion enabling factors.Granulosa cells from 3-6mm follicles did notproduce CEEF,but there was some CEEF in the follicular fluid of this sized follicles.Sun xingshen, Animal Histology and Embryology


Our study includes four aspects. In the first aspect we study several important conditions of porcine oocytes maturation in vitro and oocytes cleavage after parthenogenetic activation and found mNCSU-23+15IU/mlPMSG+20IU/mlHCG+15% PFF+0.57mMcysteine is a good culture condition .When the Cocs are cultured in it ,the maturation rate and oocytes cleavage rate are higher than those of foreign covered. Our result are (86.7±3.35)% and (86.3±4.16)% and the highest report of foreign is(85.7±4.1)%.In the second aspect we study the effect of different chemical activations on development of porcine parthennogenetic embryo and found two best activation method. The first one is that putting the maturation MII oocytes in the 20μmol/L ionomycin for 30 minutes and then putting them in the NCSU-23 condition containing 5μg/mICB and 5mM/L6-DMAP for 3.5 hours, the oocytes cleavage rate and morulae/blastocysts development rate are (76.7±7.6)% and (37.1±6.4)%.The second one is that putting the maturation MII oocytes in the 200μM/L Thimerosal for 20 minutes and then putting them in the NCSU-23 condition containing 8mM DTT for 30 minutes

本研究分为4个部分,第一部分对影响猪母细胞体外成熟和孤雌激活后胚胎分裂的几个重要条件进行了比较研究,确立了一种较好的培养方法:与颗粒细胞共培养,找到了一种适合猪母细胞体外成熟的培养基:mNCSU-23+15IU/mlPMSG+20IU/mlHCG+15%PFF+0.57mM半胱氨酸,成熟率和分裂率分别为(86.7±3.35)%和(86.3±4.16)%,国外报道的最高成熟率为(85.7±4.1)%;第二部分对猪母细胞孤雌激活的化学方法进行了研究,确立了化学激活猪母细胞的两种最佳方法:1将成熟的去丘颗粒细胞的MII期母细胞用20μmol/Lionomycin作用30min,再将母细胞培养于含5μg/mlCB和5mM/L 6-DMAP(6-二甲基氨基嘌呤)的NCSU-23培养液中,裂率和桑囊胚发育率达到(76.7±7.6)%和(37.1±6.4)%2将成熟的去丘颗粒细胞的MII期母细胞在200μM/L的Thimerosal中处理20min,再与8mM的DTT共孵育30min,裂率和桑/囊胚形成率为(81.0±2.8)%和(39.6±2.7)%;第三部分对孤雌激活胚胎的培养条件进行了研究,确立了一种最佳的胚胎培养条件:在SOF简单培养基中添加颗粒细胞进行前3天的培养,然后转入添加胎牛血清的NCSU—23培养基并和输管上皮细胞进行后期的培养,其桑椹胚和囊胚的发育率为(59.5±3.2)%;第四部分研究了IGF-I

Following chemical activation, blastocysts rate of the treated oocytes was similar to untreated oocytes.8 Following fertilization, however, few oocytes inhibited with CHX developed into morulae/blastocysts, due to a high incidence of polyspermy.9 Cortical granule migration occurred during inhibition, but CHX inhibition impaired CG migration, significantly no oocytes inhibited by CHX completed CG migration after maturation.10 CHX inhibition had no effects onα-microtubles and microfilaments of goat oocytes.


objective we start with clinical research to explore the ability and mechanism of ion conduction with chinese herbs to curing ovulatory obstacle.methods adopting the methods of clinical observation random contrast.select the cases of ovulatory obstacle dividing randomly into two groups:therapeutic group and control group,the patients of therapeutic group using ion conduction with chinese herbs with act'on nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis when follicle grow up to 1.4cm.we take the decoction of jia jian tao hong si wu tang conducting the unilateral lower abdomen which has the dominant follicle,treating continuously for 4~8 days and observing ovulation.the patients of control group inject hcg 10000unit when follicle grow up to 1.8cm and observing ovulation.appraising two groups ovulated rate and pregnancy rate,and detect fsh、lh、e2、p at sixteen to eighteen days of menstrual cycle.results ion conduction with chinese herbs can significantly inspires ovulation and its effection is evidently higher than control group and has a higher pregnancy rate,no side effect of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.conclusion ion conduction with chinese herbs has significant function on inspiring ovulation.the target effection of treating ovulatory obstacle is exact.this method has a ovulated rate and higher pregnancy rate.


In the present study, we collected cumulus cells oocyte complex from ovaries of two different strain mice. The cumulusenclosed oocytes were cultured for 6 h in MEM supplemented with growth factor and FSH. The meiotic maturation of these oocytes has progressed to pro-metaphse Ⅰ stage and the condensed chromosomes are visible under DIC microscope, metaphase Ⅰ spindle even can be detected under Polscope. The metaphase Ⅰ spindles of oocytes were exchanged under such microscopes. After electric stimuli, 91. 6% and 91. 6% karyoplasts-cytoplasm pairs were fused respectively. The resulting oocytes were cultured further in MEM and over 80% of oocytes released the first polar body. 79% and 77% of oocytes formed two pronuclei after in vitro fertilization and the embryos were cultured in KSOM supplemented with amino acids. Over 60% of embryos developed to blastocyst stage.


The results show that: 1 supplementation of protein to maturation media improves cumulus expansion in vitro compared to the protein-free control, but cumulus expansion is not necessarily related to oocyte nuclear maturation in pigs, and cumulus expansion is not the criterae for determination of nuclear maturation of pig oocytes, but only the exclusion of the first polar body; 2 exposure of pig COCs to hormone supplements for 23-24 hours improved cumulus expansion but had no significant effect on nuclear maturation compared to that for 46-48 hours; 3 under our research conditions, supplementation of different proteins into different maturation media has different effects on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation, but has no significant effect on subsequent embryonic development after IVF; 4 the nuclear maturation rates of pig oocytes matured in mTCM+pFF and mNCSU+pFF are superior than that in mNCSU+FCS; 5 different maturation media have no effect on pig oocyte cumulus expansion and subsequent embryonic development after IVF.


The cumulus cells of OCC were cut off and dispersed by 1 mL syringe. The cumulus cells were co-cultured with the immature oocytes retrieved from the COH cycles after they adherent to the bottom of the dish. The immature oocytes were experienced IVM procedures in different culture media. They were divided into 3 groups(the oocytes at germinal vesicle stage from one woman were allotted to the same group randomly). Group 1: basic culture medium+ human follicular fluid; Group 2: solution A+ cumulus cells; Group 3: solution A+ OCC+ follicle stimulating hormone + epidermal growth factor. Then, the maturation rate, fertilization rate and formation rate of available embryo were observed.

在控制性促排周期有未成熟母细胞时,将同周期成熟丘复合体切出部分丘细胞,用1 mL注射器抽打分散细胞,贴壁培养。113个治疗周期中,298枚生发泡期母细胞经3种不同培养液体外成熟培养(同一病人的生发泡期被随机分到某同一组中):第1组28个周期中73枚:基础培养液+泡液;第2组40个周期中115枚:A液+分散贴壁的丘细胞;第3组45个周期中110枚:A液+分散贴壁的丘细胞+促泡生成激素+表皮生长因子。

更多网络解释与卵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


裂产生的细胞称为囊胚细胞或裂球(blastomere). 裂球只是数量增多,每个裂球没有生长,裂球紧挨在一起,总体没有增大. 第一次裂和第二次裂都是纵向分裂,但两者的分裂面相互呈直角,把受精垂直分裂成4个体积相同的裂球.


使有一个适宜的生长发育环境.产于植物组织.三,的基本结构 昆虫的是一个大型细胞.最外面是起保护作用的壳(chorion),壳里面 的簿层称黄膜(vitelline membrane)围着原生质,黄及核.丰富的黄 充塞在原生质网络的空隙内,

egg envelope; e. membrane:卵封;卵外膜

egg cell 細胞 | egg envelope; e. membrane 封;外膜 | egg jelly

egg membrane; e. envelope:卵封;卵外膜

egg mass 塊 | egg membrane; e. envelope 封;外膜 | egg pedicle

fraternal twins:异卵双生

因而,同双生和异双生( fraternal twins)之间各种倾向的不同是由基因上的差别决定的. 斯佩克特指出,这项研究结果显示,同双生的性高潮的经历比异双生的经历更加相似. 而同双生与异双生之间的差别主要存在于基因上,

non-identical twins:非同卵双生 ,非同卵孪生,非同卵孪生儿

non-flowering plant 无花植物 | non-identical twins 非同双生 ,非同孪生,非同孪生儿 | non-living thing 非生物


子的发生过程包括原细胞(Oogonium)的增殖、母细胞(Oocyte)的生长和母细胞的成熟三个阶段. 在胚胎期性别分化后,雌性胎儿的原始生殖细胞便分化为原细胞. 原细胞与其它细胞一样含有典型的细胞成分;


(1)孢子(oospore):菌的有性孢子. 是由两个异型配子囊--雄器和藏器接触后,雄器的细胞质和细胞核经授精管进入藏器,与球核配,最后受精的球发育成厚壁的、双倍体的孢子. (2)接合孢子(zygospore):接合菌的有性孢子.


胎生 Ovoviviparity | 排,放 Ovulation | ,小 Ovule,Ovum,Egg


vitellin 黃磷蛋白 | vitelline 黃(的);蛋黃(色)的;类似黃的 | vitellolutein 黃黃质;黃黃素