- 更多网络例句与印度榕树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
They can be classificated to two kinds. One kind is build by photomultiplier; another kind is build by MCP. The mechanism of delayed luminescence is discussed with subradiation. A photon count system is built. To proof the biophoton is a kind of ultra weak photon stream originate from exothermic reaction, and primarily discuss the relationship between the delayed luminescence and proteins activity, we chose microphyllous banyan leave , ficus elastica leave, gingkgo leave, Chinese fan palm leave, and cinnamomum camphora leave as biological samples. The ultra weak photon emission from normal biosamples, and proteins inactivated biosample were measured separately with photon count system. The results showed that the delayed luminescence of biosamples have
It contained rice-fields, tall palms, royal banyans, a few lakes, and two cremation grounds.
- 更多网络解释与印度榕树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
banzai attack:日本敢死队式的进攻
banyan | 菩提树, 印度榕树 | banzai attack | 日本敢死队式的进攻 | banzai | 万岁!
海岸的印度神脚还一瘸一瘸的,为了照顾他,我们决定去大榕树. 我放下豪言,"今年不爬便宜线/要爬就爬吆(yao)三线"
banyan day:缺肉天, 伙食不好的日子
Bantustan || 班图斯坦(南非白人政权) | banyan day || 缺肉天, 伙食不好的日子 | banyan || 菩提树, 印度榕树
pagoda stone:叶蜡石,宝塔石
Pagniello''s point ==> 帕涅洛氏点 | pagoda stone ==> 叶蜡石,宝塔石 | pagoda tree ==> 印度榕树
banzai attack:日本敢死队式的进攻
banyan || 菩提树, 印度榕树 | banzai attack || 日本敢死队式的进攻 | banzai || 万岁!