英语人>词典>汉英 : 印刷物 的英文翻译,例句
印刷物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
print  ·  prints

更多网络例句与印刷物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A print made from a copperplate engraving.


I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it in print.


If you think putting all of these in your printing material will liven things up, you are wrong.


The design of communication is most probably being to take presswork as intermediary.


Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene, prurient , or immoral.


I was a lit major in college, and used to be voracious book reader," he wrote."


According to the forecast of weather station, the weather is going to be variable during the hoiliday.


Max. Printing Area 300x400mm 400x500mmMax. frame size 450x700mm 560x760mm


Or will Dell save itself by using the Terms and Conditions, which states:"To the extent permitted by law, any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other documents or information issued by Dell shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Dell."


Or will Dell save itself by using the Terms and Conditions, which states: To the extent permitted by law, any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other documents or information issued by Dell shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Dell.


更多网络解释与印刷物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collotype printing:珂罗版印刷

珂罗版印刷(collotype printing) 以玻璃板为版基,按原稿层次制成胶硬化的图文,由明胶硬化的的绉纹吸收油墨,未硬化部分通过润湿排斥油墨进行印刷. 铁皮印刷(metal decorating) 以金属板为承印物的平版印刷.


印刷适性(printability) 承印物、印刷油墨以及其他材料与印刷条件相匹配适合于印刷作业的总性能. 印刷压力(printing pressure) 在印刷过程中压印体之间相互作用的力. 压印线(nip) "圆压平"和"圆压圆"印刷机的压印体的互相作用的瞬间产生的接触带.

Printing Ink:印刷油墨

- '''印刷油墨'''( printing ink),在[[印刷]]过程中被转移到[[承印物]]上的成像物质:一般由[[色料]]、[[连结料]]、[[填充料]]与[[助剂]]组成,具有一定的[[流动性]]和[[粘性]].

Printing Ink:印刷墨

印刷品乃由印刷墨(Printing Ink)在承印物上固化皮膜之表现,故印墨品质之良窳,关系成果好坏至钜. 印刷墨之组成,系由四部份混合调炼而得:一为舒展剂(Vehicle),以亚麻仁油、桐油、松香油、煤油、人造树脂等熬炼而成之溶剂,

offset printing press:按照间接印刷原理,印版通过橡皮布转印滚筒将图文转印在承印物上进行印刷的平版印刷机

alcohol dampening 在胶印润湿液中添加酒精、异丙醇或其他醇类,... | offset printing press 按照间接印刷原理,印版通过橡皮布转印滚筒将图文转印在承印物上进行印刷的平版印刷机. | blanket 胶印机上转印滚筒的包覆物...

stencil printing:模版印刷

A.69 模版印刷 (stencil printing) 印版上的油墨被加压透过网孔,在承印物上得到被复制图像的有版渗漏印刷方法. A.70 热染料转移印刷 (thermal dye transfer printing) 通过数字数据控制的热印头和涂有染料的色带,经加热升华,

planographic printing:平版印刷

A.56 平版印刷 (planographic printing) 印版的图像和非图像区域处于同一平面,通过石印或胶印,在承印物上复制图像的印刷方法. A.57 印后 (postpress) 印刷技术工作流程的第三阶段,包括表面整饰、装订加工和产品分发等工序,产生最终的产品.


文献、手稿、档案Documents, manuscripts, archives | 实物、艺术品、雕塑、标本、印刷物Objects, artworks, sculptures, specimens, prints 、 | 包装和运输 Packing and transporting


文献、手稿、档案Documents, manuscripts, archives | 实物、艺术品、雕塑、标本、印刷物Objects, artworks, sculptures, specimens, prints 、 | 包装和运输 Packing and transporting

Color Separations:分色片(彩色印刷用)

Collateral 广告助成物(指印刷物之类) | Color Separations 分色片(彩色印刷用) | Commercial 广告片(指电视或电台广告)