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- 海军导航卫星系统
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With the development of missile defense system,the penetration of ballistic missile will faces with a greater menace,and the midcourse of ballistic missile is the focus of countermine.
The application of DVB system which started with satellite living broadcast system was adoptted by CATV gradually. By the growing up of Internet, DVB system based on llnternet became the research object of researchers and engineers. However, narrow band and high error rate of Internet limited the application of DVB system which should transport lots of data on network.
ReporterUnderstanding arrives now,"Goddess in the moon " the satellitic system of first phase project, carrier rocket system and project control system, used too material of two kinds of when steeliness builds 4 kinds of iron and steel, still cooperation of You Taigang of a kind of rolled steel is produced.
Based on the analysis of the architecture and characteristics of the GEO/MEO TDRSS for China, two system schemes are given.
在分析了我国可采用的静止轨道和中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统的系统结构和特点的基础上,给出了2 个系统方案。
Based on the analysis of the architecture and characteristics of the GEO/MEO TDRSS for China, two system schemes are given.
中文摘要:在分析了我国可采用的静止轨道和中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统的系统结构和特点的基础上,给出了2 个系统方案。
The analysis and simulation results indicate that the MEO- TDRSS can provide better coverage performance with more implementing cost.
Simply put, this is a global coverage of the 24 satellites of the satellite systems.
With three groups of imported digital satellite system equipment, programs of Pan-America No.1, Asia No.1, BS and 6 sets of domestic cabled TV can be received
Fixed satellite servicenetworks are mainly intended for long-distance operation of telecommunications networks,FSS satellites are employed to relay signals between large,complex,and expensive Earth stations,which are connected to the terrestrial telecommunications network.
The Global Positioning System is a Global Navigation Satellite System developed by the United States Department of Defense.
- 更多网络解释与卫星系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
有众议员认为奥巴马总统7083亿美元的国防预算申请中,没有为"宙斯盾"系统(Aegis)和"末段高空区域防御"导弹(THAAD)充分投资. 委员会在导弹防御领域作出的调整包括:为了平衡,将国家极轨运行环境卫星系统(NPOESS)计划的预算从3.52亿美元削减到0.52亿美元.
communication satellite:卫星
他都有深厚的理论基础和丰富的实践经验.他曾在美国德州达拉斯的德州仪器(Texas Instruments)工作,从事直播卫星系统(Direct Broadcast Satellite, DBS)的设计;曾在美国普林斯顿的RCA从事通信卫星(Communication Satellite)设计;曾在美国WiQuest工作,
目前达到实用水平的导航卫星系统有美国由24颗卫星组成的" 全球定位系统 "(GPS)和 俄罗斯 由十几颗卫星组成的"全球导航卫星系统". 卫星制导导弹利用安装在弹上的导航卫星系统接收机,接收多颗卫星播发的导航信息,
GNSS. 全球导航卫星系统 | GRAS. 地基区域增强系统 | GREPECAS. 加勒比和南美洲地区规划和实施小组
ISSA IntegratedSatelliteSystem:综合卫星系统
IRML IntegratedRoutingModel 综合路由选择模型 | ISSA IntegratedSatelliteSystem 综合卫星系统 | ISL IntegratedSchottkyLogic 集成肖特基逻辑
NTS NavigationTechnologySatellite:导航技术卫星
NSS NavigationSatelliteSystem 导航卫星系统 | NTS NavigationTechnologySatellite 导航技术卫星 | NAB NavigationalAidtoBombing 轰炸导航设备
TDS TrackingandDataRelaySatelliteSystem:跟踪与数据中继卫星系统
TrackingandDataRelaySatellite 跟踪域数据中继卫星 | TDS TrackingandDataRelaySatelliteSystem 跟踪与数据中继卫星系统 | TG TrackingandGuidance 跟踪与制导
ODS OrbitingDataRelaySatelliteSystem:环形数据中继卫星系统
ODRS OrbitingDataRelayNetwork 轨道运行数据中继网络 | ODS OrbitingDataRelaySatelliteSystem 环形数据中继卫星系统 | OGON OrbitingGeophysicalObservatory 轨道地球物理观测站,地球物理观测卫星
multiple uplinks:多条上行链路(地面对卫星)
复式发射机 multiple transmitter | 多条上行链路(地面对卫星) multiple uplinks | 多重进接(通信)卫星系统 multiple-access satellite system
由于许多拟定在2002-2003年间启动的新低轨移动卫星系统和宽带卫星系统计划陆续被取消,卫星市场规模主要依赖于已有的卫星系统,如欧洲电信卫星(Eutelsat)、国际电信卫星 (Intelsat)和泛美卫星 (PanAmSat)等系统.