英语人>词典>汉英 : 卫报 的英文翻译,例句
卫报 的英文翻译、例句


The Guardian
更多网络例句与卫报相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anna Arrowsmith, a former porn director, has been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, the UK's 3rd largest political party, the Guardian reported Saturday.


In Bouche Cousue, Mazarine Pingeot recounts for the first time the two decades she spent as a state secret, barred from seeing her father in public but spending every evening with him at their flat in central Paris.


Call it my weakness. Call it kindness, one brigadier told The Guardian .


Some of the game's most eloquent player-commentators are women, notably Annie Duke, who has won more than $3m in prize money, and Victoria Coren, winner of the London leg of last year's European Poker Tour and author of a poker column in Britain's Guardian.


Some of the games most eloquent player-commentators are women,notably annie duke,who has won more than $3m in prize money,and victoria coren,winner of the london leg of last years european poker tour and author of a poker column in britains guardian.


Timperley left journalism to become an adviser to the Chinese ministry of information in 1939, but continued to be consulted by the editor of the Guardian, WP Crozier. In 1943 he became a UN official, and after the war he worked in Indonesia.


Britain,"The Guardian" on November 27 reported that China canceled the summit, dumbfound the leaders of Europe.


However, Guardian revelations suggest editorial staff for whom he was responsible were involved in further illegal activity


Villagers near the factory in Wenchuan county – the area worst hit by the disaster – have told the Guardian their health and crops have been damaged by airborne "white flake" pollution that falls and then covers the soil.


Defend a newspaper " say, this spy network is called " ghostliness net , can pass information of secret of filch of the frequency that controls computer, video, attendant to computer place place undertakes monitoring with the person that use.


更多网络解释与卫报相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2004年接受英国知名媒体"卫报"(GUARDIAN)的采访并为其撰文. 2002年完成个人首部长篇小说处女作>,在各大网站刊有5万字的试读版本,拥有数量极为可观的网络读者,小说获得>副主编程永新和文学界诸多实力派作家的高度评价.

The Guardian:《卫报>

每年二月底的时候, "卫报" (The Guardian) 都会在某一个礼拜一随报纸送一本免费的F1 guide book-- 就是新赛季的观战手册啦. 请问今年的出了吗? 有人拿到了吗? 我不知道我是不是已经错过了... :ohno每年二月底的时候,

The Guardians:《卫报>

(图文/路透)而英国<<卫报>>(The Guardians)更是大胆且直接地列举12项欧洲核电厂近年所发生过的事故和安全问题. 例如:一、向来被归类在核电先进国家之列的法国,光是去年一年就发生了8百件核电厂安全事件. 二、今年7月,因为热浪侵袭,

Herald Journal:<先驱日报>

The Financial Times 金融时报 | Herald Journal 先驱日报 | The Guardian 卫报


据英国<<卫报>>报道,自从印度最知名的科学家之一--GD.阿加瓦尔(Agarwal)开始了他长达38天的绝食抗议之后,喜马拉雅地区的一个主要水电站坝已经停工. 针对Loharinag-Pala项目开始的绝食已是阿加瓦尔一年之内的第二次抗议行动,

Eric Schmidt:博士

(<卫报>)布什政府近日要求Google公司提供其用户的个人信息,这一举动立即遭到了公司总裁埃里克.施密特博士(Eric Schmidt)的强烈反对. 施密特博士表示,他将坚决抵制政府的无理要求. 美国民主党在中期选举中的胜利给正处于低潮期的英国工党提了一个醒--策划至关重要.