英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡比里 的英文翻译,例句
卡比里 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I would speak with your companions who are in the glade at Rocca Bianca.


Joe said Biloxi. Knowing that Biloxi had been damaged by Hurricane Katrina, I asked if they had had any damage. Joe said that they had lost almost everything.


Cabezon C, Vigil P, Rojas I, Leiva ME, Riquelme R, Aranda W, Garcia C.


In conjunction with contemporary black women fiction writers and poets, Smith, McDowell, and Carby (along with Barbara Christian, Claudia Tate, Mary Helen Washington, Trudier Harris, Hortense Spillers, Valerie Smith, Susan Willis, Mae Henderson, Henry Louis Gates, and many others) have worked to recover and reprint "lost" writings by black women, to establish a black women's literary tradition (while simultaneously questioning the concept of "tradition"), and to encourage scholarship about this literature.


A language family of sub-Saharan Africa spoken in the interior from Nigeria to Kenya and including Kanuri, Nubian, and the Nilotic languages.


For many of the keenest fans, the place to be was Waterstones bookstore on Piccadilly in central London.


"Like Monroe, Johansson possesses what Billy Wilder called 'flesh impact'—that is to say, her skin registers on film as if it were real skin," Carrie Rickey, film critic with The Philadelphia Inquirer , told Spotlight .


At first this was received sceptically, but things started to change later that year after the company's impressive response to Hurricane Katrina, during which it delivered necessities to residents of New Orleans far more effectively than the government did.


Here are the comrades in arms who studied together at the Marxist University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: Yoweri Museveni, Uganda's president; Laurent Desire Kabila, the ADFL figurehead and assassinated president of the Democratic Republic of Congo; Meles Zenawi, president of Ethiopia; Isaias Afwerki, president of Eritrea; Africa scholar Mahmood Mamdani; former RCD leader Wamba dia Wamba; Paul Kagame, Rwanda's president; and John Garang (d. 2005), former leader of the Sudan People's Liberation Army and first president of South Sudan.

这里是战友谁一起研究马克思主义在达累斯萨拉姆大学,坦桑尼亚:约韦里穆塞韦尼总统,乌干达总统;洛朗卡比拉,解联傀儡,暗杀总统的刚果民主共和国;梅莱斯泽纳维总统埃塞俄比亚;伊萨亚斯阿费沃基总统,厄立特里亚总统,非洲学者马哈茂德Mamdani ;前民盟领导人万巴迪亚万巴;保罗卡加梅总统,卢旺达总统和加朗(草2005年),前总统苏丹人民解放军和第一任总统苏丹南部。

In conjunction with contemporary black women fiction writers and poets, Smith, McDowell, and Carby (along with Barbara Christian, Claudia Tate, Mary Helen Washington, Trudier Harris, Hortense Spillers, Valerie Smith, Susan Willis, Mae Henderson, Henry Louis Gates, and many others) have worked to recover and reprint "lost" writings by black women, to establish a black women's literary tradition (while simultaneously questioning the concept of "tradition"), and to encourage scholarship about this literature.


更多网络解释与卡比里相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carlos Bonet:邦尼 後衛 奧林比亞

Paulo da Silva 保路達斯華 後衛 新特蘭 | Carlos Bonet 邦尼 後衛 奧林比亞 | Julio Cesar Caceres 祖利奧卡沙里斯 後衛 明尼路

Capitoline Museum:卡比托里山博物馆

北意大利旅游指南 Handbooks for Travellers to North Italy | 卡比托里山博物馆 Capitoline Museum | 卡代 Cadet, Coquelin

Cadet, Coquelin:卡代

卡比托里山博物馆 Capitoline Museum | 卡代 Cadet, Coquelin | 卡平特提里亚市 Carpinteria

Fabian Carini:法比安.卡里尼 CAGLIARI 卡利亚里

Uruguay 乌拉圭 | 1*Fabian CARINI 法比安.卡里尼 CAGLIARI 卡利亚里 | 2*Joe BIZERA 乔.比泽拉 CAGLIARI 卡利亚里

Cabiri or Kabeiroi or Kabiroi:卡比里-选自王以欣《神话>

Cabinda卡奔达 | Cabiri or Kabeiroi or Kabiroi卡比里-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Cabot, John and Sebastian, route of 约翰.卡博特和塞巴斯提昂.卡博特的路线

Nights of Cabiria:卡比利亚之夜

1957年的<<卡比利亚之夜>>(Nights of Cabiria)是费里尼的第二部奥斯卡最佳外语片,在本片的结尾声,卡比拉忽然转过头来,若有所思地看了银幕几眼. 她那一脸淡然的忧伤被永远地定格在电影史册. 他的妻子玛西娜因出色地扮演了一个头脑简单的低级妓女卡比妮,

Le Notti di Cabiria:卡比里亚之夜

两人合作的最经典作品包括:<<大路>>(La Strada)、<<卡比里亚之夜>>(Le Notti di Cabiria)、<<甜蜜的生活>>(La Dolce Vita)、<<八部半>>等等,佩尼利亦分别在1957、1958、1962和1964年获得四次奥斯卡最佳编剧奖提名.

Les Nuits de Cabiria:卡比里亚之夜

大路LaStrada(1954) | 卡比里亚之夜Les Nuits de Cabiria (1957) | 甜蜜生活La Dolce Vita (1960)

Kala Bhairavasana:卡拉巴哈拉瓦式

卡比里亚式 Kapilasana 374 | 卡拉巴哈拉瓦式 Kala Bhairavasana 376,377 378 | 卡西雅伯式 Kasyapasana 399,400

Sulpicius Galba:苏尔比基乌斯.伽尔巴

Sulpicius Camerinus 苏尔比基乌斯.卡麦里努斯 | Sulpicius Galba 苏尔比基乌斯.伽尔巴 | Superum mare 亚得里亚海