英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡梅拉 的英文翻译,例句
卡梅拉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Carmela  ·  Carmella  ·  Camera

更多网络例句与卡梅拉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sister Jacqueline and Carmela and mother Mary all did weep.


Carmela said in her first interview since she gave birth to twin boys on Dec. 29 that she sold her house in Spain to raise $59,000 to pay for in vitro fertilization at a California clinic, the News of the World reported.


Carmela Sutera: Wedding gowns note for delicate fusion of contemporary style, understated ..

卡梅拉舒特拉:婚纱说明了微妙的现代风格融合少。。, Carmela Sutera:,。。

Carmela Bousada, a 67-year-old Spanish single woman who is believed to be the world's oldest new mother told a British newspaper she lied to a U.S.


Carmela Bousada, a 67-year-old Spanish single woman who is believed to be the world's oldest new mother told a British newspaper she lied to a U.S. fertility clinic - saying she was 55 - to get treatment.


Carmela Sutera We..


Indian women gather in the camel market at the Pushkar Mela, early Thursday, Oct.


A camel herder stands for a portrait in the animal market at the Pushkar Mela, Thursday, Oct.


Founded in 2000, the festival is one of the world's foremost expositions of the piano with a proven track-record for spectacular and innovative projects developed in association with the Bridgewater Hall's three resident orchestras the Hallé, BBC Philharmonic and Manchester Camerata.


Founded in 2000, the festival is one of the world's foremost expositions of the piano with a proven track-record for spectacular and innovative projects developed in association with the Bridgewater Hall's three resident orchestras the Hallé, BBC Philharmonic and Manchester Camerata.


更多网络解释与卡梅拉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"卡迪拉克"(Cadillac)公司设计了"塞维尔"(Seville)牌汽车,以对抗"梅塞得斯"(Mercedes)牌汽车,希望能提供比"梅塞德斯" 牌汽车驾驶起来更平稳,乘坐更舒适的汽车.


在新加坡杯初赛上,沙没沙空以4比2淘汰超红,当时两名翼将纳隆.查安萨威克(Narong Chansaweak)与卡马拉(Camara)各为队攻进一球,而曾在新联赛盛港及马卡效力的喀麦隆前锋埃科罗(Ekollo)则梅开二度,让超红惨死在他们脚下.

Titi Camara:迪迪-卡马拉

90、尼尔-梅洛 Neil Mellor | 91、迪迪-卡马拉 Titi Camara | 92、哈里-钱伯斯 Harry Chambers

Cameron Diaz:卡梅隆.迪亚兹

协会成员亦点名批评卡梅隆.迪亚兹,(Cameron Diaz)、布拉德.皮特(Brad Pitt)、凯拉.奈特莉(Keira Knightley)及Bryan Adams等红星,指他们不完美的肌肤会在HD电视上无所遁形.

VELLA, Carmel:卡梅尔.维拉

Velka Kaldusa;大克拉久萨;; | VELLA, Carmel;卡梅尔.维拉;; | VELLA, George;乔治.维拉;;


Carmel | 卡梅尔 | Carmela | 卡梅拉 | Carmelita | 卡梅丽塔


曼吉尼参与的戏份发生在瑟普拉诺童年好友Artie Bucco的餐馆中,詹姆斯.甘多费尼(James Gandolfini)扮演的托尼.瑟普拉诺和剧中的妻子--伊迪.法尔柯(Edie Falco)饰演的卡梅拉(Carmella)正共进晚餐,Bucco走过来,说:"托尼,

It's one of those goofy gnomes. Don't tell Carmella:这就是个小矮人,别告诉卡梅拉

Oh, geez. Hey, keep this on the down-low, Mom.|哦,天... | It's one of those goofy gnomes. Don't tell Carmella.|这就是个小矮人,别告诉卡梅拉 | - Hunty? Come on, Hunty. - He broke the gnome.|-亨特?来,亨特 ...

The Himalayas:喜玛拉雅山脉

]卡梅涅茨目前担任路易斯安那州立大学巴吞鲁日分校(Louisiana State University Baton Rouge)犹太学专业主任. 他在1990年长途跋涉到喜玛拉雅山脉(the Himalayas)去深入研究佛教. 卡梅涅茨目前仍然过犹太教节日,但他不属于任何一所犹太教会堂,并且声称自己不信仰任何一种教派.


PRINCIPI DI BUTERA CALAT Merlot "卡拉"梅洛红葡萄酒 | PRINCIPI DI BUTERA CHARDONNAY 布达拉王子莎当妮白葡萄酒 | Cabernet Franc Doc GZV 卡波拉尼弗兰克红葡萄酒