英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡梅伦 的英文翻译,例句
卡梅伦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Cameron  ·  Kameron

更多网络例句与卡梅伦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Cameron—who has an "implementation unit" devoted to working out how his policies will be put into practice, and a stable if not stellar shadow cabinet—claims to be readier for power than any recent incoming prime minister.


Could this fate befall James Cameron, Hollywood's most daring and extravagant auteur?


Could this fate befall James Camerson,Hollywood's most daring and extravagant auteur?


Nt 奢侈的, Could this fate befall James Cameron, Hollywood's most daring and extravagant auteur?

TIME, July 18, 1994, p.55 这个厄运有可能降临詹姆斯卡梅伦这位好莱坞最大胆,最敢花钱的大导演身上吗?

For the first time in a decade, the PCS will hold a fringe event at the Tories' annual conference next month. Richard Balfe, a former Labour MEP who defected to the Tories in 2002, is Mr Cameron's envoy to the union world.


Mr Cameron has yet to hit on a rhetorical register between bitter and bumptious.


In Mr Cameron the Tories have a disturbingly presentable front man, able to woo the southern types whom his harsher, balder predecessors alienated.


But a Cam confidant assures the Chicago Sun-Times that they're just "good friends," opining,"I don't think Jessica Biel has anything to worry about. At least not from Cameron."


Scotty Cameron pays tribute to the putters of his youth with the Circa 62 line.


Officials in Brownsville are trying to trace his family's trip to find out how long they were in the area, who they visited and how many people were in the group, said Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos.


更多网络解释与卡梅伦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cameron Bancroft:卡梅伦.班克罗夫特

露丝.马歇尔 Ruth Marshall | 卡梅伦.班克罗夫特 Cameron Bancroft | 米娅.基尔希纳 Mia Kirshner

John Cameron ....Bordello Swell:约翰.卡梅伦

史文-欧尔.托尔森 Sven-Ole Thorsen ....Gutzon | 约翰.卡梅伦 John Cameron ....Bordello Swell | 米克.加里斯 Mick Garris ....Young Herod's Man


这家备受尊重的常青藤名校已经从第一位降至第三位,排在了密西根大学安娜堡分校和麻省理工学院之後. 该研究利用假设和一系列方程式计算,发现名为"卡梅伦"(Cameron)的女子成为法官的概率比名为"苏"(Sue)的女子约高出两倍,而叫"布鲁斯"(Bruce)的女子

Cameron Diaz:卡梅伦.迪亚兹

好莱坞甜妞儿卡梅伦 迪亚兹 (Cameron Diaz)经过几年来出演>系列片(Charlie's Angels)、>(In Her Shoes)等著名影片,已经锤炼得浑身散发着自然成熟魅力,早已让人看不出当年>(There's Something About Mary)里的傻大姐形象.

Cameron Crowe:导 演 卡梅伦.克罗

贱客 / 骑呢两兜友 / 杰与鲍伯的回击 导演: 凯文 史密斯 (Kevin Smith) 上映年度: 2001 制片国家/地区: 美国 剧情简介:熟..又名: 征服情海 / 甜心先生 / 杰里马奎尔 Jerry Maguire 导演: 卡梅伦 克罗 (Cameron Crowe) 制片国家/地区:

Cameron Crowe:编剧卡梅伦.克罗

导演: 卡梅伦 克罗 (Cameron Crowe)编剧: 卡梅伦 克罗 (Cameron Crowe)制片国家/地区: 美国上映日期: 1992-09-18 >更多又名: 单身一族导演: 卡梅伦 克罗 (Cameron Crowe)编剧: 卡梅伦 克罗 (Cameron Crowe)制片国家/地区: 美国上映日

Leonardo DiCaprio:主演:莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥

视频描述: 泰坦尼克号 英文片名 Titanic 导演 詹姆斯 卡梅伦 (James Cameron) 编剧 詹姆斯 卡梅伦 (James Cameron) 别名 泰坦尼克(中)/铁达尼号(台)/铁达尼号(港) 上映时间 1997年11月1日 主演 莱昂纳多 迪卡普里奥 (Leonardo DiCaprio) 凯特 温丝莱特

CAMERON, Donald Milner:唐纳德.卡梅伦

camera-ready proofs;即可摄制的校样;; | CAMERON, Donald Milner;唐纳德.卡梅伦;; | CAMERON, Jude;祖德.卡梅伦;;

Cameron Diaz .... Blonde TV Reporter:卡梅隆.迪亚兹/卡梅伦.迪亚兹

马克.哈尔门 Mark Harmon .... Magazine Reporter at Mint 400 | 卡梅隆.迪亚兹/卡梅伦.迪亚兹 Cameron Diaz .... Blonde TV Reporter | 凯瑟琳.赫尔蒙德 Katherine Helmond .... Desk Clerk at Mint Hotel

So if you break an arbitrary rule,cameron damns you to hell:所以,如果你违背了武断的规定 卡梅伦就要你下地狱

But that's the point. That's wha... | So if you break an arbitrary rule,cameron damns you to hell,|所以,如果你违背了武断的规定 卡梅伦就要你下地狱 | but if you break a rule that actually has a reason,th...