英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡拉汉 的英文翻译,例句
卡拉汉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与卡拉汉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I just came for what's mine, Callaghan.


I never thought of Harry Callaghan in that vein...


It is called "Meet Mister Callaghan."


I mean, do you think there's any of Harry Callaghan in Walt?-I don't know.

我是说,你认为Walt 中有哈里卡拉汉的影子吗?

He reminds me of Ian Callaghan at times. They're different players but Cally would also give you everything, running all over the pitch.


There is a mutual appreciation between the pair and Callaghan claims there is no reason why Carragher can't surpass his record.


"Records are always there to be broken and if anybody was to break the record I achieved then there is nobody better than Carra," Callaghan told Liverpoolfc.tv.


While Ian Callaghan's record 857 appearances for the club is a long way off, Ray Clemence is in second place with 665 - a target Carragher feels is achievable.


Matt Callaghan, the superlative throttle-jockey transplant from Hamilton who performed the smoothest take-offs and landing I've encountered, would place his little A-star right beside the mountain lodge, its three-bladed rotor coming within a few metres of the front porch posts.


Callaghan made 857 appearances in the red shirt between 1960 and 1978 and Bootle's finest is set to make his 600th appearance for Rafael Benitez at Portsmouth today.


更多网络解释与卡拉汉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ian Callaghan:伊恩-卡拉汉

凭借罗杰-亨特(Roger Hunt),伊恩-卡拉汉(Ian Callaghan)和伊恩-圣约翰(Ian St John)的进球,红军3-1击败国际米兰,KOP看台上的球迷高唱"1-2-3,国米回家!

Callaghan! Bastard:卡拉汉(人名)!混账

Isn't that just for Catholics?|天主教徒专用? | Callaghan! Bastard.|卡拉汉(人名)!混账 | He must have paid off the whole council to get that contract.|他肯定贿赂了整个议会(地方) 才得到建筑合同

Michael Callaghan:麦克.卡拉汉

Put it away, you old fool. It's not even loaded.|把枪收起来,老白痴. 还没装子弹 | Michael Callaghan.|麦克.卡拉汉 | You lying, conniving, cheapskate little toerag.|你撒谎,营私舞弊,守财奴,恶棍

CALLAGHAN, William:威廉.卡拉汉

CALLAGHAN,James詹姆斯.卡拉汉 | CALLAGHAN,William威廉.卡拉汉 | CALLEYCALLE,JuanJose胡安.何塞.卡列-卡列

CALLAGHAN, Brandan:布伦丹.卡拉汉

call-sign呼号 | CALLAGHAN,Brandan布伦丹.卡拉汉 | CALLAGHAN,James詹姆斯.卡拉汉

CALLAGHAN, James:詹姆斯.卡拉汉

CALLAGHAN,Brandan布伦丹.卡拉汉 | CALLAGHAN,James詹姆斯.卡拉汉 | CALLAGHAN,William威廉.卡拉汉

Alan Hansen:汉森

作为卡拉汉的接班人,汉森(Alan Hansen)青出于蓝,更胜于蓝. 从1977年9月起,汉森年前的肩膀上开始承担起后防的重担,短暂的与卡拉汉配合经历,是汉森永远不忘记. 初出茅庐的小伙子,站在卡拉汉身边,让他越发自信. 1978年汉森的离去,

John Callahan:约翰.卡拉汉(人名)

287convict ...of判决......有罪,使深感有罪,使服罪 | 288John Callahan约翰.卡拉汉(人名) | 289Suzanne苏珊娜(人名)

Gandhi , Mohandas Karamchand:甘地,莫汉达斯.卡拉姆昌德

Gandhi, Maneka 甘地,玛尼卡130 | Gandhi,Mohandas Karamchand 甘地,莫汉达斯.卡拉姆昌德130 | Gandhi,Rajiv 甘地,拉吉夫130


古汉根姆博物馆(Museo Guggenheim)、议会宫(Palacio de Congresos)、艾乌斯卡杜纳音乐厅(Palacio Euskalduna)、诺曼福斯特(Foster)设计的地铁、卡拉特拉瓦(Calatrava)设计的机场、新型有轨电车、各种现代建筑项目......无不证明毕尔巴