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博弈论模型 的英文翻译、例句


game theoretic model
更多网络例句与博弈论模型相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper founds a bidding strategys frame based on the game theory. This paper combines the game theory and the principal-agent theory and expounds the cost-plus based on the bidding and the bidding based on the contract.


First of all, the evolutionary game model of this system is built, according to a population and determinately dynamic function in evolutionary game theory, and quilibrium structure and effect factors of the evolutionary system are analyzed. Next, the evolution quilibrium characteristics of investor behaviors in China's securities market are researched as a demonstration, and the reasons why noise traders become popular in the process of investor behavior evolution are explained, based on its evolutionary mechanism. Moreover, the influences of investor behavior evolution on share market's fluctuation are researched through setting up its noise trade model. When noise traders are dominant in securities market, price discovery function and resource configuration effect are also analyzed. Finally, when noise trade become popular, the shortage of some policies, such as, enlarging institution investor and short sale is explained, and some good suggestions are provided according to former research results.


In the current study in China through the property services industry pricing model research and analysis, these two find the current property services pricing of existing problems and shortcomings, that China\'s property services pricing requirements, the property services industry focus on Hotelling Model of a practical method of analysis, in reference to the Hotelling model based on the combination of game theory and the theory of economics and characteristics of China\'s property services can be established as far as the property owners of both enterprises and service needs as much as possible To meet the price model, on the basis of our property services business of the new pricing model.


At first, in this paper the national and international literature of team and team motivation is summarized. Secondly, based on the analysis of theoretical scientific research personnel and team, the teamwork motivation model is built, and it is achieved that teamwork improves the team output. Later,we lead the reputation that is regarded inexplicit incentive into the scientific research personnel"s utility function, establish a model of their reward, analyze the parameter of reputation"s effect to factor in the contract. After that, it analyses traditional training object selection and whole training object selection among the scientific research team to draw the conclusion that the traditional training object selection has obvious limitations and the whole training has evident advantages. In the end, based on the theoretical study of the psychological contract, we can obtain the effective paths of forming psychological contract among the scientific research team.


There is mutual contradiction between direction estimation of user's signal and power allocation among all users in the beamforming algorithm. A twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory is proposed to deal with it. Beamforming game algorithm mathematics model is constructed. During the first game, direction of signal and power allocation are mapped the game theory as "player", which are modeled as the problem of maximin function and obtain direction estimation first. Then during the second game, power allocations of different users are described as a multi-user game. Power updated algorithm is designed. The existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium in the twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory are proved by mathematics derivation.


Then through seting up game theory model, the author prove that the form of modular network organization can achieve the pareto equilibrium, and propose that the relation-assets among enterprises are the essential distinction between module network and market.


This paper introduces the game theory and sets up, based on it, the choice model for the public transportation priority by identifying the function of the payoff and the muster of attendee and stratagem. In addition, it analyses the existence of NASH equilibrium, and puts forward the arithmetic of Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies in the general condition, the Integrated Strategies in the special condition and the flow chart of the model. At last, it verifies the feasibility of the model with the given example.


This will promote to the airline company improving services and enhance level of management and benefit of operation. This will advances the development of national economic and meet the requirement of people life and business activity, and increase the living quantity, and adapt to the travel industry to make use of. Everyone in the civil aviation should pay attention to.This paper analyzes the problem of development of regional aviation transport from three angles. Combining with the background of our country social economy development, and the speeding and improving service and advancing the marketing means, the compete power of three main transportation modes of regional aviation and railroad and highway in our country. From angle of tripper, a mathematical model of trip cost is established to quantitatively describe the choice behavior of passengers to select the model transportation. A


The paper analyses the mode of expressway network charge distribution and existing questions, in view of the questions that go against regional highway network coordinated development, puts forward new theory and method of expressway network charge distribution; making use of game theory, constructing the model of expressway network charge distribution which has breakage risk and multi-people bid in turn, and analyzing characteristics of the model and advertent questions in application.


The content of each part follow as: In the first chapter, as start point and base of the paper, this part focuses on the basic study ofdefinition characteristic of NO, and the existing base of NO-E-Commerceenvironment; In the second one, this part studies the theory base of NO comprehensively applying the theories of core competence competent strategy and transaction cost; Chapter three studies the NO from the coordination of NO, and gives the structure clarification and characteristic of NO firstly, at the same time, put forward the concept of Virtual Enterprise Cluster; Based on such conclusion, studies the model of NO from life cyc organization level process and value chain, and operational mode; In Chapter four, a theoretical explanation was addressed on the above structure by modeling NO with game theory and graphic theory; In the fifth chapter, on the bases of analysis of NO operational risks, coordination mechanism of NO was studied by individually modeling the NO without core and NO with core, and then put forward the solution for coordination mechanism of NO; As an important component of coordination mechanism of NO, Chapter six explored some basic concept of trust and importantly put forward the way of how to build trust in NO, especially investigated the supporting function of valid reputation mechanism of NO for the trust building, importantly an operational method on building reputation mechanism and evaluation method in NO were given; The last chapter applied theconclusion of the paper to investigate the famous trade Web-SUNBU.


更多网络解释与博弈论模型相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

information asymmetry:信息非对称

一方面,根据信息经济学理论,股票市场是一个非完全竞争的、信息非对称(information asymmetry)的市场. 也就是说,股票市场类似于博弈论中著名的"旧车市场模型":在股票市场中,上市公司对自己所发行的股票具有相对完全的质量信息,

evaluated model:评价模型

评价方法:Evaluated Method | 评价模型:evaluated model | 博弈论:evaluated cost by bill of quantities

game theoretic model:博奕论模型

game room 娱乐室 | game theoretic model 博奕论模型 | game theoretical model 博弈论模型

game theoretical model:博弈论模型

game theoretic model 博奕论模型 | game theoretical model 博弈论模型 | game tree 对策树,对策树形图,博奕树,比赛树


下文将从博弈论的角度来看"世界贸易组织 "(WTO). 一、两国关税政策静态博弈模型和世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立先看简单的情况. 假设每个政府的策略集是自由策略(Free)或最优关税(Opt). 表1给出了这种简单的一次性博弈的支付矩阵,

The Cabbie:《运转手之恋>

就像台湾电影<<运转手之恋>>(The Cabbie)一样,一场沉闷的聚会因为门外血肉横飞的车祸场面而变得眉飞色舞. 此时,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者谢林的车祸博弈论模型获得了人性的深度,而更为直接甚至悲凉的断言来自苏珊.桑塔格:"人们不记得这些照片说了什么,