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博弈 的英文翻译、例句


game playing
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According to the differences and similarities between Chinese chess and Korea chess and based on the computer game,this paper analyzes the chessboard,chessman,rules,complexity and key computer game technologies so as to develop computer chess and lay a theoretical ground for the development of computer games of Korea ches


The mathematical thought reflected in these researches were, actually, different from modern Game theory, but, still, it showed the possibility of dealing with Game problems with mathematic tools, and meanwhile, the thought of differential game theory in the early time was included in these researches, which in a way inspired the establishment of Game theory.


If there is a finite number of players and the action sets and the set of states are finite, then a stochastic game with a finite number of stages always has a Nash equilibrium.


Between the model between container port and the shipper, first we analyse static game in the port supply chain when port must not give the shipper the subsidies, then, when port must give the shipper the subsidies, the Stackelberg game is analysed; Finally comparison of two models is given, the result shows that the profit of Stackelberg game is much bigger than the profit of Nash game, which will enable the port and the shipper more willing to adopt Stackelberg game.


The advice to strengthen supervision and to enforce punishment is proposed to decrease information hiding phenomena of listed companies (or postponed disclosure, false disclosure) by game theoretic analysis of information disclosure between the companies with supervision or without it.


There is mutual contradiction between direction estimation of user's signal and power allocation among all users in the beamforming algorithm. A twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory is proposed to deal with it. Beamforming game algorithm mathematics model is constructed. During the first game, direction of signal and power allocation are mapped the game theory as "player", which are modeled as the problem of maximin function and obtain direction estimation first. Then during the second game, power allocations of different users are described as a multi-user game. Power updated algorithm is designed. The existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium in the twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory are proved by mathematics derivation.


The former includes stag bant and battle of the sexes. The latter contains prisoner's dilemma, boxed pigs, chicken and hegemony.


The thesis has three theoretic fundamentals. The first basis is the theory of international relation, which contains several concepts such as state interest, international cooperation, international regimes , international governance, international negotiation democracy and international political economy. The second one is the game theory, which includes such concepts as game theory, Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimum, six basic game graphs are prisoner's dilemma, boxed pigs, chicken, hegemony, stag bant and battle of the sexes, the major factors are information communication, benefits allocation, hegemony power, time & repeated and player number etc. The third one is the theory of environmental economics, whose prime concepts are public good, externality, free riding and market failure, but the methods to internalize externality are cap & trade , carbon taxes and policy & measures .


The second section is mainly about the concept of Evolutionarily Stable Strategy and its applications.


Thirdly, the games of the manager"s investment, the paper analyzes the conversal choice during selecting the investment items and several managers" strategies on drawing the output, the paper builds the game of manufacturers" noncooperation, the game of manufacturers" cooperation, the game of manufacturers fake cooperation, the dynamic game of anticipative predominance and the game of repeated to analyze the investment strategies.


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Bequest games:遗产博弈

Bellman equation 贝尔曼方程 | Bequest games 遗产博弈 | Bertrand games 伯川德博弈


"9103","博物馆,历史遗址及其他类似机构","Museums, Historical Sites and Other Similar Institutions" | "92","博弈业","Gambling " | "920","博弈业","Gambling "


"博弈生态"则是一个更大的行为系统,由两个或两个以上独立而相互影响的博弈方组成,其基本的要素为博弈 (games)、局中人(player)、规则和策略. 美国学者威廉?杜顿曾以博弈生态为框架分析过美国电信政策的形塑过程,

matrix game:矩阵博弈

此外,随机博弈是两种类型决策过程的交集,即马尔科夫决策过程(Markov Decision Process)和矩阵博弈(Matrix Game),如图3所示. 一个马尔科夫决策过程是随机博弈的一种特殊情况;而一个矩阵博弈是只有一种状态的随机博弈.

game pay-off matrix:博弈支付矩阵

game of two cars 两辆车的对策 | game pay-off matrix 博弈支付矩阵 | game playing 博弈

zero sum two person game:两人零和对策,零和二人博弈

zero-sum game 零和博弈,零和对策 | zero-sum two-person game 两人零和对策,零和二人博弈 | zero-surface 零面

two person game; two-person game:双人博弈

开型博弈 open game | 双人博弈 two person game; two-person game | 公平博弈 fair game

value of a game:博弈的值

博弈的解 solution of game | 博弈的值 value of a game | 博弈机 game machine

zero-sum game; zero sum game; zerosum game:零和博弈

零和博弈 zero-sum game; zero sum game; zerosum game | 开型博弈 open game | 双人博弈 two person game; two-person game

Zero-sum game:零和游戏,零和博弈

零和游戏/零和博弈(zero sum game)指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为"零". 双方不存在合作的可能.