英语人>词典>汉英 : 南瓜 的英文翻译,例句
南瓜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cushaw  ·  pumpkin  ·  punkin  ·  squash  ·  squashed  ·  squashes  ·  pumpkins  ·  cuaurbit  ·  squoosh

更多网络例句与南瓜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Varieties include butternut, acorn, spaghetti, delicata, sweet dumpling, turban, and of course the mighty pumpkin.


Smaller squashes such as butternut, acorn and patty pan are particularly sweet and nutty – the first two are excellent sliced thinly, softened in butter in a wide pan, and then drizzled with cream and grated cheese.


Smaller squashes such as butternut, acorn and patty pan are particularly sweet and nutty – the first two are excellent sliced thinly, softened in butter in a wide pan, and then drizzled with cream and grated cheese. Finish under a hot grill.


But systematic research concerning continuous mono-cropping grafted cucumber obstacle isn't reported. This paper systematically studied the effect of continuous cropping soil on grafted cucumber in aspect of its growth, yield and edaphon in pot experiments. Further more, root exudates of squash and grafted cucumber were collected by solution cultivate and adsorption of XAD-4 resins, and bioassay of the root exudates was did with cucumber and squash as receptors, studied allelopathy of grafted cucumber and squash root exudates on cucumber and squash , physiobiochemistry as well as.


In this study, enzymolysis was adopted to extract pumpkin polysaccharide with obvious treatment effects on diabetes.


All accessions were clustered into three groups :Cucurbita moschata、Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita pepo . According to the clusters, squash accessions could be clustered properly.


Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween46; The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color46; Carving pumpkins into jack- o'-lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland46; A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser46; He couldn't enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil46; As a result, Jack had to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day46; So Jack and his lantern became the symbol of a lost or damned soul46; To scare these souls away on Halloween, the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o-lantern46; When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips46; Today jack-o-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!"


The extraction technical of pumpkin seed oil and the separation purification of Unsaturated fatty acid were optimized.


The nutrients and the blood glucose lowering effect of the two different types of pumpkins were also compared, which indicated that the main nutrient difference type of the two kinds of pumpkin is the content of sugar, and the low-sugar type pumpkin had the better hypoglycaemic effect.


He lugged it proudly to the school cafeteria and we placedit among the other entries, a very creative bunch of witch pumpkins, snowman pumpkins, scary pumpkins, even a bubble-gum blowing, freckle-faced pumpkin wearing a baseball cap.


更多网络解释与南瓜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acorn squash:小南瓜

zucchini 夏季产的南瓜之一种(型较长,不是圆的那种) | acorn squash 小南瓜 | radish 萝卜

butternut squash:南瓜

南瓜(Butternut squash)富含β-葫萝卜素,每1杯的南瓜就可满足每天96%的β-葫萝卜素建议摄入量. β-葫萝卜素在人体内被转化成生命必需的维生素A. 下面这道五颜六色的南瓜茄子煲可以说是一道视觉和味觉的盛宴,

butternut squash:胡桃南瓜

半个柠檬汁,一个水果(香蕉、苹果、木瓜等随季节挑选)麦片前一天晚上泡水,第二天早上加入其他材料,水果切细拌在一起,如喜欢可加蜂蜜. 不加热就可吃. 南瓜汤:南瓜或胡桃南瓜(Butternut Squash)切丁,加水煮熟后加入豌豆和味嶒、花生酱即可食用.

pumpkin pie recipe:南瓜派食谱

pumpkin pie recipe南瓜派食谱 | pumpkin bread recipe南瓜面包食谱 | cooking pumpkin seed烹饪南瓜的种子


我老分不清鱿鱼(squid)、松鼠(squirrel)和南瓜(squash),它们听上去太像了. 当我看到大松鼠在吃我辛辛苦苦种的南瓜时,便气极败坏地跑去向菲里普告状,我想说一只大松鼠在菜园里吃南瓜,却说成了"一只大鱿鱼在菜园里吃松鼠".

Squash, summer:夏南瓜

Pumpkin 南瓜 1080 3 360 | Squash, summer 夏南瓜 899 4 222 | Winter 冬南瓜 1189 3 396

winter squash:印度南瓜

美国农业部说,南瓜、印度南瓜 (winter squash)、绿叶甘蓝 (collard),和羽衣甘蓝 (kale) 都是上选的抗癌食物. 附加抗癌价值: 南瓜子特别含有大量名为植物固醇 (Phytosterol) 的抗病植物化学物质,所以切开南瓜后不要丢掉. 先把南瓜子上附着的丝络洗净,

Cucurbita moschata:南瓜

南瓜,(Cucurbita moschata)俗名倭瓜、番瓜、北瓜原产于南美洲,后传入我国. 它是我国常见的一种蔬菜. 南瓜不仅有较高的食用价值. 而且有着不可忽视的食疗作用. 据<<滇南本草>>载:南瓜性温,味甘无毒,入脾、胃二经,能润肺益气,化痰排浓,驱虫解毒,

Cucurbita moschata:{南瓜}{大南瓜}

Cucurbira maxima {白皮角瓜} | Cucurbita moschata {南瓜}{大南瓜} | Cudrania cochinchinensis {胃南}

pumpkin seeds:南瓜在播种, .南瓜种子

403. Pickled Beets甜菜腌制, Pickled 甜菜 | 404. Pumpkin Seeds南瓜在播种, .南瓜种子 | 405. Latex Paints乳胶涂, .乳胶油漆