英语人>词典>汉英 : 单身男子 的英文翻译,例句
单身男子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And Bingley's friend Darcy Fitzwilliam, Who has overcautious personality and look serious.


In the past two decades of days, I was being a "house single" to clean my flat, acquire some suitable secondary storage equipment and rearrange my havings.


Rochester : I am not fond of the prattle of children, as you see I am a crusty old bachelor, I have no pleasant associations connected with their lisp, and in this house, the only alternative is the prattle of a simple minded old lady, which is nearly as bad.


It's hard to imagine, in the alleyways between the existence of such a unique style, a strong room for single men.


In Aberdeen, local authority family houses were reported to be occupied by single men while families waited to be rehoused because these single men were necessary to the oil industry.


And nearly all suicide bombers are single.


His most pressing problem is that Mumbai landlords don't let flats to single men.


When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers.


When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers.


When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young, single men -- his crop of potential soldiers.


更多网络解释与单身男子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bachelor's hall 单身男子的住所 | bachelor's 学士学位 | bachelor's-button 矢车菊属

bachelor's hall:单身男子的住所

bachelor's degree 学士学位 | bachelor's hall 单身男子的住所 | bachelor's 学士学位


然后聚会的内容又返回到了对新郎的文明的祝福(bliss). 单身聚会就这样收场了. 但是现在的男子单身聚会与过去那种正式(formal)的庆典相比,在很多重要方面都不相同了. 最近的单身男子聚会可以反映出未来新郎的兴趣(interests).


比赛也许是一场曲棍球(field hockey)或足球比赛(soccergames),来宾们也可以参加一项体育活动,诸如滑冰(skating)、垂钓t:fishing)或者宿营(camping). 或者在司仪(emcee)引导下,让来宾参与一些娱乐活动. 男子单身聚会这一变化趋势是令人难以忘怀的.


或者在司仪(emcee)引导下,让来宾参与一些娱乐活动. 男子单身聚会这一变化趋势是令人难以忘怀的. 因为这样的聚会都是事先精心策划、精心组织的,很有趣味性.

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time:赠单身男子

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 赠单身男子 | Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, 玫瑰堪折直须折, | Old time is still a-flying; 去日匆匆一何多!

Old School:单身男子俱乐部

单身男子俱乐部" (Old School))这个任务的名称是来自於1980年代的硬式摇滚乐团"枪与玫瑰合唱团" (Guns 'n Roses)在1987发行的专辑"Appetite for Destruction"的同名歌曲这个任务的名称是来自於1987年由"ABC合唱团" (ABC)所唱的歌曲"When Smokey Sings",

Colin Firth:科林.菲尔什

日前,据<<好莱坞记者>>报道,科林.菲尔什(Colin Firth)、朱丽安.摩尔(Julianne Moore)、马修.古迪(Matthew Goode)确认加盟同志题材影片<<单身男子>>(A Single Man),影片改编自小说家克里斯托夫.伊斯...

Peter Sellers:彼得.塞勒斯

在新作<<单身男子>>(A Single Man)中,刚满20岁的霍尔特将扮演一名高深莫测的大学生肯尼(Kenny),深深吸引住了教授英语的教授. 最喜欢的电影:彼得-塞勒斯(Peter Sellers)的<<秒人奇迹>>(Peter Sellers),这部影片迷人而幽默,我认识的所有人都喜欢它.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may:玫瑰堪折直须折

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 赠单身男子 | Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, 玫瑰堪折直须折, | Old time is still a-flying; 去日匆匆一何多!