英语人>词典>汉英 : 单糖 的英文翻译,例句
单糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monosaccharide  ·  glycose  ·  monosaccharose  ·  monose

simple sugar
更多网络例句与单糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result of SDF monosaccharide composition showed that the monosaccharidein SDF of soybean dregs is mostly rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, glucose and galactose.


Sugar alcohols such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, lactitol, maltitol, isomaltitol are applied in confectionery products, chewing gums, and mixed juices. In this research, capillary zone electrophoresis was used to build up a basic analysis model to simultaneously analyze sugar alcohols.


The monosaccharides in LBP-4 identified by GC were xylose , galactose , mannose , Rhamnose , glucose and arabinose with the molar ratio of 4. 45: 1. 20: 1. 0: 0.98: 0.90: 0.85. The content of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron in LBP-4a were 127. 9070mg·g〓, 32. 3953mg·g〓, 0.3845mg·g〓 and 0.2930mg·g〓, respectively. The content of galacturnic acid in LBP-4a was 55. 45% while the content of protein is 3. 80%. According to IR spectra, it contains -COOH group,-NH- roup,-OH group,-NH〓 group and β-D-glucose. The backbone of sugar residues chain in LBP-4a were contained 1→6 indican bond according to periodate oxidation and the results of β-elimination reaction indicated that the chain of polysaccharides and protein were connected by O-linked chemical bond. The photograph of LBP-4a got by laser scanning confocal microscope and scanning electron microscope showed that the LBP-4a combined both with each other and with itself in its crystalloid. The crystalloid was flake and anisotropic.


Monosaccharides are classified according to (1) the number of carbon atoms present in the molecule and (2) whether they contain an aldehyde or keto group, thus a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms is called hexose; a monosaccharide containing an aldehyde group is called aldose; and one containing a keto is called a ketose.


Chapter 4 Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection forComposition Analysis of LaminarinThe composition of laminarin was firstly determined by analyzing its hydrolysis monosaccharides with capillary zone electrophoresis - amperometric detection.


The Infrared Spectrum,monosaccharide composition, periodate oxidation and partial acid hydrolysis were also used to give out details of MHP structures information.


By means of GPC,IR,GC-MS,~(13)CNMR,~1HNMR,Methylation analysisetc,structural properties of PST-1 were identified as follows:The Mwof PST-1 was 3.44×10~6 Da and its optical rotation was _D~(20)=+0.110°(c0.1, H_2O); PST-1 constituted 8 simple sugars and the molar ratio was 2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Ara-binose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;The chief bone of PST-1 was 1,3,6-linked-β-D-Man residue and the side chains contained Furanoid and Pyranoid residues.

结合GPC、旋光度测定、IR、GC-MS、~(13)CNMR、~1HNMR、高碘酸氧化法、Smith降解以及甲基化方法等分析测试方法,得到PST-1的单糖组成及结构表征,实验结果如下:红豆杉多糖PST-1是重均分子量为3.44×10~6 Da的支链多糖,旋光度为20D=+0.110~0(c0.1,H_2O);PST-1单糖组成为:2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Arabinose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;PST-1的骨架结构为:具有1,3,6-连接的β-D-甘露糖残基骨架,侧链分枝包括非还原末端的呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖残基、吡喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖残基、β-D-木糖残基、β-D-甘露糖残基、2,4-二氧甲基-β-D-甘露糖残基和α-D-葡萄糖醛酸残基;侧链的糖残基也可能存在2,5-二氧-取代呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖基、3-氧-取代的β-D-木糖残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳糖醛酸残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳糖残基、4-氧-取代的α-D-葡萄糖醛酸残基和2-氧-取代的α-L-鼠李糖残基,同时后者也可能穿插在主链上。

Thederivatives of 5 kinds of monosaccharides Xyl, Ara, Man, Glc, Gal were detected anddetermined respectively by GC-MS. The influences of several factors, such asreductive time, reductive temperature, acetylating temperature and acetylating time,on recovery of monosaccharides were studied by orthogonal experiments. The resultsshowed that the reductive temp.


Monosaccharide Isomerization Simple aldoses and ketoses containing the same number of carbon atoms are isomers of each other; that is, a hexose and a hexulose both have the empirical formula (C6 H1206 )and can be interconverted by isomerization.

单糖异构化含有相同数目碳原子的单醛糖和酮糖互为同分异构体,也就是说一个已醛糖和一个已酮糖都符合经验分子式C6 H1206,并且可通过异构化作用相互转化

Results Method I of gas chromatography can't be used for determination of monosaccharide in spirulina glucoprotein, while method 2 was suitable, and 7 monosaccharides were found in ion chromatography.

结果 气相色谱法1不适于藻糖蛋白单糖分析,气相色谱法2较适合藻糖蛋白单糖分析;离子色谱法测得藻糖蛋白含7种单糖

更多网络解释与单糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1) 单糖(Monosaccharide),其通式为(CH2O)n的多羟基醛或酮的化合物. 天然单糖n=5~7,即五碳糖(Pentose)如阿拉伯糖、木 糖等,六碳糖(Hexose)如葡萄糖、甘露糖等,七碳糖(Heptose)如景天庚糖等. 单糖多为白色结晶. 有甜味. 易溶于水,难溶于乙醇,

Monosaccharide Sulphates:单糖硫酸盐

Monosaccharides 单糖 上海seebio提供 13817370083 | Monosaccharide Sulphates 单糖硫酸盐 | Simple Monosaccharides 简单单糖

monosaccharide anhydrides:单糖酐

15、monoclonal antibodies 单克隆抗体 | 16、monosaccharide anhydrides 单糖酐 | 17、Mothers Anonymous 匿名的母亲

monosaccharide Transport Proteins:单糖转运蛋白

蛋白相互作用:interactions between proteins | 单糖转运蛋白:monosaccharide Transport Proteins | 热应激蛋白:heat stress proteins


reworked material 再生料 | rhamnose 戊单糖 | rheology 龄学


胺基葡萄烯糖 glycosaminoglycan | 聚醣 glycosan glycan | 单糖 glycose


direct factorization of algebra 代数的直分解 | monosaccharose [生化]单糖 | perchloric [化](含)高氯的


monosaccharide单糖 | monosaccharose单糖 | monoscope单象管;存储管式示波器


monosaccharide 单糖 | monose 单糖 | monosome 单体性

Brominated Monosaccharides:溴化单糖

Simple Monosaccharides 简单单糖 | Brominated Monosaccharides 溴化单糖 | Sulphur Containing Monosaccharides 含硫单糖