英语人>词典>汉英 : 单种子的 的英文翻译,例句
单种子的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monospermal  ·  monospermous

更多网络例句与单种子的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Follicle A dry dehiscent fruit formed from one carpel that splits along one edge to release its seed, for example Delphinium fruit.


Botany A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed.


Fruit a usually solitary follicle, sessile or stipitate, dehiscing usually along adaxial suture, sometimes along abaxial one, very rarely circumscissile at base, sometimes indehiscent.


The results showed that after exposure of germinating seeds to low temperature stress, the germination energy, germination percentage, germination index and seed vigor index in Zhengdan958 soaked with any of chemical regulation treatments under low temperature stress were higher than those of the unsoaked controls; In the meantime, the seedlings height, dry matter weight, leaf area, chlorophyll content of maize seedling under low temperature stress was elevated by A, B two kinds of concentration, indicating positive effect on strengthening maize seedling.


In order to explain clearly the variation status of embryo from tetrapoid Robinia pseudoacacia and fully use the variation resource initiated in the sexual reproduction of TRP in the further improvement of TRP, the classification and vitalities of seed embryos from tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia were studied. The main results are as follow. According to the cotyledon number, color and plumpness, the seed embryos of TRP could be divided into 5 types: YVT (yellow, very replete,2 cotyledons), YMT( yellow, more replete,3 cotyledons ), YRF ( yellow, replete,4 cotyledons ), GNT ( green, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ) and WNT ( white, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ).


Removal of tannin by washing grapeseeds with alcohol resulted in oil with low pigment content (K410 and K670 values).


He results show that the virus regained infectivity, and the tannins did not direct viricidal effect. Tannins extracted from Polygonum perfoliatum or Archontophoenix alexandrae seeds showed strongly anti-TMV activities separately. TMV virions seems to be aggregated when TMV incubated with the tannins by electron microscope. It seems that TMV coat protein bind to the tannins based on PAGE. Tannins did not reduce infectivity when applied either before or after TMV inoculation. It is proposed that tannins extracted from the 11 species inhibited TMV by binding with TMV coat protein to interfere with recognition site essential for viral coat protein. Tannins extracted from Euphorbia hirta, P. perfoliatum, P. cuspidatum reduce infectivity when applied immediately in N.


A small, dry, one-seeded fruit of a cereal grass, having the fruit and the seed walls united.


A small, dry, one-seeded fruit of a cereal grass, having the fruit and the seed walls united.Also called caryopsis

谷粒:谷草的小且干燥的单种子果实,果实与种壁连在一起也作 caryopsis

NJWGY3665 bacterial strain is inoculated in a glucose nutrient culture medium to carry out the slant culture, the culture temperature is 28 to 37 DEG C and the culture time is 2 to 6 days;(2) seed culture: a spore which is cultured on a slant is produced into a single-spore suspension by using sterile water, which is also inoculated in a seed culture medium for culture, the temperature is 28 to 32 DEG C, the rotational speed is 200rpm and the culture lasts for 2 to 6 days;(3) fermentation culture: the seed liquid is inoculated in a fermentation culture medium for culture, the temperature is controlled at 28 to 37 DEG C, the pH is controlled at 6.0 to 9.0, the rotational speed is 180 to 220rpm, the fermentation lasts for 5 to 9 days, so as to obtain the Streptomyces sp., methanol or ethanol is used for the extraction and separation of mycelium through the method of centrifugal separation, then the resin method is adopted for carrying out refining, so as to obtain the peptide antibiotics enramycin.


更多网络解释与单种子的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


13无融合生殖(apomixis)不经过雌雄配子融合而能产生种子的一种生殖方式. 无融合生殖的方式根据无融合生殖最后形成胚是由减数后单倍雌配子直接发育而成,还是由未减数二倍细胞产生的,




ord) 不朽尸王(Undying)地卜师(Geomancer)16支种子队伍 直接进入小组赛其他队伍要进行预选赛预选赛:BO1 单败获胜的16支队伍进入小组赛小组赛:BO1 单败由种子队伍和预选赛的胜利者组成若干小组 每组4-5个队伍小组前两名出线淘汰赛:BO3双败奖品冠军 1000欧元 3个月MYM会员(10名)亚军 500 欧元 1个月MYM会员(10名)季军 250 欧元


理由为:睡莲目植物的种子有丰富的胚乳和外胚乳,泽泻目种子无胚乳;睡莲目植物的筛分子质体无蛋白质,而泽泻目与全部单子叶植物的筛分子质体均有蛋白质的三角形拟晶体;睡莲目植物含的鞣花单宁(ellagitannin) 未见于单子叶植物

monopodial branching:单轴分枝

依此类推, 可以产生大量分枝,形成枝系.各种植物上,由于芽的性质和活动情况不同,所产生的枝的 组成和外部形态也不同,因而分枝的方式各异,但分枝却是有规律性的.种子植物的分枝方式,一般有单轴分枝(monopodial branching) ,合轴分枝(sy

monospermic egg:单精受精卵

"单染色体植物","monosomic plant" | "单精受精卵","monospermic egg" | "只产一种子的","monospermous"


"单精受精卵","monospermic egg" | "只产一种子的","monospermous" | "单精授精","monospermy"


单精受精卵 monospermic egg | 祇产一种子的 monospermous | 单精授精 monospermy


"只产一种子的","monospermous" | "单精授精","monospermy" | "单孢子囊(胞)","monosporangium"


one-sectorgrowthmodel 一部门增长模型 | one-seeded 单种子的 | one-setting 一次调整