英语人>词典>汉英 : 单种子植物 的英文翻译,例句
单种子植物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与单种子植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flooding,as a kind of disturbance events,occurred with higher and higherfrequency over the world.To investigate the effects of flooding disturbance ongrassland vegetation and the soil,a comparatively thorough study was conducted onAneurolepidium chinense grassland in Songnen plain,Northeast China.The studysite was located in Sanjiadian National Rangeland in the territory of Da'an city,Jilirprovince,which was partly flooded in 1998.On the study site,Several transectssubjected to different flooding durations and intensities were designed for thecomparative study among them on such aspects as vegetation characteristics,seedbanks,vegetative propagation of rhizomatous plants,distribution patterns ofpopulations,interspecific relations,and physio-chemical properties of soil.Theresults were as follows:(1)Of the functional group composition of the vegetation,with the elongation of the flooding duration or the increase of flooding severity,theratio of hygric and hygro-mesic plants increase,while that of mesic and mesoxericplants decrease,of Therophytes changed unimodally,of Geophytes increased,whileof Hemicryptophytes decreased.


Seed pods of Ibicella lutea, Martynia annua, and Proboscidea parviflora. No one has accused Martynia annua of being a carnivore. It just has shady relatives. Note the very spiny pod of Ibicella lutea and rather smooth pod of Proboscidea parviflora.

网站第二张图是三种植物的种子)左边的黄花单角胡麻种子布满棘刺;中间的 Martynia annua 并无列入食虫植物,它只是和亲戚长得有点像罢了;右边的 Proboscidea parviflora 种子则较为平滑。

Shrubs, usually aerial hemiparasites on other seed plants, often spreading along host by runners, more rarely terrestrial root-parasitic shrubs or trees, nodes not articulated, glabrous or hairy, hairs often stellate or verticillate. Leaves opposite or alternate, stipules absent; petiole often indistinct; leaf blade simple, usually pinnately veined, margin entire.


But the various plants with many stalks, growing from one or several roots, the different kinds of grasses, the climbing plants and the creepers spring all from seed or from slips.


He results show that the virus regained infectivity, and the tannins did not direct viricidal effect. Tannins extracted from Polygonum perfoliatum or Archontophoenix alexandrae seeds showed strongly anti-TMV activities separately. TMV virions seems to be aggregated when TMV incubated with the tannins by electron microscope. It seems that TMV coat protein bind to the tannins based on PAGE. Tannins did not reduce infectivity when applied either before or after TMV inoculation. It is proposed that tannins extracted from the 11 species inhibited TMV by binding with TMV coat protein to interfere with recognition site essential for viral coat protein. Tannins extracted from Euphorbia hirta, P. perfoliatum, P. cuspidatum reduce infectivity when applied immediately in N.


更多网络解释与单种子植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(六)交链孢霉(Alternaria)是土壤、空气、工业材料上常见的腐生菌,植物的叶子、种子和枯草上也常见到,有的是载培植物的寄生菌. 菌丝暗至黑色,有隔膜,以分生孢子进行无性繁殖. 分生孢子梗较短,单生或丛生,大多数不分枝,与营养菌丝几乎无区别.

fleshy fruit:肉质果

1.肉质果(fleshy fruit)果实肉质多浆,成熟时不开裂,又分为:??植物伪器官( I)浆果(berry)是由单心皮或多心皮合生雌蕊,上位或下位子房发育形成的果实,外果皮薄,中果皮和内果皮肉质多浆,内有 l至多枚种子. 如葡萄、构相、番茄、忍冬等.


葫芦科植物的果实,是浆果的另一种,一般称为瓠果(pepo). 还有柑橘类的果实,又是浆果的另一种,称橙果或柑果(hesperidium) (2)核果(drupe):通常由单雌蕊发展而成. 内含一枚种子,三层果皮性质不一. 外果皮极薄.


分子式为C6H6[OPO(OH)2]6,分子量660.04,植物种子中的磷多以植酸盐(Phytin)的形态存在,它是有6个磷酸基的环状化合物(肌醇六磷酸). 磷酸根可形成螯合物,与1个金属离子的单盐或若干个金属离子形成复合盐,


石细胞(sclereid) 概念 石细胞是维管植物(蕨类植物、裸子植物和被子植物)体中的一种厚壁组织细胞. 石细胞有各种形状,细胞壁具次生加厚,木质化,壁上具单纹孔,主要起机械支持和保护作用. 分布 通常在植物的根、茎、叶、果实或种子中,

whish:呼呼作声 以呼呼声催促 呼呼声

concave round plane 凹底圆刨 | whish 呼呼作声 以呼呼声催促 呼呼声 | monosperm 单种子植物


理由为:睡莲目植物的种子有丰富的胚乳和外胚乳,泽泻目种子无胚乳;睡莲目植物的筛分子质体无蛋白质,而泽泻目与全部单子叶植物的筛分子质体均有蛋白质的三角形拟晶体;睡莲目植物含的鞣花单宁(ellagitannin) 未见于单子叶植物

monopodial branching:单轴分枝

依此类推, 可以产生大量分枝,形成枝系.各种植物上,由于芽的性质和活动情况不同,所产生的枝的 组成和外部形态也不同,因而分枝的方式各异,但分枝却是有规律性的.种子植物的分枝方式,一般有单轴分枝(monopodial branching) ,合轴分枝(sy


whish 呼呼作声 以呼呼声催促 呼呼声 | monosperm 单种子植物 | television broadcasting 电视播送

monospermic egg:单精受精卵

"单染色体植物","monosomic plant" | "单精受精卵","monospermic egg" | "只产一种子的","monospermous"