英语人>词典>汉英 : 单数 的英文翻译,例句
单数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
saith  ·  sayest  ·  singular

更多网络例句与单数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The accused was acquitted of the charge.


The Apple CEO calls the family of the teenager who is killed for an iPod.


In this paper, each of single data stream that is included in data streams has same attributes set as other,the unit of single data stream is tuple,and same attributes set is included in each of these tuples.Reservoir algorithm is used to sample from these single data stream respectively,then some multiple snapshot windows are constructed,the relationship between these single data stream and multiple snapshot windows is bijective mapping,the relationship between attributes that are included in tuple and snapshot windows that are included in relative multiple snapshot windows is bijective mapping,and the relationship between basic windows that belong to same snapshot window and the attribute values that come from different single data stream is bijective mapping as well,that is,these attribute values come from same attribute that is comprised by different single data stream.


If you want to refer back to a collective noun, you choose a singular pronoun or determiner if the previous verb is singular, and a plural pronoun if the previous verb is plural.


Its tremendous output of dairy products have earned the state of Wisconsin the title of America's Dairyland.


Let in, take away, make a living, all the time, get injured, become famous / rich, in fact, be able to, seem like1. I think I'll ride my bike.If you do, you'll be late.


A plural noun in the of -phrase requires a plural verb; a singular or a mass noun in the of -phraseis to be followed by a singular verb.

"分数/百分数+of+名词"作主语时,如果 of 后面的名词是单数,谓语动词用单数;如果 of 后面的名词是复数,则动词也用复数。

2Nd person singular preterite indicative with the ending -''t'' and the same root vowel as the 1st and 3rd persons singular.


Everyone should be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their writing.


Noun, you use a singular pronoun; if you are using a pronoun to replace a plural antecedent, you


更多网络解释与单数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a roll of film:一卷胶卷(单数)

a pair of glasses一副眼镜(单数) | a roll of film一卷胶卷(单数) | three diaries三本日记


主语为非第三人称单数时,否定词为:don't. | 主语为第三人称单数时,否定词为:doesn't. | yellow 是"黄色/黄色的"为形容词或名词.

dost: do:的第二人称单数现在式

hath: have的第三人称单数现在式 | dost: do的第二人称单数现在式 | doth: do的第三人称单数现在式

hast: have:的第二人称单数现在式

wert: be的第二人称单数过去/虚拟语气式 | hast: have的第二人称单数现在式 | hath: have的第三人称单数现在式

hath: have:的第三人称单数现在式

hast: have的第二人称单数现在式 | hath: have的第三人称单数现在式 | dost: do的第二人称单数现在式

neither of:名词复数+谓语单数 ......中没有一个

Each of +名词复数+谓语单数 ......中每一个 | Either of +名词复数+谓语单数 ......中每一个 | Neither of +名词复数+谓语单数 ......中没有一个

one digit subtracter:单数位减法器

单数位加法器 one-digit adder | 单数位减法器 one-digit subtracter | 单闸 one-gate

placenta previa:前置胎盘(二词均为阴性、单数、第一格)

aqua destillata蒸馏水(二词均为阴性、单数、第一格) | placenta previa前置胎盘(二词均为阴性、单数、第一格) | ostitismedia中耳炎(同上)


词组(Combinations)像是短语,但是并不表达词类,如Itwould seem,Such...as,in order that.还有一些其他语法术语,如"单数"(Singular)可指"单数"或"单数的词";"阳性"(Masculine)可以指"阳性"或"阳性的词".

some water:不可数名词单数:一些

some + 可数名词单数;some 表示某一个 | some+不可数名词单数:一些 some water | some+可数名词复数:一些 some books