英语人>词典>汉英 : 卓越的成就 的英文翻译,例句
卓越的成就 的英文翻译、例句


a feather in one's cap
更多网络例句与卓越的成就相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hua Tuo is in folk all one's life practise medicine, diagnosing, remedial respect has an a feather in one's cap.


The party obtains such a feather in one's cap so, the key depends on the vanguard that the party is Chinese the working class from beginning to end already, it is the headquarters of Chinese proletariat revolution all the time.


Chinese Internet in last few years swift and violent development, on one hand, produced a batch of Internet companies that count a technology to precede, obtained an a feather in one's cap; On the other hand, internet technology is moved toward gradually gain ground, make the industry is being reduced into introductory cage.


Xia Mianzun ,a famous educationalist and writer in modern China ,contributed a lot in secondary school education ,especially Chinese teaching .


The geat love needs to emit tremendous risk with outstanding achievement all .


LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson, the moonwalking former child star who became known the world over as the "King of Pop" before his life and career deteriorated in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press.


In fact, many contemporary artists are still influenced by his work today. Goya was an accomplished artist in nearly all the artistic mediums of his time: oil painting, fresco, illustration, lithographs and etchings.


The prize-giving committee was at pains to emphasise Mr Obama's "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".


Dr. Yuan Tseh Lee has researched outstanding achievement in the dynamic theory of chemistry research, especially in molecular beam


The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid.


更多网络解释与卓越的成就相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a batch of:(人或物的)一批

1a batch of(人或物的)一批 | 2a feather in one's cap某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉,荣幸的事 | 3a wealth of大量的,丰富的

a feather in one's cap:某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉,荣幸的事

1a batch of(人或物的)一批 | 2a feather in one's cap某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉,荣幸的事 | 3a wealth of大量的,丰富的

a feather in one's cap:值得骄傲的事物; 卓越的成就

kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕; 一举两得 | a feather in one's cap 值得骄傲的事物; 卓越的成就 | an early bird [口]早起的人; 早到的人; 做事趁早的人

a wealth of:大量的,丰富的

2a feather in one's cap某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉,荣幸的事 | 3a wealth of大量的,丰富的 | 4abide by遵守(法律等);履行




"就连在门德尔松之后去世的瓦格纳,虽然一贯打着反犹的旗号,却也把>(Hebrides)序曲称赞为"描写自然风光的一流佳作". 1846年,>(Elijah)在伯明翰首演之后,>报道说,这是"人类智慧最卓越的成就之一.

need for power:权力需要

1、成就需要(need for achievement)追求卓越,实现目标,争取成功的内驱力. 2.权力需要(need for power)使别人的行为与其他条件下有所不同的需要. 是影响和控制其他人的欲望. 3.合群需要(need for affiliation)建立友好和亲密的人际关系的欲望.

Preston Sturges:普雷斯顿.斯特奇斯

最能达成您心中愿景的影片...无论是品质或整部影片卓越的成就,它也许是最能忠实呈现您个人独特风格的旷世之作. 」编 剧: 蒙克顿 霍夫 (Monckton Hoffe) / 普雷斯顿 斯特奇斯 (Preston Sturges)主演:费雯.丽(Vivien Leigh)/罗伯特.泰勒(Robert Taylor)


粉碎机刀片等,在多年的生产过程中积累了丰富的经验,由此才有了现在较硬的生产能力和卓越的技术成就,本公司的产品广泛用于印刷造纸橡胶电器纺织轻工业等 公司的宗旨是信誉(Credibility),质量(Quality)真诚(Sincere)服务(Sservi

take easy the way out:以省事的,但非最好的做法来回避困难或尴尬处境

16 take pleasure in 以...为乐,以...为荣 | 17 take easy the way out 以省事的,但非最好的做法来回避困难或尴尬处境 | 18 a feather in someone's cap某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉