英语人>词典>汉英 : 协约 的英文翻译,例句
协约 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
entente  ·  ententes

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The thesis is divided into three chapters.Chapter One discusses the background and origins of the Anglo-French Entente.


Changes in diplomatic policy of the two countries provided possibility for the Anglo-French Entente.


Chapter Two explains the process of the negotiations of the Anglo-French Entente. In July 1903, the talk between Foreign Ministers of Britain and France started the negotiations, which was hard and endless.


The conclusion of the 1904 Entente Cordial changed Britain and France from adversaries to duty-bounding allies.


Some people think Sudan may have signed the deal precisely because it knows it will be ineffectual.


After 1974, Maryland processors needed only to submit an indemnity agreement in which their suppliers certified their own rights to the hulks


After 1974, Maryland processors needed only to submit an in demnity agreement in which their suppliers certified their own rights to the hulks


Plant viruses are known to be targets and elicitors of PTGS, and suppressors of PTGS have been identified in the genomes of many of these viruses.


"But does not include any treaty reinsurance business in respect of which less than 25% of the total risk calculated in terms of the gross premiums receivable under the treaty


"In Hong Kong, other than treaty reinsurance business in respect of which less than 25% of the total risk (calculated in terms of the gross premiums receivable under the treaty) arises


更多网络解释与协约相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anglo-French Entente:英法协约

Anglo-Dutch Treaty 英荷条约 | Anglo-French Entente 英法协约 | Anglo-German Naval Treaty 英德海军条约

Anglo-Russian Entente:英俄协约

Anglo-Malayan Defence Arrangement 英马防卫协定 | Anglo-Russian Entente 英俄协约 | Anglo-Saxon 安格鲁撒克逊人

entente cordiale:协约

香港星岛新闻集团消息,54岁的萨科齐得到其他国家的元首协助,积极收集各国具有纪念价值的特色邮票,有分出力的包括英国女王,在他去年到访温莎堡期间,向他提供一套2004年发行的英法协约(Entente Cordiale)纪念邮票,纪念英国与法国在1904年4



Triple Entente:三国协约

对于英国的敌人和盟邦来说,"三国协约"(Triple Entente)都是令人惊讶的. 在过去,英国既没有与普鲁士摩擦的传统,也没有任何永久性冲突的理由,与现在称为德意志帝国的普鲁士也一样. 另一方面,自1688年起,在任何欧战之中,英国几乎都是与法国为敌.

nonproportional treaty:非比例协约

nonprofitmaking非牟利 | nonproportional treaty非比例协约 | nonproportional treaty reinsurance非比例协约再保险

nonproportional treaty reinsurance:非比例协约再保险

nonproportional treaty非比例协约 | nonproportional treaty reinsurance非比例协约再保险 | nonrealizable savings不可变现的节省额

treaty reinsurance business:协约再保险业务

treaty negotiation 协约谈判 | treaty reinsurance business 协约再保险业务 | trend analysis 趋势分析

proportional treaty reinsurance:比例协约再保险

proportional treaty 比例协约 | proportional treaty reinsurance 比例协约再保险 | proportionate reduction of property tax 按比例减征物业税

non-proportional treaty reinsurance:非比例协约再保险

non-proportional treaty非比例协约 | non-proportional treaty reinsurance非比例协约再保险 | non-realizable savings不可变现的节省额