英语人>词典>汉英 : 协商 的英文翻译,例句
协商 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confer  ·  consult  ·  consultancy  ·  negotiation  ·  imparl  ·  conferred  ·  conferring  ·  confers  ·  consulted  ·  consults  ·  negotiations

consult with · talk things over · confer with sb. on sth.
更多网络例句与协商相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This fault is described below: In some conditions, the offer/answer signaling for media negotiation will be unmatched. Present paper also analyzes present solution and point out its drawback. Proposing a new solution resolving the problem that offer/answer is unmatched in original offer/answer mode of early media negotiation. This solution resolves the problem from two aspects including SDP message content and SIP signaling integrity.


The interval estimation information given by estimators is classfied. The bargaining interval and bargaining value is also determined for each class information. Then, the information of the bargaining interval and bargaining value is integrated by utilizing the induced ordered weighted averaging operator. The problem to choice the weighted vector of the IOWA operator is also discussed.


In Chapter 7 works focus on the implementation of a Distributed Negotiation system, the Decision Space is the environment in Multi-agent system..


Then the powerful fuzzy operator of generalized probability product and the one of generalized probability sum were introduced into NFS, and the formulas for training the parameters in NFS were given.


The present study applied fuzzy theory and Fuzzy MCDM to build a strategy which utilizes Fuzzy MCDM for accessory negotiation. This strategy calculated every accessory's fuzzy evaluation and negotiation insistency for selection and negotiation. At last, a shopping website with the function of accessory negotiation was built on the Internet in the expectation that it can make progress in both buyers' satisfaction and sellers' earnings.

因此本研究运用模糊理论与Fuzzy MCDM的机制与方法,建立Fuzzy MCDM为附属品的协商机制之策略,计算出各附属品的模糊评估值与协商坚持度,以为遴选之依据与协商之准则;最后在网路上实作建置一个具有协商附属品功能的购物网站,藉由系统的建立期能获取消费者满意度且成就商家的营业收入之双重利基。

For situations of self-rational agents, Inter-Multi-Agent-Contract was formulated to describe the negotiation status of distributed planning and scheduling. Monotonously increasing voidance and violence penalties were defined to facilitate reciprocal cooperation. Negotiation protocol was designed based on bidding and bargaining theory. Commitment mechanism that permits non-immediately effective commitments and enforces monotonously increasing voidance penalty was defined to promote the efficiency of negotiation.


This algorithm can be used to choose negotiation rival and update the initial beliefs of the Agent before negotiation,and plays a guidable role in selecting and implementing the tactics in Agent negotiation,and improve the utility and efficiency in the negotiation.


Its characteristics are: freedom,diversity and equality of the main consulting participants; publicity and openness in consultilation; institutionality of consulting process; reason and responsibility 国际政治论文 owned by the participants.


A negotiable document having enhanced security for deterring the generation of counterfeit photocopies of the negotiable document, said negotiable document comprising: a front face; a signature area located on the front face; a first pantographic background design creating a seemingly random background covering a first area of the negotiable document; and a second pantographic design creating a seemingly random background covering the signature area of the negotiable document; and a warning clause, located in the signature area, having a background and print that is visible prior to and after any photocopying of the negotiable document and describing the second pantographic design of the signature area.


The method includes following steps:(1) determining whether collision of negotiation occurs; if yes, then continuance, otherwise ending;(2) sending end discards first piece of message of negotiation request sent from opposite terminal;(3) the sending end retransmits local first piece of message of negotiation request.


更多网络解释与协商相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Negotiated Bidding:谈判招标;协商招标

negotiate 谈判 | negotiated bidding 谈判招标;协商招标 | negotiated price 协商价格

deliberative democracy:协商民主 哈贝马斯等的"协商民主"理论

common language 共同语言 | deliberative democracy 协商民主 哈贝马斯等的"协商民主"理论 | equilibrium in the jungle 丛林均衡

hold counsel together:协商

take counsel together 协商 | hold counsel together 协商 | take counsel with oneself 仔细考虑

negotiation metadata:协商元数据

negotiate content 协商内容 | negotiation metadata 协商元数据 | nelson, ted 无

negotiation metadata:协商后设资料 协商后设资料

negotiate content 协商内容 协商内容 | negotiation metadata 协商后设资料 协商后设资料 | nested 巢套 嵌套


如果有多个表现形式存在,则称该资源是可协商的(negotiable),其各种表现形式称为变种(variant). 而一个可协商的资源的各种变种的区别途径称为变元(dimension). 使用Apache算法的服务器驱动协商 是通常情况下的默认方法.

negotiate content:协商内容

navigation mechanism 导航机制 | negotiate content 协商内容 | negotiation metadata 协商元数据

take counsel together:协商

take counsel of one's pillow 整夜考虑 | take counsel together 协商 | hold counsel together 协商

Come doWn to my office. We'll try to Work something out:请到我办公室来协商协商

- Hello, Mrs. Kubik. - Hello, major.|-你好,裘毕太太 -你好,少校 | Come doWn to my office. We'll try to Work something out.|请到我办公室来协商协商 | We'll be there.|没有问题

Publisher: IMCO:出版社:海事协商组织

Manufacturer: IMCO 制造商:海事协商组织 | Publisher: IMCO 出版社:海事协商组织 | Studio: IMCO 演播室:海事协商组织