英语人>词典>汉英 : 半科学的 的英文翻译,例句
半科学的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The study aimed to provide scientific basis for reasonable harvest and GAP plant of Pinellia rernata by dynamic determination of its alkaloid content and guanosine.


Clear, understandable pictures and useful, scientific descriptions of over 130 kinds of precious and semi-precious gems.


The science with semiofficial Turkey and report of technical research center point out, the radiation microwave that phone of hand-hold portable telephone launchs can destroy biology immunity system and gene cell, Female Because this produces next oaf easily,evolve into infecund disease even.


Pinellia ternata Breit., Araceae perennial plant, which tuber is a kind of familiar Chinese traditional medicinal material, its quality were mainly evaluated based on the description of experience, because there is no scientific quality standards up to present.


ABSTRACT This dissertation, based on the theories of geography, ecology, economics, sociology and environmental sciences, has analyzed the impact of transition between cultivation and pasture animal husbandry on the mechanism of desertification in Kerqin Sandy Region, of which behavior mechanism of local people was emphasized. The changing direction of integrated land desertification control strategy in semi-arid regions was discussed after having explored the primary reasons of estrepement, overgrazing and excessive firewood gathering. Followings are the main research works having been done.


Combined with In Vitro, In Sacco, and In Vivo techniques, this paper studies the effects of processed corns on ruminal fermentation, intestinal digestion, the synchronous metabolism of energy and nitrogen, and production performance of lactating cows, in order to provide the theoretical base for ruminal fermentation manipulation, ration formulation and the effective utilization of nutrients by ruminants.


This paper focus on the 3 LiaoYuan Regionalization ——mild-wettish zone in the northwest part, warm-cool half wettish zone in south central part and cold-cool half wettish zone in east part, according to agriculture natural climatic resources in LiaoYuan, and refer to the local unique physiognomy and topography , apply the heat and moisture factor target-oriented, relying on Precipitation in growth period of April-September as the Auxiliary index of General Ways invagination.


Much thought and assumption, then, must lie half-hidden beneath our explicit beliefs about morality, science, politics, religion, and the other great topics of human concern.


The study of natural fullerenes is a new area of across fullerene science and geological science. So far natural fullerenes have been found in shungite, fulgurite, carbonaceous conglomerates in impact crater, E/K boundary carbonrich clay rock layer, T/P boundary layer, dinosaur eggshell, coal, heavy crude oil, solid bitumen and socalled seminatural fullerenes in common soots, Chinese ink sticks, commercial char, et al., only with low concentrations.


The mezza voce technique is an advanced skill in vocal trainings of opera singing. This article emphasizes on singing skills and explores its technical category, physical theories, artistic expression and teaching practice.


更多网络解释与半科学的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Academy Award:奥斯卡金像奖

"奥斯卡金像奖"(Academy Award)的正式名称是"电影艺术与科学学院奖",1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举行. 半个多世纪来一直享有盛誉. 它不令反映美国电影艺术的发展进程和就而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响.


"美学"(Aesthetic)作为一门科学,虽然直到18世纪后半叶才被当作一个独立领域进入学人的理论研究中. 但"美"(Beauty)的问题却要古老得多,早在苏格拉底时代,希腊思想家们就开始对美的问题进行思考和辩论了. 然而,遗憾的是:"到现在为止,

base material:基材

科学创新,管理促效"的方针,以优良品质的PCB产品为客户提供满意的服务.附:工艺制作能力 产品类型(Product Style); 单面板/双面板/多层板3-12层 常用基材(Base Material); 纸板\阻燃纸板\半玻\玻纤\高频板 板厚度(Board Thickness);


一些科学家半开玩笑地说,按照这种模型,宇宙将一成不变地加速膨胀下去,未免太"枯燥"(boring)了一些. 当然,最为致命的是,按照量子场论计算出来的宇宙常数,比天文观测获得的上限至少也要高出10的120次方倍. 一个最为诡异但不乏科学依据的解释,


这是自心理学成立以来第一场著名的论战,同时也揭开了心理学中"说明"(explanation)与"理解"(understanding)两条方法论路线争论的序幕. ①在20世纪前半期,人们还把科学看作一种速记式的描述方式或思维的经济方式,认为科学只能回答是什么(what-)的问题,


初中的课程是数学(mathematics)、英文(English)、科学(为理化及自然等的综合课)、社会科学(为史地及人文等的综合课)、法文(French). 另外的工业艺术、木工、军事、美术,每样仅修半学期,体育则不算分. 初中成绩单用ABCDEFI七个字母表示.


这是基因组学区别于基因学(genetics)与所有涉及基因的生物科学其他学科的主要区别之一. 研究规模的改变带来了实验室及实验方式的改变,同时对领头科学家的素质,工作人员的团体精神,以及超大型实验室特有的"半科学、半企业"型从前,


由於该彗星每隔5年半的时间就要进入太阳系的轨道飞行,这使得它成为重要的科学研究目标,将为人类了解太阳系进化提供大量的线索. 迄今为止,人类仅拍摄到三颗彗星的彗核照片--"哈雷"(Halley)、"伯莱尼" (Borrelly)以及"维尔德2号"(Wild-2).


他说在90年代,西方社会有一大批研究集中在对学生关于科学概念(scientific conception) 的认识,同时有许多研究关注学生对概念的误解(misconception). 但缺少的是长期的,能于教学相结合的研究. 在讲话的后半部分,Gaalen 指出了两个新近发展的理论,


半为妇女的职业)和[铁领阶层"(iron collar.指机器人).新的科学理论的创立和新技术的出现产生一批新词:高科技园 (hi-tech park).硅谷 (silicon valley).传真 (fax).激光打印机 (laser printer).电视电话 (videophone).IC (集成电路