英语人>词典>汉英 : 半生熟的 的英文翻译,例句
半生熟的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与半生熟的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C, {bbs.aoxiu.com It is true you are half-cooked -- because these things are still coming; but even being half-cooked is a great phenomenon.


Apple also be used as antidiarrheal agents stabilize the digestive system, Compendium of Materia Medica, there are water dysentery than the Nigerians were 10 half-cooked, water, 2 liters, 1 liter of boiled and eaten, at all.


It is true you are half-cooked -- because these things are still coming; but even being half-cooked is a great phenomenon.

V; c4 P- R# X$ \; F2 y+ n9 zOsho,奥修,静心,爱的艺术,Meditation 真的你半生半熟——因为这些东西还会来临;但即使半生半熟也是一个伟大的现象。

Do you prefer your steak rare ,medium or well done?


C:My steak is medium rare also.


This is your Sirloin Steak, medium, with Pepper Steak.


G: Medium for everyone except me, Id like mine underdone.


Would you like it raw, half-done, or well-done?


A cup for holding a usually soft-boiled egg.We are often served with hard- boiled eggs when we prefer them halfdone.


Smoked salmon,charcoal broiled steak,small portion of green salad and rolls.


更多网络解释与半生熟的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


rare 半生半熟的 | ajar 半开半掩 | smatter 一知半解

Rarely does the temperature go below 5 degree Celsius in:广州的气温极少低于5度

Many Chinese don't like rare steak. ;许多中国人都不喜欢吃 煎得半熟... | Rarely does the temperature go below 5 degree Celsius in . ;广州的气温极少低于5度. | raw a.自然状态的,未加工 过的,生的;原始的, 未经...


3.1.2 带绦虫病( Taeniasis )/囊尾蚴病( Cysticercosis) 猪/ 牛带绦虫病是由于人吃了生的或半熟的含有囊尾蚴的猪/ 牛肉而致. 猪带绦虫病呈世界性分布,尤以中非、南非、拉丁美洲和南亚地区多见. 我国大陆除浙江省外的29 个省都有带绦虫感染的病例报道.

mesopic vision:过渡视觉 黄昏黎明视觉

medium n.媒体, 方法, 媒介 adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的 | mesopic vision 过渡视觉 黄昏黎明视觉 | metal halide lamp 金属卤化物灯

whole wheat bread:全麦面包

全麦面包(whole wheat bread),2磅一条, 可买20条左右. 比萨(pizza),1磅半一个,生的,可买12只左右. 烤熟的,可买4至6只. 牛奶,一加仑(gallon ,缩写gal)一壶,可买20壶. 苹果、桃子、木瓜、草莓等水果,可以买60磅左右. 香蕉最便宜,

sunny side up:荷包蛋

街头食肆里,方有为和卓日球面对面吃早点. 方有为因为一只胳膊不便,低头吸掉半生熟煎荷包蛋(Sunny Side Up)表面的蛋液.

be burned and undercooked:半生半熟的饭

13 vampire: 吸血鬼 | 14 be burned and undercooked: 半生半熟的饭 | 15 at a wake: 守灵